About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Al periodista Scherer le confes que tena esposa, cinco mujeres (hijas), 15 nietos y un bisnieto. Yo manejaba la corrupcion y manejaba gente para mi padre en toda la Republica, escriba Vicentillo a su abogado. Zambada y otros utilizaron aviones privados, submarinos y lanchas rpidas para contrabandear las drogas de Colombia a Mxico y luego a los Estados Unidos. Si la ambicin no le gana, si el afn de poder no le gana. The 15-year sentence issued by Castillo includes credit for time served, including the 11 months Zambada spent in Mexican prisons prior to his extradition,so Zambada is likely to be reunited with his wife and children as a free man in as little as five years. Zambada-Niebla admitted that between May 2005 and December 2008, he was a high . Porque la relacin de dependencia con su padre es muy fuerte. La tierra siempre es buena; el . Estos das las autoridades de EE UU no han especificado la fecha Vicentillo est libre. A cambio de la cooperacin de Zambada, el gobierno recomend pautas de sentencia ms indulgentes y que se tomen medidas para garantizar la seguridad de su familia. El contenido est disponible bajo la licencia. We want to hear it. He was punished after admitting to helping plot kidnappings and murders, bribing officials in Mexico and shipping tons of drugs to the United States for the Sinaloa Cartel. But on Friday, as prosecutors wrapped up direct questioning, it became clear just how involved he had been in the darker aspects of the cartels operations. Nelson no especific cundo fue liberado y cul es la situacin legal de Zambada Niebla, arrestado en Mxico en 2009 y que fue el brazo derecho de su padre . La informacin oficial le atribuye al menos 9 hijos: 5 mujeres y un hombre que nacieron del matrimonio con Rosario Niebla. El juez Rubn Castillo, de la audiencia que le otorg la reduccin de pena de cadena perpetua a 15 aos de prisin, reconoci su colaboracin con la justicia y seal: Si hay una llamada guerra contra las drogas, la hemos perdido. Sucedi con Pablo Escobar aos antes, explica Hernndez. According to the younger Zambada, his cartel apprenticeship began in 1996, when he was living in Cancn with Javier Diaz, the Sinaloa lieutenant in charge of the regional plaza, or area of control. Tambin relat que su padre sobornaba frecuentemente a un militar que alguna vez trabaj como escolta personal del expresidente Vicente Fox. In May 2019, Zambada Niebla, "El Vicentillo", who was one of the key witnesses in the trial of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn, was sentenced to 15 years in prison and 5 years of probation in a federal court in Chicago. Eduardo Verdugo (AP) When Vicente Zambada Niebla was in prison, what he most liked to draw were superheroes.In the narrow confines of his cell in a federal prison in Chicago, the 46-year-old would draw pictures of Batman, Spider-Man and Superman like a child in a bedroom. Someone in Washington D.C. I dont want to say his name said flipping should be outlawed. Qued en libertad por su buena conducta, juventud e inexperiencia; adems de su intencin de retomar una vida pacfica y sus estudios. El traidor es uno de los trabajos periodsticos ms ambiciosos en la trayectoria de Anabel Hernndez. Las Ms Ledas Amanecen mantas frente a Palacio con mensajes similares del Aveo Hasta el momento, cmo califica el trabajo del actual gobierno de Puerto Vallarta? De sus 5 hijas y su esposa, le dijo a Scherer: Ellas, las seis, estn aqu, en los ranchos, hijas del monte, como yo. Segn los registros del gobierno de Mxico, El Mayo tambin es padre de Ismael Zambada Sicairos, Ismael Zambada Imperial y Ana Mara Zambada Lara, pero de acuerdo con el abogado del capo, Fernando Gaxiola, le revel a la periodista Anabel Hernndez, que el lder del Crtel de Sinaloa tendra al menos 10 hijos. Zambada said he hung out in the kitchen while Carrillo Fuentes spoke with Benjamin Arellano Felx, one of the leaders. Mejor conocido como el Vicentillo, el narcotraficante se encontraba en ese momento en Chicago en espera de un juicio y contact a la autora para aclarar algunos puntos que ella haba expuesto en su obra anterior, Los seores . He has been freed from a US prison, but a spokesman refused to say whether . Zambada-Niebla, 39, pleaded guilty on April 3, 2013, before U.S. District Chief Judge Ruben Castillo. El 8 de noviembre de 2018, se present un acuerdo de culpabilidad en el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito de Illinois en el que Zambada se declar culpable de trabajar con El Chapo y otros para importar ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos miles de kilos de cocana. Mara Teresa adems era propietaria de la estancia infantil El nio feliz, que reciba recursos pblicos delInstituto Mexicano del Seguro Social(IMSS), organismo de seguridad social del Estado mexicano, antes de ser sealada como una empresa de lavado de dinero del Mayo. On January 3, 2019, Zambada appeared in the stand for almost six hours during El Chapo's high-profile trial in New York and offered information on how the cartel laundered money and how El Chapo and his father used submarines, trains, airplanes and vehicles to traffic drugs. Once heir to the Sinaloa Cartel, "El Vicentillo" was extradited and testified against El Chapo. May 30, 2019, 2:29 PM. Se le considera un testigo potencial superior contra "El Chapo".[12][13][14]. He scolded me because I was supposed to be in school, Zambada said. He was met with a glare from Benjamin Arellano Felx, who screamed in his face and demanded to know what Zambada was doing there, and promised revenge against Sinaloa, Zambada said. Zambada claimed to have never personally killed anyone, but when asked how many deaths he had ordered, he couldnt come up with an exact figure. He is the son of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, one of world's most-wanted and powerful drug lords. The most popular story, which has Guzmn escaping in a laundry cart, is the truth, Zambada told jurors, relaying the story that he said Chapo told him following the escape. Vicente Zambada Niebla, the son of one of Mexicos most powerful drug lords, was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Thursday morning, but could be a free man in as little as five years. Zambada fue acusado de traficar ms de mil millones de dlares en cocana y herona. Vicente Zambada set up shop in the Mexican province of Sinaloa and directed the distribution of narcotics to the Unites States. UU. Se trata de su primera esposa y gran amor de su vida . Vicente pudo traicionar a todos, pero nunca a su padre, seala en una entrevista a este diario la periodista Anabel Hernndez. First came the break with the Arellano-Felix crew, also known as the Tijuana Cartel. Ninguno de los hijos varones del Mayo aparece como dueo de alguna empresa. Nel 2009 venne inserito dalle autorit federali messicane nell'elenco dei . Like other so-called narco juniors, he grew up far removed from the dirt-poor childhood of his father, appearing more like a high-society playboy than a cold-blooded cartel boss. Vicente Zambada Niebla, el Vicentillo, testific durante ms de cinco horas sobre casi todos los aspectos del imperio de trfico de drogas. El ms pequeo se llama Emiliano. [Zambada] grew up surrounded by a drug trafficking world that he initially showed no interest in, and then tried to leave behind multiple times without success, prosecutors wrote. 11:56 EST 03 May 2021 They were partners in drug trafficking, Zambada told jurors. He also said the current president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernndez, and his brother, Juan Antonio Hernndez, were bribed with a $1 million in exchange for allowing the Sinaloa Cartel to operate in the Central American country. El hijo de "El Mayo" fue capturado en marzo de 2009 en una mansin ubicada en la calle Lluvia 269 . Advertisement El grupo ms ntimo lo integran su esposa, hijas y nuera; manejan una decena de empresas de diversos giros. After about a year in custody, he began cooperating with U.S. authorities, and once the dam broke, he proved to be a nearly bottomless well of information about smuggling routes, narco alliances, and other factors that helped the government seize drugs, catch capos, and build cases. No hay peor traicin en el mundo criminal de las drogas que aliarse con la DEA (la agencia estadounidense de lucha contra el trfico y consumo de estupefacientes). Pero para lograrlo, "El Mayo" cuenta con el apoyo de seis mujeres, quienes han construido una especie de blindaje social, financiero y . Vicentillo un apodo del que no ha logrado desprenderse pese a su pinta de licenciado y barba cuidada de dos das en la ltima foto de su detencin, adems de nacer en las entraas del cartel ms poderoso del mundo y liderar las grandes operaciones de droga, orden ejecuciones de rivales desde los 22 aos, y a los 16 ya haban intentado asesinarlo por primera vez. ', Zambada,the son of fugitive cartel leader Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada, kept a low profile that has shielded him from ever being arrested. Vicente Zambada Niebla Serafn Zambada Ortiz Ismael Zambada Imperial Antonio Zambada Garca . Jess Vicente Zambada Niebla naci en Culiacn Sinaloa en 1975. En enero de 2011, tras la publicacin de Los Seores del Narco, Hernndez fue contactada por uno de los abogados de Vicente Zambada Niebla, alias el Vicentillo, quin le entreg importantes . All Rights reserved. The government acknowledged that its agents had in fact met with Zambada that day, but argued that it had been nothing more than abortive introduction, and that its agents had not promised Zambada immunity and in any event would not have been authorized to do so. El Vicentillo), but doesn't explain their blood ties. Zambada . The 100 Best Albums of 2022, By the early 2000s, Zambada had become a top leader in the cartel, and was responsible for coordinating drug shipments from South America, working out of an office in Sinaloa to receive drugs from abroad and send them north to distributors in the United States. Vicente Zambada Niebla se encuentra preso en Estados Unidos pero en unos dos aos ms cumplir su condena luego de que su testimonio fue contundente en el juicio contra Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn. Tambin apunt hacia su padre, quien dispona de un presupuesto para sobornos de hasta un milln de dlares al mes (825.000 euros). Guzmn was in prison for the early days of Zambadas ascent, but the younger man was there, at a ranch belonging to another cartel ally, when Guzmn and El Mayo renewed their partnership following El Chapos escape from prison in 2001. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Sin embargo despert suspicacias de que haba proporcionado informacin relevante sobre su padre al gobierno norteamericano. The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time Vicentillo fue detenido en marzo de 2009 en una de sus lujosas casas en El Pedregal, al sur de Ciudad de Mxico. Frizaza S.A. de C.V. fundada en 2002 por Mnica del Rosario y Marco Antonio Zazueta Osuna, est fuera de la lista. El Chapo Trial: Son of El Mayo Offers Most Revealing Testimony Yet, Inside the Mind of El Chapo With Narcos: Mexico Star Alejandro Edda, Inside Drug Kingpin El Chapos Secret 1998 Meeting With the DEA, Alex Murdaugh Juror Says Cellphone Video, 'Big Liar' Testimony Led to Guilty Verdict, She Used the Bathroom And Became a Target of the Culture War, Here's How LaRussell and Intuit are Helping Independent Artists Understand How to Achieve Their Financial Ambitions, Alex Murdaugh Sentenced to Life in Prison for Murder of Wife and Son, Alex Murdaugh Found Guilty of Murdering Wife and Son, Netflixs Sex/Life Is Back to Satisfy Your Softcore Desires, The National Stay Up Late to Perform 'Tropic Morning News' on Fallon, David Lindley, Multi-Instrumentalist Who Shaped the Sound of Soft Rock, Dead at 78. Adems de Chayito (hoy de 73 aos de edad) y Lety, el Mayo tuvo otras mujeres: Rosalinda Daz Garca, Dora Alicia Beltrn Corrales, Mara del Refugio Sicairos Aispuro, Alicia Lara Camberos y Margarita Imperial Lpez. Vicente Zambada had been scheduled for a 2022 prison release as part of a reduced sentenced for his cooperation in El Chapo's trial and would have had his name changed as a protected witness. Zambada, who said he began working for his father at a young age, was essentially raised inside the cartel, and told jurors how he worked on nearly every aspect of the cartels operations. The 200 Greatest Singers of All Time Jess Vicente Zambada Niebla. Estas empresas son Arte y Diseo de Culiacn S.A. de C.V.; Autotransportes JYM, S.A. de C.V.; Multiservicios Jeviz, S.A. de C.V.; Rosario Niebla Cardoza (gasolinera); Nueva Industria de Ganaderos de Culiacn, S.A. de C.V. (Lechera Santa Mnica); Establo Puerto Rico, S.A. de C.V.; Estancia Infantil Nio Feliz; y Jamaro Construcciones, S.A. de C.V. Todas las empresas fueron inscritas en la delegacin de Culiacn del Registro Pblico de Comercio del estado de Sinaloa, y a la fecha todas permanecen operando. Y que, debido a que los lderes del Cartel de Sinaloa proporcionaron a los agentes federales informacin sobre las pandillas rivales de la droga, debera salir en libertad. Tambin tienen otra hija llamada Teresita. Su historia se remonta a enero de 2011, cuando la contact uno de los abogados de Vicente Zambada Niebla, mejor conocido como Vicentillo, quien enfrentaba un juicio en una corte de Chicago. Zambada-Niebla was arrested in Mexico in 2009, and he was extradited to the United . The 100 Best Albums of 2022. Pero, segn han reconocido las autoridades a la cadena estadounidense Univisin, el hijo de El Mayo, que declar contra Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn durante el juicio contra el capo en Nueva York, no est ya en ninguna prisin federal. Aun cuando hijos, esposa, y hermano del "Mayo" han sido eliminados de esa lista, el narcotraficante contina enlistado, junto con otros . He was arrested in Mexico City on 19 March 2009[10] and extradited to the United States in February 2010 to stand trial on narco-trafficking-related charges. La pregunta estos das es qu suceder una vez que Vicentillo obtenga la libertad completa: si regresar a la sierra sinaloense a tomar las riendas del negocio criminal de su padre, tocado tras la condena de su socio El Chapo, o se mantendr firme en su promesa de querer vivir en paz. Vicente Zambada Niebla, alias 'Vicentillo', es la otra carta de Estados Unidos . Midiam Patricia y Mnica del Rosario estudiaron una licenciatura en administracin de empresas en la Universidad Autnoma de Sinaloa (UAS), Modesta se titul como abogada en el Centro de Estudios . He was concerned about the consequences he would suffer, and not just him but his friends and family.. A Vicente Zambada Niebla (Sinaloa, 46 aos) lo que ms le gustaba dibujar cuando estaba en prisin eran superhroes. According to Zambada, he first met Guzmn who he referred to almost exclusively as my compadre Chapo in the late 1980s through his father, prior to El Chapos first arrest in 1993. Vicente Zambada Niebla, " El Vicentillo ", es hijo de Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada y Rosario Niebla Cardoza, nacido en 1975. But their decision to turn on infamous drug lord El Chapo - full name Joaquin Guzman - means they will likely have to go into hiding for the rest of their lives to escape revenge from Guzman's associates, many of whom remain loyal to the fallen cartel boss. Jess Vicente Zambada Niebla, conocido como 'El Vicentillo', es un exnarcotraficante del Crtel de Sinaloa; fue arrestado en la Ciudad de Mxico el 19 de marzo de 2009 See Also [9] Desde que naci estuvo en un ambiente criminal, rodeado de traficantes de drogas, lavadores de dinero, sicarios e inclusive de una masa poltica de corrupcin. Vicente Zambada after being arrested in Mexico City in March 2009. I think everyone deserves a second chance.. A suspected Mexican drug lord's son who helped jail 'El Chapo' for life has been freed from a US jail, with officials refusing to say if he is now in witness protection. Su historia se remonta a enero de 2011, cuando la contact uno de los abogados de Vicente Zambada Niebla, mejor conocido como Vicentillo, quien enfrentaba un juicio en una corte de Chicago. June 28, 2022 1:59 PM PT. Qued en libertad por su buena conducta, juventud e inexperiencia; adems de su intencin de retomar una vida pacfica y sus estudios. Ninguno de los hijos varones de El Mayo aparece como dueo de alguna empresa. 21 das de prueba gratuita de nuestro curso de francs online, Mejore su ingls con EL PAS con 15 minutos al da, Disfrute de nuestras lecciones personalizadas, breves y divertidas, Mejore su italiano con EL PAS con 15 minutos al da, Las mejores oportunidades hablan alemn. In the end, the government turned a liability to its advantage. I want to say it in a nice way, but they tortured him, Zambada told jurors. I am the first to admit that if there is a so-called drug war, we have lost it, Castillo said. But in at least one particularly gruesome instance, Zambada said he had ordered a member of a rival cartel to be kidnapped, tortured for days, and finally murdered. Vicente Zambada Niebla pleaded guilty to drug trafficking in 2013. But he turned on the organization that his father co-founded with El Chapo after detectives caught up with him in Mexico in March 2009, He was arrested and extradited to Chicago in February 2010, and admitted a host of crimes in 2013. El veterano periodista luego de conseguir la entrevista exclusiva con el siniestro personaje llamado Ismael Zambada, saba que haba preguntas que le resultaran incmodas; pero el no se perdonara el hecho de perder la oportunidad de hacrselas y menos ahora a tan avanzada edad y 50 aos dedicado al periodismo de . La declaracin de culpabilidad result en una multa de $4 millones y 10 aos de prisin. Sin embargo, despert suspicacias de que haba proporcionado informacin relevante sobre su padre al Gobierno norteamericano. Mejore su francs con solo 15 minutos al da. Mara Teresa Zambada Niebla, hija del narcotraficante Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada, es una de los seis hijos de el lder del Crtel de Sinaloay Rosario Niebla Cardoza. Zambadas career as an ascendent narco prince came screeching to a halt when Mexican police arrested him in the capital on March 17th, 2009, hours after he had met with DEA agents in a Mexico City hotel. Uno de los hijos de Ismael El Mayo Zambada fue sentenciado a nueve aos de prisin en una corte federal en San Diego, por su rol dentro del cartel de Sinaloa.. Ismael Zambada Imperial de 37 . All Rights reserved. Zambadas closeness to his father put him at the center of some of the most violent feuds that led to the breakup of alliances between the Sinaloa Cartel and the other narco crews that once made up the all-powerful Guadalajara Cartel in the 1980s. Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla pleaded guilty in April 2013 to one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute multiple kilograms of cocaine and heroin between 2005 and 2008, according . Rewards: US$2 million offered by the Mexican Government, The New Yorker, 10 April 2014, "A Billion-Dollar "Narco Junior" Cuts a Deal", BBC Two Program "This World:"Secrets of Mexico's Drug War", 11 March 2015, United States District Court for the District of Illinois, List of Mexico's 37 most-wanted drug lords (2009), "Secretara de la Defensa Nacional | Gobierno | gob.mx", "Vicente Zambada sentenciado a 15 aos de prisin en Estados Unidos | Video", "Condenan a Vicente Zambada, El Vicentillo, a 15 aos de prisin en EU", "Witness against 'El Chapo' given 15 years in prison in Chicago for key role in trafficking cocaine, heroin for cartel", "Upset About a Controversial Narco Deal, Mexico Reaffirms It Will Not Extradite Drug Kingpin el Chapo Guzmn to the U.S", Photograph of Vicente Zambada Niebla Miriam Reyes, Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars, El Narco: Inside Mexico's Criminal Insurgency, Manhunt of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn (20012014), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vicente_Zambada_Niebla&oldid=1141013985, Fugitives wanted on organised crime charges, People extradited from Mexico to the United States, Prisoners and detainees of the United States federal government, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox criminal with known for parameter, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 22:53. When the tense meeting finally came to an end, Zambada and Carrillo Fuentes beat a hasty retreat to the airport, leaving their belongings at their hotel in Tijuana, and flew to safety, Zambada said.
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