This all falls apart when two terrible people turn the whole place into a smoldering bloodbath. Along the way, we find out that you don't want to speed in Kenton, that hot wiring cars must not be that hard, and how being a gang member can get you out of the death penalty!! This week, in Amityville, New York, two people find love, and appear to be living the American dream, until some problems begin to arise. Instead, they come upon a large, hardworking, church going, teetotaling farm family, and what happens is as cold blooded, systematic, and heartless a slaughter, as this area has ever seen. It turns out even worse than the plan, but the big problem is that this definitely not the first time. Today, theyre among one of the funniest groups. No one, except either her stepfather, or maybe two hillbillies, living in a makeshift shack, with crude drawings of dead girls, and women made out of electrical tape. Everybody is shocked when they find out who is responsible for the deaths of 3 women, and the attempted strangling of another. Or, has he been horribly murdered, brutalized, and left for dead on some distant farm??? Along the way, we find out most circus performers are probably pedophiles, that being stabbed doesn't have to ruin the vibe, and that sometimes jury members are clearly open to negotiation!! This week, in the quaint town of Amherst, Virginia, a death in the family causes an even bigger unforeseen tragedy, ten years later, that leaves four people murdered, in about as cold blooded a way as possible. This week, we check out the town of Irvington, Alabama, where a man, with a troubled past, seems to be getting his life back on track, until one night goes terribly wrong, and things get out of control. In depth research, horrible tragedy, and the hosts comedic spin on the whole thing. Luckily for him, his new friend has some acquaintances that just might be able to help him out. This week, in Moses Lake, Washington, the dynamic in a group of young friends becomes very weird, when everyone decides to live in a one room apartment together. This week, in Williamson, Arizona, a couple kills, plots & gambles together, but that doesn't mean that they will stay together. Or was it something even darker, that we know nothing about??? Photos courtesy of True Crime Comedy Team, Apple TV's 'Extrapolations' has an insane cast (and an insane trailer). (Before we go any further, if you feel like you need something to drink, check out our true crime cocktails here. ', plus the obvious, and intriguing question of 'why would someone do this?'. Pietragallo's Commercial Litigation Group exists in the realm where business and industry intersect with the courthouse. Along the way, we find out what's up with Amish funerals, how many floods is too many, and exactly how difficult it is to drive a tractor while drunk & covered in blood!! This week, in Ely, Minnesota, a frozen puddle of blood opens up a mystery that turns out to be way more complicated than anyone could expect. Things become a bit more clear when we find out that the terrible, and seemingly accidental death has actually happened before. This week, in Gresham, Oregon, horrified bystanders watch as a dead & naked body is tossed off a 75 foot cliff, and into the river below. This week, we head to the tiny vacation town of Manistique, Michigan to see what happens when the case of 3 charred bodies, found in a burned out car is handled by a rookie prosecutor. But instead of using this for a defense, the killer decides to praise Hitler & make more threats! Along the way, we find out that sorghum needs its own festival, that just because someone is wearing a suit, doesn't mean that you should let them into your house, and that $336 is more important than freedom to some people!! But could she have actually done all the horrible things that have happened? Along the way, we find out that Blazing Saddles tactics can work in actual war, that you shouldn't ask too many people to kill your spouse, and that sometimes less clues equal more facts!! Along the way, we find out that you never know what's in someone's head, that the Sheriff shouldn't hang out with jurors, and that just when you think you've heard human nature hit rock bottom this guy comes along! A large home, with blood on the walls, and bodies in different areas. One of the brothers decides that this is the perfect opportunity to start a vampire cult. Along the way, we find out why certain terrible names no loner exist, how syrup extracting can get you out of a locked basement, and exactly how cold-blooded a way you can kill someone & still only be a "witness"!! But who could have killed this seemingly upstanding family? From strangers to spouses, no act is too brazen, or depraved for this particular person. The only other person in the house is their adopted teenage son, who makes a full confession, including the motive of being angry about not getting a new sports car. But as things begin to crumble, there are everything from public arguments to assaults with, and over, cookies. Is clear the no evidence, or an absolutely amazing piece of evidence? As of , What is Josh Allen's net worth? Going out with a strange man to chase down a loose cow Only bad things could come of that situation. He is also the owner of Kenny Koretsky . Disagreements over the family store, and arguments over the quality of meth that one sold the other, begin to cause a real beef. The whole thing unfolds into a ridiculous web of attempted, or half conceived plots, meant to cover up everything bad in the killer's life. Evidence doesn't quite back that up, with out of place blood spatter, and even more out of place gravel. What we do know is that this whole thing turns into a mystery of epic proportions, but the final resolution explains it all!! Along the way, they get lost, and end up in several very small town bars, drinking, and angering some locals. All the legal cases seem solid, but are we just a blink away from one of these people getting out of prison?? Turns out, he has done something even worse, in his past, and all seems to be coming full circle. This week, in Jasper, Alabama, a women seems to be the siren of coal country, as she attracts, and seemingly eventually marries most of the men in town. This one is extremely graphic *******. One day, things changed. Needless to say, people are mad, and that is reflected in the sentencing! A new lover? The group of guys we know and love as the Impractical Jokers were once just a regular gang of small-town pranksters from Staten Island. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Will anyone ever pay for this terrible murder?? This week, in Corcoran, Minnesota, a seemingly happy home is disrupted by the addition of a mother-in-law, who could actually be spawned from hell. This week, in James Island, South Carolina, a man seeks retribution for what he feels an death worthy offense, and decides to take matters to the extreme, while making phone calls, and asking people whether he should kill the other man, or let him live. This week, in Tillamook, Oregon, a father surprises his loving & upstanding family with a trip, up the Oregon coast, for a couple of days. A brutal murder, an awful person, and a pretty amazing last meal make this a story to remember!! This week, in Magnolia, Texas, a man has a terrible track record with romantic involvements, until he finally finds a someone to marry, and settle down with. It's a mess, and we try our best to put the pieces together, but did they end up with the right people on the end? Incompetence in the investigation, heartless brutality, and crazy court proceedings make this a truly insane story!! This week, in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, the body of a man is found in an alley, and leads police to an unexpected killer, with a story to tell. We've got you covered with all the info you need including a schedule of upcoming events. Along the way, we find out that syrup runs downhill, that you should rely on more than a murder victim's uncle to identify them, and that if you see a friend, who you thought had been murdered don't talk to them!! Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Along the way, we find out why these people think a sand castle is a Christmas decoration, how people can sit back & watch another person be taken apart, and how many small wounds can cause a large death!! Four of the five family members are found, deep in a National Forest area, but police & FBI don't know if Dad is a victim, or a terribly cold blooded murderer! Along the way, we find out exactly how important pork is to the local community, where all the manufacturing jobs have gone, and just how much does an oil drum filled with concrete, and human remains weigh? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Art19 will facilitate advertising for the new shows. This week, in Marion, Indiana, a woman emerges from a backwoods swampland, filthy, covered in mosquito bites, with her two children, and a tale of unheard of blood lust, and butchery, but oncer the details start to emerge, a slightly different story comes to light. This week, in Ashdown, Arkansas, a strange night unfolds, from what seems like a typical Friday night of fish stick eating, and drinking at the local bar, for a mother & teenage son, living in a Texarkana area trailer. This week, in Golden Valley, Arizona, a very nice gesture leads to some not very nice murder. Along the way, we find out that men may stink after a long Kentucky motorcycle ride, that you might want to hang on to very important murder evidence for more than a few days, and that rings are seemingly less unique than some may think!! Absolutely nuts! For the small towns, the ones that stand out (and are the hardest to get through) are, perhaps obviously, the most depraved. A suspect finally emerges, after a police sketch is made, but he's not admitting anything, except one particularly embarrassing detail, that he says proves his innocence! Once the courts get involved, it turns a whole new level of weird! This week, in Gretna, Louisiana, a fun night of drinking somehow leads to an understandable argument with the babysitter, that inexplicably turns incredibly violent. A very strange story!! This week, in Bantam, Connecticut, a horribly brutal & bloody scene reminds everyone of a very similar murder, a couple years earlier, and everyone worries that a serial killer is on the prowl. When she is finally found, she happens to be in the main suspect's backyard. It's as crazy as it gets!! How that man got there is one of the craziest stories ever told. Until one day, when he has a complete breakdown, going on a spree that ends up with a trail of terrorized people, and two dead people, one of which is missing half of a head. Along the way, we find out that Nebraska loves their testicles, that the devil generally doesn't leave babies for you, inside of host bodies that he has possessed, and when you murder someone, they don't want you to have any of their body parts!! A truly twisted plot, complete with a terrible murder, complete with ice picks & extension cords. Will her own written words be her downfall? Or, was he trying to get bank loans, to start a "leeching business", while the murder occurred? But the boyfriend's dark, violent past make him a suspect. The carnage, and cruelty is incredibly nasty, with one monstrous act after another, but the story of survival of the one of the family members is absolutely amazing, and barely even believable. In the end, one person is dead, and one person has quite the story to tell. Great jobs, money in the bank, and a beautiful home, in a safe, leafy neighborhood. One particular duo, which includes a young man known as "The Acid King", takes things to a new extreme, with a brutal & gory murder, that police call a "Satanic sacrifice". This week, in Easton, Maryland, a prominent person is killed in their own kitchen, in a most brutal manner, leaving investigators scrambling, and the FBI preparing a profile of the killer(s). He's mainly angry because he claims that they're "stealing his aura", which he claims will drain his power, and eventually kill him. This week, in the postcard beautiful town of Haiku, Hawaii, where a man attempts to lie his way out of it, after a heartless set up & disturbingly brutal murder that leads to a long search, and heinous discoveries! A tale of petty revenge, and a blood ritual of sorts, from an unlikely person, a 14 year old girl. Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! Life was perfect Until people started disappearing. His weight is unknown. This is a a common problem, but, in this case, it ends in a very uncommon way. This causes a massive search for bodies, and possible victims. An awful lot, apparently! It all comes to a head, one afternoon, when a major confrontation takes place, in from to their 15 year old son and everyone is armed! Police quickly call in the FBI in a desperate attempt to find the missing young woman, hopefully alive. Shows like Last Podcast on the Left and My Favorite Murder have garnered millions of listens and rabid fanbases. This one was just too much atrocity to fit into one show. This week, in Burlingame, California, we return for part 2 of the story of a man with a long history of perverted, violent, and downright disturbing behavior works his way through the world, leaving behind a trail of mutilation, and death. But what is discovered is much weirder. But they have no idea what kind of door they've opened, once they get to interrogate their best suspect. 1,271 posts. This week, in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, a man with an incredibly troubled past lets it all out over the course of a night. The problem is, things aren't what they seem, or what anybody thinks. How to Watch The Last of Us for Free. This week, in Fruitville, Florida, where a body is found in a drainage ditch, with its skull caved in. Along the way, we find out asterisks can come in handy, that sometimes people are better off alone, and that ice cream probably tastes better when it's the last thing you'll ever eat!! There's craziness, ninja weaponry, and one of the strangest motives ever! This week, in Dry Prong, Louisiana, a smell coming from a local mini storage unit causes police to uncover a dismembered & packaged body, neatly stacked inside. Or is that person actually the murderer?? Along the way, we find out that people don't write well in Florida, that Coca Cola probably isn't the medicine, and that murderers aren't always who you think they might be!! Satan, a black witch, nefarious plots, and rune stone instructions are what follows, turning this into one of the oddest, craziest cases we've covered! Here are some of our faves for mens fashion and craft beer. Along the way, we find out that Basque people can take over a town, that some people's throats just don't need to be cut, and that if you don't want something included in the evidence, you shouldn't have stolen it!! Digital Trends Media Group may earn a commission when you buy through links on our sites. The thing is, she might just get away with it. This a truly crazy episode!! Along the way, we find out that people dress their pets up, and take them on parade, that a disturbing childhood often leads to a disturbing adult life, and that you shouldn't be pen pals with a man who killed his last pen pal! This week, we look at the suburban town of Elkridge, Maryland, where a brutal attack opens up investigations into years of unsolved murders, that reveal a common link, and DNA evidence that couldn't even be used yet. This week, we look at the town of East Lyme, Connecticut, where a family squabble led to battles in the courtroom, followed by a murder for hire plot from a pair of lawyers that shocked the area, and still divides the family members.Along the way, we find out how old houses are in Connecticut, how lousy the roads are in New York, and exactly how much a coke dealer charges to kill a male stripper. James Pietragallo (left) and Jimmie Whisman (right), . Along the way, we find out that Delaware was the first state, that there's many ways to get blood on a mattress, and that you should never reach into a bag full of maggots & mystery flesh!! This week, in Bristol, Florida, when a woman's bound body is found, with a concrete block tied to her ankle, in a secluded creek, in a half sunken rowboat, investigators had no idea what kind of a mess they were about to attempt to untangle. Along the way, we find out how many feral cats is too many, how long a desire for revenge can possibly last, and how horrible of a person is it actually possible to be!! The whole thing ends up in a legal fight that lasts years, and causes some strong feelings! This week, in Houma, Louisiana, a series of unfortunate events derail a man's life, after he had done so much to turn it around.
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