At the moment were also trying to notify the residents about the class action, but we will have a lot more who will join up, we just have to raise awareness that it is happening, she said. There is strong evidence to suggest that some of these people are affiliated with the organisation operating in Australia known as ANTIFA. Since any human being who as such is a legal entity, a human being is of form as well. Please feel free to contact me. Update: In a patronising move, Justice Forbes has extended the hearing until 10:30am tomorrow 22 April 2021. It all backfired on Hall and Wilcox and the VLSB, as the clients themselves expressed their repugnance at the CBA, VLSB and Hall and Wilcox for holding their trust monies at ransom without their consent, knowledge or instructions. They have not only cancelled Serenes licence but now recently the Commonwealth Bank of Australia has seized Serenes trust fund a trust fund that the people of Australia have kindly donated so that she can continue her work of taking down this corruption. Teffaha has previously appeared at an anti-lockdown protest in Broadmeadows in which she described bureaucrats as liars, judges as corrupt and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) as the most terrorist organisation. Despite this permission being given to her as a paid agent, the VLSB is exceedingly threatened by her activities to affect change and support and are desperate to stop her being a helper of the people, even when she legitimately gets permission to do so. Court documents filed by Ms Teffaha name two prominent Victorian Health Department officials Annaliese van Diemen and Finn Romanes as well as Police Commissioner Shane Patton and the state as defendants. Serene also runs regular public awareness campaigns and organises various actions in a lawful manner in order to mobilise people with the sole purpose of creating change. By VVC Admin "Thank you Gem. This is what they are trying to cover up and much, much more. Serene provides specialised legal advice for individuals and groups that may need their matters or issues escalated to the Courts, tribunals or commissions. A senior member of the Family Court of Australia, deputy principal registrar Virginia Wilson, sent a letter to the Victorian Legal Services Board in January about Ms Teffahas conduct in a family law case when Justice Kirsty Marion Macmillan took the unusual step of restraining Ms Teffaha from representing her own client. very actions are the perfect example of what constitutes undermining the public confidence in the administration of law. A shungite pyramid crystal will protect a radius of approximately 6-7 metres, his website claims, and costs $226, reduced from $256. Serene provides specialised legal advice for individuals and groups that may need their matters or issues escalated to the Courts, tribunals or commissions. United States v. Amy, 24 Fed.Cas.792, 794 #14,445 (1859). Teffaha has not been accused of any crime or faced any complaint from clients.Teffaha appears to have upset the Victorian establishment because she launched class actions against the imposition of the destructive, deceptive and unlawful so-called pandemic response measures driven in her state by the power-crazed Labor Party lunatic named Daniel Andrews, who is missing in action from his Premiers job under highly suspicious circumstances and has been issuing faked up, Photoshopped pictures allegedly showing him in recovery. Response to the Supreme Court of Victoria- Justice Forbes do your worst so I can do my best! They have threatened Serene, tried to intimidate her and are now blackmailing her to provide all confidential information of her clients and their cases without her clients permission or consent if they wish for their money to be returned.This is total extortion at its highest level. Recent polling shows that belief in conspiracies in Australia does go beyond the usual suspects. One of those leaders is Raphael Fernandez. infiniti qx80 indicator lights. She said she has more than 2000 clients, each of whom must give a minimum upfront payment of $250., Statute law is the Law of the Sea or the Pirates of Finance Law which means guilty until proven innocent, Ancient Latin legal maxim literally meaning concerning (the) law of (the) blood of crowns In COMMON LAW since the end of the 16th Century, royal or noble blood has claimed superior status in particular to the freedom of their body, protection of property and the obligation of any matter brought against then to follow DUE PROCESS (of the LAW), especially right of RELIEF. Forwarded message from Andrew Mackinnon A lawyer collected more than $650,000 for a proposed class action promoting unproven COVID-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing and face masks. Andrew thats so wrong in so many levels that ASIO is harassing you is what happens to anyone stands up to corruption in the Government and can not believe in the reply back labelling it with ANTIFA did not think Australia had ANTIFA considering that George Soros finances them not sure be sending so many to Australia cost him a small fortune. The excursion is just one example of how a group of highly motivated individuals whose belief in a dizzying array of conspiracy causes have coalesced into an organised movement during the pandemic. It also appears that the sham media has also backed off Serenes case and a Personal Safety Intervention Order has finally been undertaken by Victoria Police against Lucky Lance, whom has been stalking Serene and making her feel unsafe. The lawyer had been seeking clients for a range of class action that covered people affected by various COVID-19 measures, including any form of detention, mandatory vaccination, business closure, isolation in residential aged care, cross-border rules and contact tracing. She is now extremely passionate about social justice and human rights. Ms Teffaha said the decision disregarded the whistleblower complaints placed against the board by herself and her clients. Natural Person = human being = legal entity. Reading and understanding these will empower you to speak with truth and confidence . Your correspondence will be kept on file for our records, but no action will be taken on it. Not only do we have a corrupt political system, on all levels, Local, State and Federal, but we now have a corrupt judicial system. Serene does not need to be a licenced legal practitioner to stand up for people and fight for the truth and do what she does best; give it to the corrupt authorities. The legal jurisdiction is only for fictions and is devoid of conscience and justice. Since April 2021, Serene has been fighting the actions of the Victorian Legal Services Board and the Manager they have appointed, Jacob Uljans from Hall and Wilcox. That which is legal has been formed by man. But while the initial referral appeared to relate to her comments in Queensland, the Guardian understands the VLSB may also be inquiring into the class actions she has raised money for throughout the pandemic. Hi Editer Thanks for helping Serene. The actor on the video talked about a video she watched on YouTube about whether Donald Trump was a light worker. I refer to your request for information that may be held in Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) records. VICTORIAN lawyer-advocate Serene Teffaha is fighting back against the Victorian Legal Services Board's outrageous cancellation of her law practice licence. Feb 20 2023. A lawyer who has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Victorian government on behalf of public housing tower residents who were shut inside their homes during Melbournes 2020 Covid lockdown is under investigation by the states legal services board. Author Sarah Wilson has raised the alarm about what she calls conspiritualism. Subject: Resolving your concern Serene Teffaha of Advocate Me. It might also be called the theft of a business from its rightful owners and its clients. Using his phone to record himself, Lawson rang the doorbell and spoke to a staff member over an intercom, saying he was there to deliver information about informed consent. Divine Law cannot be written or created, only instructed by Divine Grace in accordance with these canons. This may include No Win, No Fee or Fixed Fee . Serene is currently under attack by the Victorian Legal Services Board, for her legal practitioner license. 1. and 2. will definitely stand in Court. The board has not said what led to the cancellation of Ms Teffahas licence. It became a career path, suddenly. Still a violation of procedural fairness and natural justice. Lucas did not provide a response to questions from the Guardian. His lawyer Serene Teffaha was about to address the court when the anti-lockdown protester interrupted. Please feel free to write to [email protected] about your outrage! Littered throughout them are hashtags such as #wealth, #success, #ambition and #entrepreneurship. The answer is to file in the equity division, which still is to be found in all Supreme Courts. Please try again later. Open Position. She wants to consider my material in less than 1.5 hours so that she can proceed at 10:30am tomorrow. I will be revealing everything and I will be defending myself. Then shall the Dean of Westminster bring the Sceptre with the Cross and the Rod with the Dove to the Archbishop. The Supreme Court of Victoria has removed the normal protocols of a directions hearing, reasonable time to file a notice of appearance and they have hijacked my right to appeal the decision to appoint a Manager within 7 days. 17K views, 259 likes, 113 loves, 134 comments, 400 shares. Lawyer Serene: Teffaha explains the Law that regulates Government in respect of Covid-19. Im pretty confident it hasnt happened before, Mr Armstong said. By Office of General Executor Draconian measures undertaken by Australian Government are unlawful, Illegal furthermore Immoral and are outside the bounds of civil society in Melbourne, Victoria in conjunction with Covid-19. and the seal of Catholic Faith: As wellness became more fashionable, it devolved into what she called a green-smoothie elitism which replaced those legitimate questions about the power of various industries with a more wishy-washy, truth-lite which put individuals above the common good. 12 July 2021. The appointment was made pursuant to sections 327(2)(b) and 334 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law. At this stage Serene will only be taking cases in relation to these class actions." Visit Serenes website Visit Serenes YouTube channel Her VCAT case against the Alfred continues, final hearing dates in 2 week's time. I know YouTube removes clips that goes against ongoing Narratives Assorted Conspiracy . And while the move from Facebook has cost Evans followers, it has also freed him from the shackles of its somewhat regulated space. A selfie of Nathan Buckley from the G&B Lawyers Facebook page. Website: The main source of law at the Federal level is the Biosecurity Act 2015. The de jure still exists, but it has been overlaid by the de facto, and the people have been induced to abandon the de jure and use the de facto.
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