But Packer certainly said similar things before larger audiences. Earlier this year, Maxine Hanks became the first of the September Six to fully return to the Mormon Church since the conservative outlier Avraham Gileadi was quietly rebaptized almost two decades ago. When he came to understand this aspect of himself, and learned a name for it, he did what was already typical of him at that age: He went to the library. He revised the story occasionally over the next decade, submitting it unsuccessfully to the Paris Review and the Atlantic. Most people don't know I've been excommunicated. But he had a caring bishop that first year and decided on his own to serve a mission. Paul usually sits on the outside of the pew, so when the sacrament comes, he shakes his head toward me so we don't have any socially embarrassing moments. But 90 percent of the ward has changed since my court. Jay Christian, left, and thousands of other people protest against the passage of Californias Proposition 8 outside the world headquarters of Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 2008 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Peggy Fletcher Stack. Sign Up. Quinns religious status wouldofficially, at leastbe decided by his own stake president, not by the higher-ups in Salt Lake City. One theory on that first day of panic was that the bombings were connected with the business, an investment company called CFS. It was a long time coming: Quinn had known he was gay since he was 12 years old. Later that evening, having dinner alone, he felt a new sense of relief about what had happened so far and what he believed was about to happen. Crucially, much of that project is onlinemore than anything, the Internet has revolutionized the field. (There is no conclusive evidence it took place, Quinn writes, but he does not dismiss the idea of one outright.) This year he completed the third and final volume in his trilogy on the Mormon hierarchy, which examines the churchs business and financial activities from 1830 to 2010. When Benson asked why no one had stopped him, Oaks allegedly replied, You cant stage manage a grizzly bear. Benson resigned his Mormon membership shortly afterward and became a vocal opponent of the church his grandfather ostensibly led. During Quinns college years, BYUs president, Ernest Wilkinson, organized a student spy ring intended to catch out professors with communist leanings. In May 1993, apostle Boyd K. Packer said the church's three greatest threats came from feminists, gays and intellectuals. By Peggy Fletcher Stack By David Noyce For the first time in nearly 30 years, the Mormon church has excommunicated one of its top leaders. The former LDS stake president, who oversaw a group of congregations in Tooele for eight years and worked as an architect on her faith's most sacred spaces, faced, in her mind, an . If he doesnt, I have his phone number and I know where he lives. [3] She is a great-granddaughter of Heber J. He turned 65 two years later, making him eligible for Social Security and Medicare. Once in a while such a case will hit the press. One of the central questions in the aftermath of Septembers events was just how involved Packer himself had been in them. He decided he would suppress that part of himself and be a good Mormon. My dad was a bishop twice. Hed read the essay about women and the priesthood, and he asked Quinn to speak on the subject at an upcoming fireside, an informal evening meeting often held at Mormon meetinghouses. Quinn read fiction, too, including James Baldwins new book, Giovannis Room. There, he tried other kinds of writing, thinking maybe hed put Mormon history behind him. . To this day, I would have made exactly the same decision. Quinn, who later assisted the police in their investigation, did not go home for several days. By: Peggy Fletcher Stack. Maybe she wants to be, though. The temple president tried to make it as good an experience as he could for my parents, Paul, Christian and Marina [his bride] and me. Hired in 1991 to cover Utah's various faiths, particularly Mormonism, Peggy has talked forgiveness with Archbishop Desmond Tutu . According the her Wikipedia page: She is a great-granddaughter of Heber J. That night, we went over to our neighbors' house and watched "A Man for All Seasons" and ate popcorn. I go over the temple ceremony and the covenants in my mind and remake them before the Lord often. This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. His father was never Mormon: The son of Mexican immigrants, he changed his namethough never legallyfrom Daniel Pea to Donald Quinn, apparently wanting to escape his heritage as well as his poverty. I moved into recognizing the value and power of a lay priesthood in the body of Christ and Christian community. He went to San Diego to give the keynote address for the annual conference held by Affirmation, a support group for gay and lesbian Mormons, and he stayed in California for several days afterward. The timing of his career, which once appeared serendipitous, now seems almost cruel. Hanks became less diplomatic. When interviewing Quinn in 76, Packer said, I have a hard time with historians, because they idolize the truth. A page of the so-called Salamander Letter, forged by Mark Hofmann. The churchs critics find the timing convenient: By 1890, the U.S. government had threatened to seize LDS property if polygamy wasnt renounced. The former LDS stake president, who oversaw a group of Mormon congregations in Tooele for eight years and worked as an architect on her faith's most sacred spaces, faced, in her mind, an impossible choice: Either return to living as a man or resign her . "Mormon facing excommunication makes his living off his podcasts," by Peggy Fletcher Stack, Salt Lake Tribune, February 8, 2015 "On Attempts to Smear (i.e., Being 'Fair Gamed'") by John Dehlin ; Faith Transition episodes on Mormon Stories . Quinns parents were divorced when he was 4, and he was raised largely by his mothers parents, who frequently fought. "Nobody asked me to disavow my book or stop writing," Hanks told The Salt Lake Tribune that year. Lavina Fielding Anderson may have been excommunicated from the LDS Church for apostasy more than 20 years ago, but don't think for a minute that this Utah writer is now an outsider to her faith. They can't ex someone with that king of lineage. There are other matters that I need to talk with you about that are not related to your historical writings. In the first few days after the bombings, several people who had come into contact with Hofmann feared for their lives. Years ago, Don Bradley, a longtime scholar of Mormon history, asked to have his name removed from LDS membership rolls when participation became uncomfortable. In May, my stake president called me in about it. Looking back, it was a real blessing. He said it was apostasy because I believed that general authorities had done something wrong. It really hurt my feelings. Last month, for instance, the Daily Beast reported that a blogger named David Twede was facing excommunication because of critical pieces he had written about Mitt Romney. Salt Lake City Laurie Lee Hall was excommunicated from the LDS Church for being a woman. For the faithful, the simplest narrative regarding LDS polygamy is that God wanted Mormons to practice it between 1843when He revealed the doctrine of plural marriage to Joseph Smithand 1890, when He informed one of Smiths successors, Wilford Woodruff, of a change in course. He had also just published an article titled The Mormon Succession Crisis of 1844, which detailed the confusion about who should succeed Joseph Smith after his assassination. On Sept. 30 he called Hanks to ask what the court had decided. I love John and I support him, but I have never made any claim against truth claims of the church. He makes fun of the church by making fun of himself and stodgy rank and file, as well as cultural absurdities. There are important aspects of Mormon life, such as temple ceremonies, that are open only to the truly faithful. Independent publicationsmost notably Dialogue (founded in 1966) and Sunstone (1974)provided forums for scholarship and reflection about Mormon history and theology. The field has grown and appears to have moved on, even though the research that Quinn did, and the fights that he picked, were crucial to what has come in his wake. Born in 1924 in Brigham City, Utah, the 10th of 11 children, Packer worked for years as a teacher and administrator in the Church Educational System. I feel like I am going by proxy for others who feel too damaged, too hurt and afraid to go. Robert Kirby does this also, but much more indirectly. As the historian Ross Peterson said at the time, Comparing Sunstone and Dialogue folks to people who were shooting Mormons in 1839 Missouri is unfair. Peterson, after speaking about Mormon temple rites in the press, had been shown his own file during a conversation with local church leaders. Mormon higher-ups hold keys to excommunication process against two activists. sltrib.com. In the late 60s, he was called to preside over the churchs missionary efforts in New England, and moved with his family to Cambridge, Mass. KRE/AMB END STACK Grant, a President of the LDS Church and is the granddaughter of United States Senator from Utah Wallace F. Bennett. Right next to Pauls was Lavinas description of her beliefs in Jesus Christ, Mormon founder Joseph Smith, the scriptural text he produced, The Book of Mormon, and the role of prophets. He took a fellowship at the Huntington Library, near his hometown of Pasadena, Calif., and began indexing his enormous collection of notes on old Mormon documents, in preparation for his next book. "Mormonism was limiting to me, so I needed to test the limits to see who I and the church really might be. But some simply baptized the boysa few without explaining what the baptisms were for. [9] She started the "Faith" column after a discussion with Tribune editor Jay Shelledy. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. Hanks officially came back into the fold in 2012. By then, Quinn had more or less moved on. These three shocks to Quinns testimonyabout the Book of Mormon, polygamy, and LDS theologyspurred a pursuit to unearth and understand those parts of his religions past that complicated the simpler story of the faith he had learned as a child. "She might be a model for others who have been missing their Mormon community.". Packer, the second-most senior among the 12, was the substitute president of the Quorum of the Twelve whenever Hunter was sidelined for medical reasons. Feb 17. In 1989, Dallin H. Oaks, the onetime law professor and BYU president who was now an apostle, had given a talk called Alternate Voices at the churchs semiannual General Conference. I am confident that my desire to be worthy of the temple is acceptable of the Lord. "Nobody asked me to disavow my book or stop writing," Hanks said. He insisted that the September councils were local affairs, but church employees who reported to him had, it turned out, been keeping tabs on the six who were disciplined, and rumors swirled that Packer himself personally insisted that the courts take place. It was really important to Paul and me that Christian grow up in a religious community, and the church was the one we chose. The most threatening thing about Ordain Women to people in the church is that it is coming from faithful, devout, courageous, wonderful women and that's more threatening than anything could be. People named Peggy Fletcher. These men are often referred to by Mormon faithful as the Brethren. Unlike local lay leaders, who hold secular day jobs and perform their ecclesiastical duties on a voluntary basis, they are full-time employees who oversee the global operations of the church. It was the papers second article in two weeks about a series of church courts held across 13 days in September and reported in media outlets across the country. However, we believe that Latter-day Saints who are committed to the mission of their Church and the well-being of their fellow members will strive to be sensitive to those matters that are more appropriate for private conferring and correction than for public debate. There are times, they added, when public discussion of sacred or personal matters is inappropriate., The Statement on Symposia was another tear in the already fraying relationship between church leaders and scholars. According the her Wikipedia page: She is a great-granddaughter of Heber J. She and five other journalists at the Salt Lake Tribune won the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting.She won the Cornell Award for Excellence in Religion ReportingMid-sized Newspapers from the Religious News Association in 2004, 2012, 2017 . Vacillating Wildly From Dispiriting to Exhilarating, the worldwide effort to bring salvation to all of Gods children, Some things that are true are not very useful, LDS Authority and New Plural Marriages, 18901904, this growing conflict between leaders and intellectuals, Mormon Women Have Had the Priesthood Since 1843, Quinns paper about the Baseball Baptism Program, the responsibility to preserve the doctrinal purity of the church, critical pieces he had written about Mitt Romney, Hanks described her path back to Mormonism, the administration caved to pressure from Ira Fulton. Most memorably, Harris says that the spirit who appeared to Smith and directed him to the golden platesfrom which Smith claimed to have translated Mormonisms founding scriptureappeared as a white salamander and struck Smith three times. Paul's mother was great. Taylor fled to Canada during the congressional hearings for Reed Smoot, a fellowbut monogamousapostle, who had been elected to the U.S. Senate. He was housesitting. She said hello, but he did not recognize her. While the simpler approach is handled by a bishop and his two counselors, the more elaborate version is run by a stake president, and it involves not only his two counselors but the stakes high council, a group of 12 men. His hiring was vetoed by the ASU administration, and many observers believe the administration caved to pressure from Ira Fulton, a Mormon donor who between 2003 and 2006 gave at least $155 million to the school. In 1988 he resigned his position at Brigham Young University, the private college owned and operated by the Mormon church, having decided that his interest in the problem areas of the religions past jeopardized not only his position on the history faculty but his membership in the church itself. Hanks became conciliatory, reading On Being a Mormon Historian, and writing to say hed gotten from it deeper insight into your devotion and your dedication to history and the Church. He asked again to meet when Quinn came back to Utah. 2012. Quinn was convinced, in any case, that his fate in any disciplinary council was predetermined, that Boyd K. Packer wanted him out of the church and Hanks was going to make it happen. They are called to them by the men at the very top of the hierarchy. McLean invited her, she said, to describe her faith in a letter, which includes her conviction that God cherishes everyone. But Robertson is especially pleased with the "Pillars" session. West did not formally revoke the recommend, he just put it in his drawer. He hopes that eventually hell manage to sell the condo and will get enough money for it that he could move back to New Orleans and live there for the last couple decades, God willing, of his life. Fixed: Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed.The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release. Mormon author Grant H. Palmer has been summoned to an LDS Church disciplinary hearing on Sunday, facing possible excommunication for apostasy. Peggy Fletcher Stack, David Noyce 3/23/2022. (Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Gileadi, a Hebrew scholar who got into trouble for unorthodox writings about the biblical Isaiah, was rebaptized within several years. The Salt Lake Tribune . I love the church. Then I went away to my cabin for the summer and he called all the temples in Utah, saying he was canceling my recommend. After it was published, Hugh West, the president of his stake in Salt Lake CityQuinn never moved to Provo, finding the hourlong commute worth it to live in Utahs one metropolisasked to see him. Local TV reporters were filming the session, and the AP reporter Vern Anderson was sitting at the far side of the room about halfway back. We appreciate the search for knowledge and the discussion of gospel subjects, the First Presidency said. In a detailed confession, Hofmann said that he had secretly stopped believing in Mormonism as a teenager and had hatched a plan to embarrass the church by creating fake documents that exposed uncomfortable facts about early Mormon history. "The issues in Mormon doctrine, history and practice highlighted by those facing church discipline are much larger than any one individual," the statement reads. It is also worth noting that the church president in 1993 was an ailing Ezra Taft Benson.
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