We care about fairness. Dif. After all, theyre just telling the truthor at least, what they think is true. (2004), for instance, understand gossip as an extension of observational learning. Psychologists have traditionally looked to the "Big Five" personality traits -- which consist of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience -- as a means of taking a thorough assessment of a person's attitudes and behaviors. Relationships to other personality traits (N, E, O) provided additional evidence for divergent validity. J. Individ. Leadership Organiz. Psychol. While there are hundreds of different personality trait examples that describe a person, psychologists often list five main personality traits, called the Big Five. To have a personality trait, individuals must be somewhat consistent across situations in their behaviours related to the trait. Brain Sci. Rodrigues, C., Merz, M., Steininger, D., Beeser, C., and Terpelle-Winkelhusener, F. (2019). IVum herauszufinden ob die Person, mit der ich gesprochen habe, genauso ber die abwesende Person denkt. In clear contrast to the bad reputation, gossiping is not mainly driven by malicious reasons. Instead of picking fleas and dirt off one another to bond, Ludden explains, we now talk, which is where gossip comes in, because chit-chat is mostly talking about other people and conveying social information., Gossiping, Dunbars work argues, gives humans the ability to spread valuable information to very large social networks. Sometimes the compliment turned critic offers gossip in response to a compliment. J. Pers. doi: 10.1007/BF02912493, Eckhaus, E., and Ben-Hador, B. Dif. Behav. Therefore, one might assume that there was no need for socially desirable responding. Individ. In total, 100% of the students and the unemployed participant reported to have work experience. She is mom to their three wildly funny young adult kids, who frequently sit on her kitchen counter, just to chat. F-MH wrote the first draft of the manuscript. However, to fully understand the complex interplay between personality, gossip behavior and long term effects of gossip (i.e., social functions such as facilitation of relationship building, protection, facilitation of social learning) longitudinal studies are needed. (2015) also found that the caudate nucleus, the reward center in the brain, activated in response to negative gossip about celebrities, which demonstrates how salacious celebrity scandals pique peoples interest. Unlike Beersma and Van Kleef (2012), we asked the participants to think about a situation in a work setting as well as in a private context. Posted on July 4, 2022 by . The receiver listens, then begins a response with, "Yes, and.". Whereas, individuals scoring high on psychopathy and Machiavellianism pursue goals of a concrete, instrumental nature, individuals scoring high on narcissism aim for goals that are of an abstract, symbolic nature (Jones and Paulhus, 2011, p. 258). Whats so wrong with being a truth teller gossip? (2015) examined brain imaging of men and women as they listened to positive and negative gossip about themselves and celebrities. Assimilation and contrast effects in part whole question sequences: a conversational logic analysis. Who among us hasnt felt the need to vent frustration, hurt, or anger? 12, 97110. Taken together, the present online study focuses on the reasons why people engage in conversations about absent third parties. The Screaming Mimi. 26, 22882307. They state that its pervasiveness suggests that "sanctions against gossip may be futile and underscores the importance of understanding gossip at a descriptive level." Anton Hout, founder of OvercomeBullying.org, identifies these eight bully types: 1. However, the latter is rather rare, because the INTP can actually come up with all sorts of extraordinary talents. Robbins, M. L., & Karan, A. People usually gossip spontaneously and in private, so it's almost impossible to study gossip in a laboratory setting. Putting this all together, the study paints a rosier picture of gossip and its utility to everyday life than many would imagine. As outlined earlier, this is in line with previous results from observational (i.e., eavesdropping) studies showing that the content of conversation is mainly neutral in its value and only certain parts are clearly positive or clearly negative (Levin and Arluke, 1985; Dunbar et al., 1997). In their study, Beersma and Van Kleef (2012) distinguished four different reasons to gossip, namely information gathering and validation, social enjoyment, negative influence, and group protection. Unpacking evil: claiming the core of the Dark Triad. Why? You may find your desire to share private information about someone else reveals more about you than it does the other person. You have reached your limit of 4 free articles. Soc. 12, 183204. All rights reserved. They should be self descriptions that are specific about what makes your character stand out. More specifically, it is easy to imagine that individuals scoring higher on the dark triad readily use gossip to negatively influence another person's reputation (i.e., potential competitor or rival) to push through self-beneficial agendas. The gossipee makes a mental note about what positive things each person said. Gen. Psychol. Gossip in this broad sense plays a number of different roles in the maintenance of socially functional groups through time., We are much more social [than our evolutionary forbearers], says Ludden, so it can be very helpful to get information about people [from others] when this network is too big to observe by ourselves.. Here we can assume rather strong situations. Res. Is this wrong? Taken together, research has postulated and empirically shown that the exchange of information about absent third persons serves several important functions in a social environment. Figure 1. Its harmful because without firsthand knowledge, those who are in a position to intervene in dangerous or destructive situations are unable to do so in a timely manner. personality traits of a gossip He or she can feel your joys and sorrows and react accordingly to it. Foster, E. K. (2004). Consider the words of Romans 12:17-21: Never pay back evil with more evil. doi: 10.1111/spc3.12018, Grosser, T. J., Lopez-Kidwell, V., and Labianca, G. (2010). J. Hum. 10, 320336. Cost them a fortune!. Aggress. doi: 10.1177/0956797617716918. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. 12, 395400. 52, 571575. doi: 10.1177/1745691616666070, Nathanson, C., Paulhus, D. L., and Williams, K. M. (2006). God isnt fooled by our attempts at dressing up gossip in religious jargon. Gossiping also says something about the relationships people have with each other. Manag. However, there are several reasons challenging that argument. In a first step, the BF10s of the models with narcissism, Machiavelliansim, and psychopathy as independent variables and the respective gossip motive as dependent variable were of interest (see Table 2; A: BF10). Not one person with firsthand knowledge ever contacted my husband. People are comfortable in your presence and they see you as someone friendly and approachable. 8. Photo courtesy: Thinkstock/Wavebreakmedia. 74, 275279. This is inevitable. Thus, participants filled in the questionnaire twice. Social curiosity and gossip: Related but different drives of social functioning. Dear friends, never take revenge. Anger. It is OK to talk negatively about others, but do not say anything bad about me. Exploring Statistical Analysis Using JASP: Frequentist and Bayesian Approaches. 18, 574579. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. Hence, to evaluate whether a certain behavior is good or bad, the underlying reasons or the intentions should be taken into account. Even though the friend you meet for lunch after this happens has never met that coworker, you still tell that friend all the reasons your colleague didnt deserve the new position.). Extroverts are social, assertive, socially confident and love interacting with people.. doi: 10.1177/0146167208316688, Furnham, A., Richards, S. C., and Paulhus, D. L. (2013). In the workplace, people have to follow rules and adjust their behavior to fulfill or support organizational objectives. It appears that we do not learn only about extraordinary experience made by others but also about more trivial things such as dressing style (De Backer et al., 2007). Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. And when your conversation turns to gossip, as it inevitably will, remember that some good can come of it with the right intentions, of course. 3 Ways to Reclaim Your Hope and Happiness, 7 Ticking Time Bombs That Destroy Loving Relationships, An Addiction Myth That Needs to Be Revisited, 5 Spiritual Practices That Increase Well-Being. Were we not able to engage in discussions of these [social and personal] issues, we would not be able to sustain the kinds of societies that we do, she explained in a 2003 paper published in the Review of General Psychology. Others dont tend to trust bad gossipers with information when they have it. Similarly, in the private setting, in 4 out of 6 analyses the BF10s are highest when the model includes only narcissism. In other words, people without anything to do will eventually start talking about you. 67, 1116. They are hard to spot, but every bit as destructive as other times of gossips. Baumeister, R. F. (1998). Therefore, it is plausible to assume that individuals scoring higher on the dark traits are also more ready to use gossip for their own sake without caring about potentially negative effects for others. Future research needs to take a more comprehensive approach and investigate whether the results can be replicated by using minds of lay persons (i.e., interviewing lay persons about their reasons). Psychol. Rev. Gossip doesnt do a lot of good if its informational content is unreliable, he says. In contrast, the Bayes factor (BF) provided in Bayesian analysis is comparative as it weighs the support for one model against that of another. Avoider gossip is based in fear, not love. Acad. Something dark in the human soul (sin!) | This indicates that the data are about 124 times more likely under the model assuming an association between narcissism and gossip validation than under the model assuming no such association (BF10 = 123.92). Sign up for our weekly newsletters and get: By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Did You Know Anxiety Can Enhance Our Relationships? They are, however, highly similar to bivariate correlations displayed in Table 1. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2011.11.020, Baughman, H. M., Jonason, P. K., Lyons, M., and Vernon, P. A. Hurt. When they are the first to volunteer their time, you can remark on their generosity. Neuroticism. Thirdly, a growing number of researchers assume that gossip serves as an informal policing device for controlling free riders and social cheats (Dunbar, 2004b; Keltner et al., 2008; Feinberg et al., 2012). Individuals who had given less than half their points initially increased their contributions by the end of the latter rounds, while those who had been excluded gave significantly more after they were allowed back into the game, conforming to the less selfish behavior. However, when someone's typical behavior is to snap at people rather than communicating politely, then irritable is likely one of their personality traits. 74:1197. doi: 10.1037//0022-3514.74.5.1197, Peng, X., Li, Y., Wang, P., Mo, L., and Chen, Q. Bitter-vengeful gossip usually stems from being hurt or harmed. One strength of the present study is that it extends previous research through the comprehensive assessment of gossip reasons. Who is James bond? Regardless of important social functions, gossip has a rather negative reputation. They also wear their hearts on their sleeves, so it is very easy to tell whether they are happy or sad. broad-minded. Are they just a generally cool person, or is their particular set of personality traits just irresistible? My friendwho is on the prayer teamreceived an email with churchwide prayers. Faced with the concern that information about negative behavior runs through the grapevine and may consequently lead to the loss of reputation or even social exclusion, it prevents people from acting against social norms and the good of the group (Piazza and Bering, 2008; Beersma and Van Kleef, 2011; Feinberg et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2016). And his team has found that gossip is actually one of the forces that promotes cooperation among groups, too. 2, 642649. We differentiated between work and private settings assuming that these are reasonably different in terms of social norms and competitiveness. Thus, the positive social function view is not mirrored in the reputation of gossip and gossipers. Like this: Compliment: Jim and Mollys new house is amazing., Response: It should be. Gossip as cultural learning. A reciprocal influence model of social power: emerging principles and lines of inquiry. Taken together, both the classical repeated ANOVA and the Bayesian repeated ANOVA show that the motives factor is most meaningful in explaining the data. However, despite its important social functions, gossip has a rather negative reputation (Farley, 2011; Hartung and Renner, 2013; Peters and Kashima, 2013). The form of gossip weve found beneficial is negative gossip about people who have behaved in an antisocial way, Willer says. doi: 10.1016/j.avb.2014.04.006, Mesoudi, A., Whiten, A., and Dunbar, R. (2006). And as word near-inevitably trickles back to source of said gossip, it can serve to keep people in check, morally speaking, Robbins adds. Individ. Mannheim: Zentrum fr Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen -ZUMA-. Thus, both kinds of analyses draw a very similar picture of the results emphasizing their reliability. Manag. Disunity. Eur. Conversations about absent third parties appear to be an apparent method to do exactly that. Peng et al. This approach might harbor potential threats. doi: 10.1080/10887150902886423, De Backer, C. J., Nelissen, M., Vyncke, P., Braeckman, J., and Mcandrew, F. T. (2007). Dunbar, R. (1998). J. Appl. Personality is a complicated construct influenced by many factors. Netw. The co-evolution of gossip and friendship in workplace social networks. Tell it like it is. However, one might also evaluate gossip with respect to other dimensions such as positivity or negativity of the transmitted information or the intention of the gossiper (Eckhaus and Ben-Hador, 2018). Int. Sci. Gossip typically centers on the negative aspects of a person's personal appearance, personal achievements, or personal behaviors. Pers. Most gossip was coded as neither positive or negative the majority of gossip recorded in this study (75 percent) was neutral. Out of jealousy or a need for revenge Public Adm. 85, 641665. Thats because were human beings and sharing information about one another is part of what we do, explains Frank T. McAndrew, Ph.D., the Cornelia H. Dudley Professor of Psychology at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois: Everyone gossips.. Who are the objects of positive and negative gossip at work? Crucially, they could inform their new groups how much someone had contributed in earlier exercises, and could vote to exclude someone who had behaved selfishly from a round entirely. Also, qualitative research show that people, even though enjoying gossip, restrict themselves because they are afraid of becoming a gossip target themselves (Rodrigues et al., 2019). RBum das Vertrauen der Person, mit der ich geredet habe, zu gewinnen. Although laypeople often view gossipers as immoral, uneducated, typically female, and of lower social class, no systematic observation has empirically revealed the characteristics of those who gossip more than others nor examined the characteristics of gossip across everyday contexts. Some modifications were made to the original version. Hum. For snowball sampling they were asked to distribute the link to colleagues and other employees. The majority were employed (employed, n = 85), n = 44 were students, n = 3 were retired, n = 1 were in apprenticeship, and n = 1 was unemployed. Gossip in evolutionary perspective. Gossip is an ubiquitous phenomenon. High-scorers in this attribute are dependable, reliable, organized and self-controlled. Validating their view of the social world and gaining information through gossip is likely to help the individual to form a map of their social environment and their position within that social environment in the long run (Suls, 1977; Baumeister et al., 2004; Foster, 2004; De Backer et al., 2007; Sommerfeld et al., 2007; Martinescu et al., 2014). 75:132. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.75.2.132. However, as more narcissistic individuals make more favorable impressions at first sight but not in the long run (Paulhus, 1998; Back et al., 2010), one might speculate that more narcissistic individuals have to keep friend-supplies coming. A proud woman born to a highly respected Southern family, Miss Emily seems frozen in the past, bearing herself aristocratically even when she is impoverished after her controlling father's death. In Judaism, there is a word for this: Loshon Hora. A good gossiper is someone who people trust with information and someone who uses that information in a responsible way. In addition, Buffardi and Campbell (2008) showed that individuals scoring high on narcissism are more active on social networking sites such as Facebook (see also e.g., Carpenter, 2012). Dif. A good gossiper is someone who people trust with information and someone who uses that information in a responsible way. If you arent from the South, this one might not make sense to you. and When my husband first became a pastor, he quickly learned frustration, disappointment, and hurt sometimes came with the territory. Group Organiz. 34, 13031314. Soc. Gossip runs like a thread through our social world. And that can easily lead to gossip. Theres nothing less Christ-like than being a prayer request gossip. When people say your reputation precedes you, its because they have heard gossip about that person, he says, which can be extremely useful. That said, disseminating or not correcting gossip you know to be untrue doesnt have any pro-social benefit. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6811.2006.00109.x, Buffardi, L. E., and Campbell, W. K. (2008). The dirty dozen: a concise measure of the dark triad. The German version of the extended Motives to Gossip Questionnaire is displayed in the Appendix. Talking about other people gives an individual a sense of relief because he or she is not experiencing the same calamities. He is reluctant to be usually to be called. Shes the author of Seek: A Womans Guide to Meeting God, Raising Kids with Good Manners, and Taming Your Family Zoo, and has been a guest on numerous radio and television shows including Focus on the Family, At Home, Live! (2016). People often exaggerate what they pass on to make a better or more coherent story or to justify why they are speaking about someone.. In addition, around 30% of our participants were students for whom private and work life are not that distinct and merge. Talking about the boss: Effects of generalized and interpersonal trust on workplace gossip. Thats not a responsible way of sharing information. In fact, these two aspects are key in this type of personality. Screaming Mimis are loud and obnoxious, and their abusive behavior is meant to berate and humiliate people. characteristics and dynamics of male gossip. Most start with the same basic idea: Gossip is a conversation between two people that concerns a third person who is not present. Psychol. The least important motive was harming the gossip target. BF01 indicates the Bayes factor in favor of H0 over H1, that is, gives the likelihood of the data under the null hypothesis divided by the likelihood of the data under alternative hypothesis (Nuzzo, 2017; Halter, 2018; Wagenmakers et al., 2018b). doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2014.06.038, Jonason, P. K., and Schmitt, D. P. (2012). Students with large appetites for success tend to have low tolerances for failure and might be unfair to themselves when they don't perform as well as they would like to. doi: 10.1037/1089-2680.8.2.78, Foster, J. D., and Trimm, R. F. (2008). a firm . Also, the Bayesian linear regression mirrors the results of the classical linear regression analyses. Chuck is impulsive, daring, and loves to take risks. Rather, negatively influencing the reputation of others is the least important reason to gossip. NIum schlecht ber die abwesende Person zu sprechen. Relatsh. But its really not, McAndrew says. Your personality traits should tell you something interesting and fun about your character. Hum. Contrary to that perspective, gossip is considered as a form of passive-aggressive form of workplace bullying in work and organizational literature (e.g., Lewis and Gunn, 2007; Crothers et al., 2009; Privitera and Campbell, 2009). This means, people instigate gossip to gather information and compare their ideas about others, to enjoy themselves, to spread negative information about a third person, and/or to protect the person they are talking with. and Good Day Dallas. They call this type of gossip prosocial gossip because it serves to warn others which has the effect of lowering overall exploitation in groups, Willer says. And research has indeed shown that a lot of gossip has both positive effects and moral motivations, explains Robb Willer, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Polarization and Social Change Laboratory at Stanford University, who studies the social forces that bring us together and drive us against one another, including gossip. 55, 323. They likely think, someone needs to do something. However, if even individuals with dark personalities rarely use gossip with the intention to harm others, the positive aspects of gossip would be underlined. Soc. For instance, when gossip validation in work context has been the dependent variable the model containing only narcissism reached the highest BF10. You feel violated and resentful. When subjects heard about another persons anti-social behavior or an injustice, their heart rates increased. As the common core the tendency to deceive, manipulate, and exploit others for one's own benefit has been suggested (Lee et al., 2013; see also Jones and Figueredo, 2013). How the grapevine keeps you in line: gossip increases contributions to the group. Thus, there is much more research needed to uncover the complex interrelations between the diverse motives and social functions. Soc. Neurosci. Gossip on social media tends to be more harmful because the negative information has a wide audience and remains visible for a long time. BF10 indicates the Bayes factor in favor of H1 over H0, that is, gives the likelihood of the data under the alternative hypothesis divided by the likelihood of the data under null hypothesis. Second, even people with so called dark personalities are not invariably triggered by malicious motives when talking about others. Read: That urge to share a juicy piece of news when you hear it is part of who we are and a natural characteristic of the species weve become. The depth and elaboration of the encoding reflects variables such as distinctiveness, emotional impact, and duration. He's also a bit of a womanizer and can be quite manipulative. Moreover, research on gossip networks within the work context shows that employees more often tend to gossip positively about colleagues than negatively (Ellwardt et al., 2012a). Das Dreckige Dutzend und die Niedertrchtigen Neun. J. Pers. Thus, when focusing on gossipers' intentions, a rather positive picture of gossip is painted. Here's how. There are a number of explanations for this phenomenon. The models predicting information gathering (BF10 = 0.35), protection (BF10 = 0.03), and social enjoyment (BF10 = 0.73) show anecdotal to very strong evidence for the H0 indicating that the data are more likely under the model that assumes no relationship than under the model including the three personality traits. Therefore, the present study aims to examine whether the bad reputation of gossip is justified by examining reasons to gossip. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2011.11.008, Jonason, P. K., Strosser, G. L., Kroll, C. H., Duineveld, J. J., and Baruffi, A. Simply put, your laughter spreads happiness and positive vibes. Soc. Negative gossip about celebrities and positive gossip about self entertain people in different ways. Taken together, the preliminary scale consists of 18 items tapping into six different motives, namely information gathering (IG), information validation (IV), relationship building (RB), protection (P), social enjoyment (SE), and negative influence (NI; see Figure 1). Rather, a single motive might serve unintentionally different social functions, presumably more than one at once. Also, relationship building shows consistent positive associations with narcissism. Netw. The standardized factor loadings for the six-factor model are presented separately in Figure 1 for both settings. The Mauchly test effects for sphericity yielded significant effects for motives (2(14) = 52.73, p < 0.001) and for situation*motives (2(14) = 58.71, p < 0.001).
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