B.B., G.G. The optimal treatment is based on the patient, site and systemic factors. Biomechanical properties of periodontal tissues in non-periodontitis and periodontitis patients assessed with an intraoral computerized electronic measurement device. Two key processes involved in the evolution of this pathology are angiogenesis and inflammatory infiltrate. Periodontal disease is infection and inflammation of the periodontium (the tissues that surround and support the teeth) due to plaque bacteria and the hosts response to the bacterial insult. -. 0000056248 00000 n 1 (2021): Jan - Mar / 2021 - published Dec 2020, https://doi.org/10.14295/bds.2021.v24i1.2238, Magnetic resonance imaging texture analysis of the temporomandibular joint for changes in the articular disc in individuals with migraine headache, Impact of photoinitiator quality on chemical-mechanical properties of dental adhesives under different light intensities, Knowledge and attitudes related to erosive tooth wear of professional wine tasters: a cross-sectional study, Insights on the role of cytokines in carious lesions, Biomechanics of implant-supported restorations, Diagnostic accuracy of dental pulse oximeter with customized sensor holder, thermal test and electric pulp test for the evaluation of pulp vitality: An in vivo study, Comparative evaluation of post-operative pain after pulpectomy with k-files, kedo-s files and mtwo files in deciduous molars-a randomized clinical trial, Treatment Considerations for Patient With Amelogenesis Imperfecta: A Review, Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial on the effects of propolis and chlorhexidine mouthrinses on gingivitis, Effects of Typified Propolis on Mutans Streptococci and Lactobacilli: A Randomized Clinical Trial. As the percentage of non-smokers who generally attend the clinic is about 60%, the sample size was calculated assuming a 2 vs. 3 ratio between arms (smokers vs. non-smokers). Arn, M. L., Dritsas, K., Pandis, N., & Kloukos, D. (2020). Int J Dent Hyg. Women showed a statistically significantly higher percentage of inflammatory cells with respect to men and a non-significant reduction in the percentage of the vascular area. Periodontal diseases. J Clin Periodontol 2021;48(8):1008-18. Clinical or Laboratorial Research Manuscript, Case Report / Clinical Technique Manuscript, Department of Periodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran, Postgraduate Student, Department of Periodontics, School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, International Campus, Tehran, Iran, All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a, Vol. Results: -, Caton J.C., Armitage G., Berglundh T., Chapple I.L.C., Jepsen S., Kornman K.S., Mealey B.L., Papapanou P.N., Sanz M., Tonetti M. A new classification scheme for periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditionsIntroduction and key changes from the 1999 classification. generalized). Step 2: Establish Stage is divided into two sections. Maintenance visit regularity has a different impact on periodontitis-related tooth loss depending on patient staging and grading. etin MB, Sezgin Y, nder C, Bakirarar B. Clin Oral Investig. Periodontol 2000 2020;82(1):257-67. A summary of current work. Abstracts of Presentations at the Association of Clinical Scientists 143. Jambhekar S, Kernen F, Bidra AS. 2022 Feb;26(2):1937-1945. doi: 10.1007/s00784-021-04172-4. Tomasi, C.; Leyland, A.H.; Wennstrm, J.L. most exciting work published in the various research areas of the journal. The data show that the test group achieved better results, with greater reductions in PPD, gains in CAL, and decreases in BDH, BDD, MD BDW, BLBDW, and BDV. Lang, N.P. Quintessence Int. contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools; B.B. National Library of Medicine Periodontal and Orthodontic Synergy in the Management of Stage IV Periodontitis: Challenges, Indications and Limits. QUIZ: How Much Do You Know about Polishing? Stefanski S, Svensson B, Thor A. Implant survival following sinus membrane elevation without grafting and immediate implant installation with a one-stage technique: an up-to-40-month evaluation. J Clin Periodontol. o [ canine influenza] The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the ethics committee of AO Spedali Civili Hospital of Brescia (protocol n 1473) (0059683, 18/12/2013) and conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration. ; Papapanou, P.N. Manresa C, Sanz-Miralles EC, Twigg J, Bravo M. Supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) for maintaining the dentition in adults treated for periodontitis. These data are difficult to explain considering the multifactorial etiology of GPIIIIVC [. Al-Harthi, S., Barbagallo, G., Psaila, A., d'Urso, U., & Nibali, L. (2021). This is achieved through professional dental cleaning (scaling and polishing) with power and hand instruments under general anesthesia. However, this factor should be investigated more. Lindhe, J.; Lang, N.P. In 2018, the American Academy of Periodontology and the European Federation of Periodontology published the World Workshop Classification System for Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions, which established a new approach to diagnosing periodontal disease to replace the system developed in 1999. Diabetes: Periodontal disease and diabetes are considered to have a bidirectional relationship: hyperglycemia has an effect on oral health and periodontitis has an effect on glycemic control. Use to remove results with certain terms J Dent. Even large accumulations of supragingival plaque are easily removed by toothbrushing. Our results showed that the vascular area was also more than halved in subjects with residual plaque on tooth surfaces. Ramesh A, Ravi S, Kaarthikeyan G. Comprehensive rehabilitation using dental implants in generalized aggressive periodontitis. Periodontitis is caused by the host's response to subgingival plaque. Periodontal diseases. J Periodontol 2000;71(Supplement):856. Grade of periodontitis is estimated with direct or indirect evidence of progression rate in three categories: slow, moderate and rapid progression (Grade A-C). Now that the charts are available, implementation into schools, clinics, and private practices can occur. Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 Biomedicines 2019, 7, 43. Shiau, H.J. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. Probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BOP) and percentage of relative bone height (RBH%) were measured and calculated. Periodontitis: Consensus report of workgroup 2 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions. Your IP: 2: 43. and M.M. BMC Oral Health 2019;19(1):176. The extent of disease is categorized by the extent of stage-defining destruction. Joint Bone Spine 2020;87(6):556-64. J. Berglundh, T., Armitage, G., Araujo, M. G., Avila-Ortiz, G., Blanco, J., Camargo, P. M., . The worst periodontal condition is evident in patients with generalized stage III-IV, grade C periodontitis. Methods: Twenty-four patients with stage IV/grade C periodontitis who received combined periodontal and orthodontic treatment were included in this study. Cureus. Editors Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. P: 904-278-1175 A patient is said to have periodontitis if: interdental clinical. Respiratory diseases: Research suggests associations between periodontitis and respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia, possibly due to inflammatory processes and aspiration of microorganisms from the periodontal pocket. Stage 3: There is moderate periodontitis, with 25%50% of attachment loss as measured by probing of the clinical attachment level or by radiographic determination of the distance of the alveolar margin from the cementoenamel junction relative to the length of the root, or there is a stage 2 furcation involvement in multirooted teeth (see below). Gheisari R, Eatemadi H, Alavian A. Manifestations of systemic diseases and conditions that affect the periodontal attachment apparatus: Case definitions and diagnostic considerations. ), which require additional interventions following completion of active periodontal therapy. Would you like email updates of new search results? However, biofilms are easily and effectively removed mechanically with a toothbrush. A 2018 systematic review by Graziani et al. doi: 10.1111/prd.12104. Systemic antibiotics in the treatment of aggressive periodontitis. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly Renouard F, Nisand D. Impact of implant length and diameter on survival rates. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12935. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. This retrospective observational study was conducted at the Dental Clinic Lidia Verza, University of Brescia, Italy, from January 2014 to November 2016. Next, your periodontist will assess the rate of progression (Grade A, B, and C) for their specific patient. Gingivitis is common in dogs and cats and refers to inflammation of the gingiva in response to plaque antigen. J. Clin. Associations, though not causal relationships, with periodontitis have been suggested for several conditions: Notably, the 2017 system published by AAP/EFP eliminates use of the diagnostic categories Chronic and Aggressive periodontitis. Division of Anatomy and Physiopathology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, 25123 Brescia, Italy, Section of Periodontics, School of Dentistry, Department of Surgical Specialties, Radiological Science and Public Health, University of Brescia, 25123 Brescia, Italy, Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine, University of Brescia, 25123 Brescia, Italy, Big & Open Data Innovation Laboratory (BODaI-Lab), University of Brescia, 25123 Brescia, Italy, Department of Health Sciences, University of Piemonte Orientale UPO, 28100 Novara, Italy, Center for Translational Research on Autoimmune & Allergic DiseasesCAAD, University of Piemonte Orientale UPO, 28100 Novara, Italy. o [pig guinea] Methods and Results A 62-year-old South Asian female presented with unstable Stage IV Grade C periodontitis, poor oral hygiene and multiple autoimmune conditions including oral lichen planus. ; Bursiewicz, W.; Socha, M.; Ozorowski, M.; Pawlak-Osiska, K.; Wiciski, M. The role of Tannerella forsythia and Porphyromonas gingivalis in pathogenesis of esophageal cancer. Supportive periodontal treatment: Pocket depth changes and tooth loss. Kwon T, Lamster IB, Levin L. Current Concepts in the Management of Periodontitis. 2000. o [alopecia OR hair loss ], , Dipl. Ramrez V, Hach M, Lpez R. Definition of aggressive periodontitis in periodontal research. Periodontol 2000. 2023 Feb;27(2):797-805. doi: 10.1007/s00784-023-04859-w. Epub 2023 Jan 10. Combined periodontal and prosthodontic treatment demands of patients require a structured coordination of pretreatments and an adequate choice of restorations. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Treatment of early periodontitis includes tooth scaling and root planingaccompanied by improved oral hygiene. Periodontitis and respiratory diseases: A systematic review with meta-analysis. While associations between periodontitis and various systemic conditions and diseases have been suggested by research, evidence of causality is mixed and the strength of the evidence differs for various conditions. Some dogs and cats may not allow regular toothbrushing, so the plaque should be removed by wiping with a gauze pad at least every second or third day. Therefore, following periodontitis treatment, besides its stage and grade classification, the patient must be classified into a stable or unstable periodontitis patient status. ; E.S. Extraction is often the best treatment for teeth with increased mobility that have a guarded to poor prognosis. The vascular density of the marginal gingiva is supported by arteries that extend into the periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone and periosteum [, The percentage of the vascular area was statistically significantly higher in the no plaque group than in the plaque group. A novel surgical approach for the management of soft tissues in regenerative procedures. those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). . Next, we look at the patient-specific factors that contribute to the complexity of long-term management such as probing depths, the number of lost teeth, the shape of bone loss, access for hygiene, occlusal trauma, tooth alignment, and many others. Shallow periodontal pockets are treated in a closed fashion, but pockets >6 mm deep require open surgery (creation of a periodontal flap) to expose the root surface and alveolar bone for adequate treatment (root scaling/planing and alveoloplasty). The connective tissue side of the flap needs to be debrided before wound closure to avoid contact of infected and inflamed granulation tissue with the planed root surfaces. ; Michalowicz, B.S. Sreedevi, M.; Ramesh, A.; Dwarakanath, C. Periodontal status in smokers and nonsmokers: A clinical, microbiological, and histopathological study. Periodontitis is a disease that leads to serious functional and esthetic dysfunctions. The aim of this study was to understand if important factors such as smoking, gender, age, plaque, pus, and probing pocket depth could influence the histomorphological pattern of generalized stage III-IV, grade C periodontitis (GPIII-IVC), which is a particular form of periodontitis. government site. ; Bissada, N.F. (This article belongs to the Special Issue. Zeng XT, Leng WD, Lam YY, et al. 2002;29 Suppl 3:136-59. conceived and designed the experiments; B.B. The S3 Level CPG for the treatment of stage IV periodontitis culminated in recommendations for different interventions, including orthodontic tooth movement, tooth splinting, occlusal adjustment, tooth- or implant-supported fixed or removable dental prostheses and supportive periodontal care. Due to the high number of zeros, the gingival recession was summarized both as the percentage of zero values and the geometric mean and sd of non-zero values. Enter search terms to find related veterinary topics, multimedia and more. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 157(2), 156-164.e117. Papapanou PN, Sanz M, Buduneli N, et al. A stage 3 furcation involvement exists when a periodontal probe extends under the crown of a multirooted tooth, through and through from one side of the furcation out the other. Patients meeting the criteria of periodontitis stage III and IV, grade C are considered to be affected by severe and advanced forms of periodontitis with a rapid rate of progression. Treatment of areas where plaque and food debris can collect, including orthodontic treatment and removal of plaque retentive factors. Continuous variables such as PPD and CAL loss were summarized as geometric mean and standard deviation (sd). ; Echeverra, J.J. Subsiding of Periodontitis in the Permanent Dentition in Individuals with Papillon-Lefvre Syndrome through Specific Periodontal Treatment: A Systematic Review. Calsina, G.; Ramn, J.M. Epub 2019 Sep 14. These data are in accordance with Preshaw et al. Chronic kidney disease: Although there is no evidence on causal association, studies have shown a high periodontitis prevalence in chronic kidney disease populations also demonstrating racial and ethnic disparities. 2007 Dec;78(12):2229-37. Pjetursson BE, Rast C, Brgger U, Schmidlin K, Zwahlen M, Lang NP. Get Directions Its effect contributes to the histopathological alteration, possibly worsening the clinical periodontal condition. With this assumption, we decided to discuss the results factor by factor for simplifying the comprehension. ; Dutta, V. Comparative evaluation of the marginal gingival epithelium in smokers and nonsmokers: A histomorphometric and immunohistochemical study. Specifically, the guidelines recommend oral doxycycline (20 mg twice a day) for 3 to 9 months following scaling and root planing for these patients. https://www.mdpi.com/openaccess. Cancers: Periodontal disease and periodontal pathogens have been associated with cancers. If more than 30% of the teeth are involved, then periodontitis is considered generalized. Get Directions Rheumatoid arthritis: A 2020 systematic review indicates that periodontitis may increase the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. 0000026481 00000 n Stage 4: There is advanced periodontitis, with >50% of attachment loss as measured by probing of the clinical attachment level or by radiographic determination of the distance of the alveolar margin from the cementoenamel junction relative to the length of the root, or there is a stage 3 furcation involvement in multirooted teeth (see below). Stage 2: There is early periodontitis with < 25% of attachment loss or, at most, there is a stage 1 furcation involvement in multirooted teeth (see below). The American Academy of Periodontology defines non-surgical treatment as the professional removal of supragingival and subgingival bacterial plaque or biofilm and calculus, which provides a biologically acceptable root surface, as well as patient adoption of a comprehensive daily plaque or biofilm control routine. Staging and grading of periodontitis: Framework and proposal of a new classification and case definition. The effect of periodontal treatment on diabetes-related parameters such as glycemic control is still inconclusive. J Dent (Shiraz). Lastly, certain risk factors are associated with progressive bone loss including smoking and diabetes. generalized). 2017 Jun;44(6):612-9. Vladau, M.; Cimpean, A.M.; Balica, R.A.; Jitariu, A.A.; Popovici, R.A.; Raica, M. VEGF/VEGFR2 Axis in Periodontal Disease Progression and Angiogenesis: Basic Approach for a New Therapeutic Strategy. Plaque is a typical biofilm, composed of many microorganisms that differ from their planktonic forms. 0000010094 00000 n the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, Sex differences in destructive periodontal disease: Exploring the biologic basis. Jepsen K, Jerve-Storm PM, Henrichs I, Lensing I, Mller AL, Cosgarea R, Keilig L, Bourauel C, Jepsen S. Clin Oral Investig. A periodontal pocket is defined as a pathologically deepened gingiva sulcus, according to the definition reported by the American Academy of Periodontology. P: 904-398-1136 0000001419 00000 n Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of bacterial etiology resulting in loss of periodontal tissue attachment and alveolar bone. A., Melis, M., & Zawawi, K. H. (2021). Materials and methods: A recent change to the classification of periodontal disease helps your periodontist express the severity and complexity of the disease (Staging) as well as the patients risk for progression (Grading). Cardiovascular diseases: Although a causal relationship has not been established, the presence of periodontal disease has been associated with various cardiovascular diseases including myocardial infarction. Effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on glycemic control of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis. 1899;41:248-64. Deas DE, Mealey BL. The guidelines have not been updated since 1999, so this is a pretty big deal! MDPI and/or Extraction indicated if client and patient will not commit to daily home oral hygiene. Cao R, Li Q, Wu Q, et al. https://doi.org/10.1177/154405910608500613, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2019.10.010, https://doi.org/10.1177/00220345000790090401, European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). Evidence-based clinical practice guideline on the nonsurgical treatment of chronic periodontitis by means of scaling and root planing with or without adjuncts. The treatment plan for the management of stage IV periodontitis should include a successful outcome after completing the interventions in steps 1, 2 and 3, according to the EFP S3 Level clinical practice guideline for treatment of stage I-III periodontitis (Sanz, Herrera, et al., 2020 . Periodontol 2000 2020;83(1):213-33. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Epub 2021 Jul 19. Xu S, Song M, Xiong Y, et al. Given the lack of benefits and the conflicting data in the literature, the benefits . Would you like email updates of new search results? Considering the vascular area, young patients showed a significant increase compared to older patients and it was higher in non-smokers than smokers. Know, V.; Caton, J.C. Commentary: Prognosis revisited a system for assigning periodontal prognosis. West N, Chapple I, Claydon N, D'Aiuto F, Donos N, Ide M, Needleman I, Kebschull M; British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry Guideline Group Participants. The current classification system was endorsed by the American Dental Association in 2021. Clin Oral Implants Res. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. A rigorous and transparent process included synthesis of relevant research in 13 specifically commissioned systematic reviews, evaluation of the quality and strength of evidence, the formulation of specific recommendations and a structured consensus process with leading experts and a broad base of stakeholders. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Nwizu N, Wactawski-Wende J, Genco RJ. It occurs with the destruction of the supporting periodontal tissue and migration of alveolar bone, periosteum, and periodontal ligament versus the tooth apex. Removal of the bacterial plaque on the tooth surfaces is of utmost importance. ; M.M. In this case report, we present a patient with stage IV/ grade C periodontitis who achieved a good treatment outcome following nonsurgical periodontal treatment, orthodontic treatment, and prosthodontic treatment with a Maryland bridge, bringing new insight into the treatment of advanced periodontal disease. Rabelo CC, Feres M, Gonalves C, Figueiredo LC, Faveri M, Tu YK, et al. Disease that does not meet these criteria are considered as periodontitis. Sarahs passion is education. Bezrukova IV.The concept of maintenance therapy for periodontal inflammations characterized by an aggressive course .Stomatologiia (Mosk). Get Directions J Clin Periodontol. 2021 Dec;120(12):2072-2088. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2021.06.029. ?mKml2~ Dementias: Periodontitis and periodontal pathogens have been associated with dementias and Alzheimers Disease. Periodontitis presents differently for everybody. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2018;1:CD009376. In the literature, gender differences in periodontal diseases have been reported. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Considering the presence/absence of pus, no significant differences were observed. Prevention of periodontitis is more complicated. doi:10.1002/jper.18-0157. Awad, M. A., Locker, D., Korner-Bitensky, N., & Feine, J. S. (2000). Pocket probing depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival margin recession (GMR), bleeding on probing (BoP), and the plaque index (PI) using a periodontal probe with a diameter of 0.5 millimeters (UNC 15, Hu-Friedy Italy, Milan, Italy) were evaluated. The goal of periodontal treatment is to eliminate plaque, biofilm and calculus, from the tooth surface and establish an environment that can be maintained in health.21 Treatment of periodontitis can be non-surgical or surgical. NOTE: In 2017, the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) convened panels of experts to develop a classification system for periodontal and peri-Implant diseases and conditions.1 In 2018, these panels published consensus reports that described periodontal diseases including: periodontal health, gingival diseases and conditions2; periodontitis3, 4; and other conditions affecting the periodontium3, 4; as well as a system describing for peri-implant diseases (peri-implant health, peri-implant mucositis, and peri-implantitis).5 This Oral Health Topic page will focus on classifications related to periodontitis. Oral Maxillofac. Effects of smoking on non-surgical periodontal therapy in patients with periodontitis Stage III or IV, and Grade C. Chronic Periodontitis Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment: A Systematic Review [Internet]. During the one and two-year follow-ups, the teeth and implants did not show any signs of instability, attachment loss or bone loss. Dental cleaning on an awake animal improves the cosmetic appearance of the tooth crowns but does not improve periodontal health. Yardley, PA: Professional Audience Communications, Inc.; 2010. the subject, RBL/age). Find support for a specific problem in the support section of our website. The aim of this study was to understand if important factors such as smoking, gender, age, plaque, pus, and probing pocket depth could influence the histomorphological pattern of generalized stage IIIIV, grade C periodontitis (GPIIIIVC), which is a particular form of periodontitis. Under the 2017 system, the current categories of periodontitis are3, Necrotizing periodontal diseases feature papilla necrosis, bleeding, and pain, and are associated with impaired immune response,3 Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease focuses on diseases and conditions other than diabetes (e.g., genetic disorders, neoplasms, and other metabolic and endocrine disorders).4, 20. ; Choung, H.W. F: 904-278-1176, Copyright Drs. The site is secure. Stage 1: There is gingivitis only, without attachment loss; the height and architecture of the alveolar margin are normal. 2020 Apr;91(4):442-453. doi: 10.1002/JPER.19-0141. A stage 2 furcation involvement exists when a periodontal probe extends greater than halfway under the crown of a multirooted tooth with attachment loss but not through and through. A stage 2 mobility is present when tooth mobility is increased in any direction other than axial over a distance of >0.5 mm and up to 1 mm. 2018 Mar;45(3):278-84. The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) announced new periodontal classifications for the AAP Guidelines. For mild to moderate periodontitis, the focus will be on clinical attachment loss (CAL). 2005;366:18091820. Sanz M, Herrera D, Kebschull M, Chapple I, Jepsen S, Beglundh T, Sculean A, Tonetti MS; EFP Workshop Participants and Methodological Consultants. ; Johnson, N.W. J Clin Periodontol 2021. Thorough non-surgical periodontal treatment consisting of scaling and root planing was provided, followed by a series of regenerative periodontal surgeries including guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and guided bone regeneration(GBR) to manage advanced bone defects. In addition to such patient-specific risk factors, there are also site-specific characteristics, such as anatomical factors, which may promote the development of a lesion [, Periodontal lesions induce tissue changes inside the gum and the alveolar bone. New and exciting things were happening at this past EuroPerio9 held in Amsterdam from June 20th-23rd, 2018. ; Jepsen, S.; Kornman, K.S. doi: 10.7759/cureus.5586. The Veterinary Oral Health Council website (www.vohc.org ) provides further information about products that meet certain requirements for plaque and/or calculus control. J. Clin. 2021 Mar;106:103562. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103562. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Recent epidemiologic trends in periodontitis in the USA. We used univariate linear regression models to evaluate the relationship between log-transformed outcome variables (inflammatory infiltrate and vascular area) and clinical determinants: gender (male/female), age (coded as <51 and 51 years old), smoking habit (smoker/non-smoker), PPD (coded as <9 mm and 9 mm), presence of plaque on tooth surface (yes/no), and pus (yes/no). Pregnancy complications: An umbrella review of 23 systematic reviews found that periodontitis during pregnancy seems to contribute to increased risk of preterm birth, low birthweight infants and preeclampsia. Periodontol 2000.
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