midrash) - - w99 3/15 27 - Seph. This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of God's word. The .htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell the server how to behave in certain scenarios and directly affect how your website functions. - kuh-RAY] * [ Qoheleth*] * [ (Koheleth, Philosopher, Preacher, spokesman in some Bibles) - Heb. You may get a 404 error for images because you have Hot Link Protection turned on and the domain is not on the list of authorized domains. Oops! } Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L] aggadot) - - w99 3/15 27 - uh-GAH-duh, Seph. Achaemenids) - - it "Darius" - uh-KEE-muh-nid, uh-KEM-uh-nid; pl. Oops! You can try again. Do you hear the way they pronounce their words correctly? Blends-- Two or more letters that are combined but still keep their individual characteristics, such as bl in blend, sch in school. Bere`shith') - Genesis 1:1 ftn. A Reminder" in NW) - Psalm 80 superscription or 80:1 Da, KJ (h7802) - shoh-shan'im-EE-duhth] * [ Shuhite - Shu'hite - Job 2:11 (h7747) - SHOO-hi t] * [ Shulammite - Shu'lammite - The Song of Solomon 6:13 (h7759) - SHOO-luh-mi t, SHOO-lah-mi t] * [ Shunem - Shu'nem - 2 Kings 4:8 (h7766) - SHOO-nuhm] * [ Shur - Shur - Genesis 16:7 (h7793) - SHOOR, SHUHR] * [ Shushan - Shu'shan - Esther 1:2 (h7800) - SHOO-shan] * [ Shushan-eduth] * [ (Lily of the Covenant / Promise, Concerning / On the Lily of Testimony in some Bibles) - ("The Lily of Reminder" in NW - Psalm 60 superscription KJ (h7802) - shoo'shan-EE-duhth] * [ Sibboleth] * [ (compare Shibboleth) - Sib'boleth - Judges 12:6 (h5451) - SIB-uh-lith, -leth', SIB-oh-leth] * [ Sibylline* - - g80 7/22 17 - SIB-uh-leen] * [ Sicarii or sicarii] * [ (armed terrorists, Assassins, cut-throats, murderers, terrorists, thugs in some Bibles) - ("dagger men" in NW) - Acts 21:38 Sd (g4607) - sih-KAHR-ee-i] * [ Siddhartha Gautama* - - g00 7/8 15 - sih-DAHR-tuh GAU-tuh-muh] * [ siege] * [ (attack, besiege, blockade in some Bibles) - siege - Ezekiel 4:2 (h4692) - SEEJ, also SEEZH] * [ Sikh* - - g87 12/22 19 - SEEK] * [ Sikhism* - - sh 120 - SEE-kih'zuhm] * [ Siloam - Silo'am - Luke 13:4 (g4611) - si -LOH-uhm, suh-LOH-uhm] * [ Silvanus - Silva'nus - 1 Thessalonians 1:1 (g2331) - sil-VAY-nuhs] * [ Simeon - Sim'eon - Genesis 29:33 (h8095) - SIM-ee-uhn] * [ similar] * [ (likeness, looked like, similitude in some Bibles) - similar - Daniel 10:16 (h1823) - SIM-uh-luhr, SIM-luhr, not SIM-yoo-luhr] * [ simile] * [ (compare metaphor) - ("proverbial saying" in NW) - Psalm 44:14 Yg (h4912) - SIM-uh-lee] * [ similitude - ("likeness" in NW) - Daniel 10:16 KJ (h1823); James 3:9 KJ (g3669) (other places h8403, h8544, g3665, g3667 in KJ) - suh-MIL-uh-tood, -tyood] * [ Simon - Simon, it Si'mon - Matthew 4:18 (g4613) - SI -muhn] * [ sin] * [ (Hebrew letter, see also shin) - Sin - Psalm 119:161 (verse heading) - SIN, SEEN] * [ Sinai] * [ (aka Horeb) - Si'nai - Exodus 19:1 (h5514) - SI -ni (also -nee-i ')] * [ Sinaitic* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - si 'nee-IT-ik, not -AT-ik] * [ Sinaiticus* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - si 'nee-IT-uh-kuhs, not -AT-uh-kuhs] * [ sinew - sinew - Isaiah 48:4 (h1517) - SIN-yoo('), also SIH-noo(')] * [ Sirach* - - it "Apocrapha" - SI -ruhk, -rak, also suh-RAHK] * [ Sisera - Sis'era - Judges 4:2 (h5516) - SIS-uh-ruh] * [ sistrum] * [ (castanets, cornets, rattles, sistra in some Bibles) - sistrums - 2 Samuel 6:5 (h4517) - SIS-truhm, -troom, pl. - Isaiah 8:1 (h4122) - MAY-huhr-SHAL-al-hash-baz, MAY-huhr-SHAL-al-hash'baz, MAY-uhr-SHAL-uhl-] * [ Mahli] * [ (Mahali, Moholi, Mooli in some Bibles) - Mah'li - Exodus 6:19 (h4249) - MAH-li] * [ Mahlon - Mah'lon - Ruth 1:2 (h4248) - MAH-lon, MAH-luhn] * [ Maimonides*] * [ (Maimon, Moses ben) - - w95 3/1 20 - mi -MON-ih-deez', -MAH-nuh- (MI -muhn)] * [ Malachi - Mal'achi (Bible book) - Malachi 1:1 (h4401) - MAL-uh-ki (')] * [ Malcam] * [ (Malcham, Melchom, Milcom, Molech in some Bibles) - Mal'cam - Zephaniah 1:5 (h4445) - MAL-kam, MAL-kuhm] * [ malediction] * [ (curse, reviling in some Bibles) - malediction - Deuteronomy 11:26 (h7045) - mal'ih-DIK-shuhn, ma'luh-] * [ malefactor] * [ (criminal, evildoer, wrongdoer in some Bibles) - ("wrongdoer" in NW) - John 18:30 DRB, KJ (g2555) - MAL-uh-fak'tuhr] * [ malign - ("puffs at" and "reviling" in NW) - Psalm 12:5 HNV, WEB (h6315); Acts 23:4 HNV, WEB (g3058) - mah-LI N] * [ Malta] * [ (Melita in some Bibles) - Malta, it Mal'ta - Acts 28:1 (g3194) - MAWL-tuh] * [ Mammon] * [ (gold, mammon, money, riches, wealth, worldly wealth in some Bibles) - ("Riches" in NW) - Matthew 6:24 KJ, Yg (g3126) - MAM-uhn] * [ Mamre - Mam're - Genesis 13:18 (h4471) - MAM-ree] * [ Manaen - Man'aen - Acts 13:1 (g3127) - MAN-ee-uhn] * [ Manasseh - Manas'seh - Genesis 41:51 (h4519) - ma-NAS-uh, muh-NAS-uh also -ee] * [ mandala* - - g82 1/8 13 - MUHN-duh-luh] * [ Manes*; Mani* - - g86 4/22 20 - MAY-neez; MAH-nee] * [ Manichaean* - - g86 4/22 20 - man'uh-KEE-uhn] * [ manna - manna, it man'na - Exodus 16:31 (h4478) - MAN-uh] * [ Manoah - Mano'ah - Judges 13:2 (h4495) - muh-NOH-uh. Difficult. yohm KIH-puhr] * [ yea - ("yes" in NW) - Matthew 5:37 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (g3483) - YAY] * [ Yehoshua - ("Joshua" in NW) - Exodus 17:9 HNV (h3091); sh 223 - yuh-HOSH-yoo-uh] * [ Yirmeyahu - Yirmeya'hu - Jeremiah 1:1 HNV, ftn. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce T words in the Bible: [ Tabeel] * [ Tabeal (in some Bibles) - Tab'eel - Ezra 4:7 (h2870) - TAB-ee-uhl, TAB-ee-el] * [ Taberah - Tab'erah - Numbers 11:3 (h8404) - TAB-uh-ruh, TAB-uh-rah] * [ tabernacle] * [ (as verb, dwell, live in some Bibles; as noun, tent in some Bibles) - tabernacle - Exodus 25:8, 9 (verb h7931; noun h4908) - TAB-uhr-nak'uhl] * [ Tabitha] * [ (aka Dorcas) - Tab'itha - Acts 9:36 (g5000) - TAB-ih-thuh] * [ Tabor - Ta'bor - Judges 4:6 (h8396) - TAY-buhr, TAY-bor'] * [ tabret] * [ (tambourine, timbrel in some Bibles) - ("tambourine" in NW) - Isaiah 5:12 AS, KJ, Yg (h8596) - TAB-rit] * [ Tacitus* - - it "Caesar" - TAS-uh-tuhs] * [ Taharqa*] * [ (see Tirhakah) - - it "Tirhakah" - tuh-HAHR-kuh] * [ Tahpanes or Tahpanhes] * [ (see also Tehaphnehes) - Tah'panhes; Tah'panes - Jeremiah 2:16; 43:8 (h8471) - TAH-puh-neez; TAH-puhn-heez] * [ talion* - - it "Crime and Punishment" - TAL-ee-uhn] * [ talitha cumi - Tal'itha cu'mi - Mark 5:41 (g5008 + g2891) - tal'uh-thuh K(Y)OO-mi , tal'ih-thuh-KOO-mee] * [ Talmai - Tal'mai - Joshua 15:14 (h8526) - TAL-mi] * [ Talmud* - - sh 221 - TAL-mud] * [ Tamar - Ta'mar - Genesis 38:6 (h8559) - TAY-mahr] * [ tamarisk] * [ (field, grove, holy tree in some Bibles) - tamarisk - Genesis 21:33 (h815) - TAM-uh-risk] * [ Tammuz - Tam'muz - Ezekiel 8:14 (h8542) - TAM-uhz, TAH-muz', TAM-mooz] * [ Tanakh*] * [ (sometimes Tanach) - - sh 220 - TAH-nahk, tah-NAHK, tah-NAHKH] * [ tantamount* - - w99 6/1 20 - TAN-tuh-mount (listen), not -mahnt] * [ Tao* - - sh 163 - DOU, TOU] * [ Taoism* - - sh 163 - DOU-ih'zuhm] * [ Tao Te Ching* - - sh 166 - dou deh JING] * [ Tappuah - Tap'puah - Joshua 16:8 (h8599) - TAP-yoo-uh, TAP-oo-uh] * [ Targum* - - it "Versions" - TAHR-guhm] * [ Tarshish] * [ (Tharshish, Tharsis in some Bibles) - Tar'shish - 1 Kings 10:22 (h8659) - TAHR-shish] * [ Tarsus - Tarsus, it Tar'sus - Acts 9:11 (g5018 - TAHR-suhs] * [ Tartan - Tar'tan - 2 Kings 18:17 (h8661) - TAHR-tan] * [ Tartarus] * [ (hell in some Bibles) - Tar'tarus - 2 Peter 2:4 (g5020) - TAHR-tuh-ruhs] * [ Tatian* - - it "Versions" - TAY-shuhn] * [ Taurus* - - dp 226 - TAWR-uhs] * [ taw] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Taw - Psalm 119:169 (verse heading) - TAHF, TAWF, TAHV, TAWV] * [ Taxila* - - dp 159 - TAK-suh-luh, TAK-sil-uh] * [ Tebeth - Te'beth - Esther 2:16 (h2887) - TEE-beth] * [ Te Deum* - - w64 2/15 106 - tay'DAY-uhm, tee'DEE-uhm] * [ Tehaphnehes] * [ (also Tahpanes) - Tehaph'nehes - Ezekiel 30:18 (h8471) - tee-HAF-nih-heez, tuh-HAF-nuh-heez, tee-HAF-nee-eez] * [ tehth, also teth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Tehth - Psalm 119:65 (verse heading) - TAYT, TAYTH, TET (listen), TETH] * [ teil (tree)] * [ (terebinth, turpentine tree in some Bibles) - ("big tree" in NW) - Isaiah 6:13 KJ (h424) - TEEL] * [ Tekoa, also Tekoah - Teko'a - Amos 1:1 (h8620) - tuh-KOH-uh, tee-] * [ Temanite - Te'manite - Job 2:11 (h8489) - TEE-muh-ni t, TEM-uh-ni t] * [ Terah - Te'rah - Genesis 11:24 (h8646); Luke 3:34 (g2291) - TEER-uh (some sources TER-uh, TEE-rah')] * [ teraphim] * [ (household gods/idols, images in some Bibles) - teraphim - Genesis 31:19 (h8655) - TER-uh-fim] * [ terebinth - ("big tree" in NW) - Isaiah 6:13 AS, Da, LITV (h424) - TER-uh-binth] * [ Tertius - Ter'tius - Romans 16:22 (g5060) - TUHR-shuhs, also TUHR-shee-uhs] * [ Tertullian* - - it "Canon" - tuhr'TUHL-ee-uhn] * [ Tertullus - Tertul'lus - Acts 24:1 (g5061) - tuhr-TUHL-uhs] * [ Tetragrammaton* - - Genesis 2:4 ftn. Some readers think they need to say each word separately, but they are wrong. Notice that the CaSe is important in this example. - ay'dree-AT-ik, ad'ree-AT-ik] * [ Adullam - Adul'lam - 1 Samuel 22:1 (h5725) - uh-DUHL-uhm] * [ adultery - adultery - Exodus 20:14 (h5003) - uh-DUHL-tuh-ree, -DUHL-tree] * [ aedile* - - it "Erastus" - EE-duhl, EE-di l'] * [ Aegean* - - dp 149; it "Greece, Greeks" - ih-JEE-uhn, ee-, not ay'JEE-uhn] * [ Aeneas] * [ (spelled Eneas in some Bibles) - Aene'as - Acts 9:33 (g132) - uh-NEE-uhs, ih-] * [ Aenon - Ae'non - John 3:23 (g137) - EE-nuhn, EE-non] * [ aeon*] * [ (also eon) - - g77 11/22 27 - EE-uhn, EE-ahn'] * [ Aesculapius*] * [ (also Asclepius) - - it "Diseases and Treatment" - es'kyuh-LAY-pee-uhs (listen), Brit. ko'smos) - it "World" - KAHZ-muhs, -mohs', -mahs', KOZ-muhs, -mohs] * [ Kyrie Eleison* - - w72 1/15 63 - KIR-ee-ay' uh-LAY-(uh-)sahn', -(uh-)san] * [ kyrios* - (Gr. how to pronounce philippi in the bible 03 Jul. Revelation 1:11 saying, " What you see, write in a book and send to the seven assemblies : to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and to Laodicea." This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of God's word. (g2962) - KOO-ree-os ] *. We recommend you to try Safari. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Neapolis . if (verticalpos=="fromtop") pi Here are all the possible pronunciations of the word Philippi. Even one syllable words like dog have sliding stress on the syllable. (g3807); w02 6/1 15 - PED-uh-gog', -gawg'] * [ Pelatiah - Pelati'ah - Ezekiel 11:1, 13 (h6410) - pel'uh-TI -uh] * [ Peleg - Pe'leg - Genesis 10:25 - PEE-lig, PEE-leg] * [ Pella* - - it "Alexander" - PEL-uh] * [ Peloponnese* - - g84 12/22 26 - PEH-luh-puh-neez', -nees', peh'luh-puh-NEEZ] * [ Peloponnesus* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - peh'luh-puh-NEE-suhs] * [ Peloponnisos* - - w97 3/1 21 - peh'luh-PAW-nee-saws'] * [ Penates* - - pm 286 - puh-NAY-teez, -NAH-] * [ Peninnah - Penin'nah - 1 Samuel 1:2 (h6444) - pih-NIN-uh, pee-, peh-NIN-ah] * [ Pentateuch* - it Pen'tateuch - it "Pentateuch" - PEN-tuh-t(y)ook', PEN-tah-took'] * [ Pentecost - Pentecost - Acts 2:1 (g4005) - PEN-tih-kost] * [ penury - ("want" in NW) - Proverbs 14:23 KJ (h4270); Luke 21:4 KJ (g5303) - PEN-yuh-ree] * [ Peor - Pe'or - Numbers 23:28 (h6465) - PEE-or, PEE-awr] * [ peradventure] * [ (if, if by chance, perhaps, though, what if in some Bibles) - ("maybe," "perhaps," or "suppose" in NW) - Genesis 18:24 KJ (h194); Romans 5:7 KJ (g5029) - puhr'uhd-VEN-chuhr, per'-, PUHR-uhd-ven'chuhr, PER-] * [ Perazim] * [ (Mount, aka Baal-Perazim) - Pera'zim - Isaiah 28:21 (h6556) - puh-RAY-zim, pih-] * [ perdition] * [ (destruction in some Bibles) - ("destruction" in NW) - John 17:12 AS, DRB, KJ (g684) - puhr-DIH-shuhn] * [ Perea* - - ip-1 100 - puh-REE-uh] * [ Peres] * [ (see Mene, Mene, Tekel and Parsin) - PE'RES - Daniel 5:28 (h6537) - PEE-res] * [ Perez] * [ (Phares, Pharez, Pherez in some Bibles) - Pe'rez - Genesis 38:29 (h6557) - PEE-riz, PEE-rehz, not PER-ez] * [ Perez-uzzah - Pe'rez-uz'zah - 2 Samuel 6:8 (h6560) - pee'rez-UH-zuh, pee'riz-] * [ perfunctory* - - ip-2 121 - puhr-FUHN(K)-t(uh-)ree, not puhr-FUHN(K)-tuh-tor'ee] * [ Pergamum (Pergamos in some Bibles) - Per'gamum - Revelation 1:11 (g4010) - PUHR-guh-muhm] * [ perineal - perineal - Genesis 38:29 (h6556) - per'uh-NEE-uhl] * [ Peripatetic* - - w92 3/15 28; it "Athens (Cultural and Religious Center)" - per'uh-puh-TET-ik] * [ pernicious [ways] - ([acts of] "loose conduct" in NW) - 2 Peter 2:2 KJ (g684) - puhr-NI -shuhs] * [ Persepolis* - - dp 54 - puhr-SEP-uh-lis] * [ Persia; Persian - Persia; Persian - Ezra 1:1 (h6539); Nehemiah 12:22 (h6542) - PUHR-zhuh; PUHR-zhuhn] * [ Pesach] * [ ("Passover") - ("passover" in NW) - Exodus 12:11 HNV (h6453) - PAY-sakh' (listen), Seph. Word of the day - in your inbox every day, 2023 HowToPronounce. You can say words in different ways and change the meaning entirely. Heb. ; Revelation 16:16 KJ (g717) - ahr'muh-GED-uhn (listen)] * [ Arminius* - - dp 236 - ahr-MIN-ee-uhs] * [ Arnon - Ar'non - Numbers 22:36 (h769) - AHR-nuhn, -non] * [ Arpachshad] * [ (Arphaxad in some Bibles) - Arpach'shad - Genesis 10:22 (h775) - ahr-PAK-shad] * [ Artaxerxes - Artaxerx'es - Ezra 4:7 (h783) - ahr'tuh-ZUHRK-seez, ahr'tuhg-ZUHRK-seez('), ahr'tak-SUHRK-seez] * [ Artemas - Ar'temas - Titus 3:12 (g734) - AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Artemis] * [ (Diana in some Bibles) - Ar'temis - Acts 19:24 (g735) - AHR-tuh-mihs, AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Aryan* - - ip-2 115 - AR-ee-uhn, AHR-, ER-] * [ Asaph - A'saph - Psalm 50 (superscription) (h623) - AY-saf] * [ Asclepius*] * [ (also Aesculapius) - - it "Diseases and Treatment" - uh-SKLEE-pee-uhs (listen)] * [ Asenappar] * [ (Asenaphar, Ashurbanipal, Asnappar, Osnappar in some Bibles) - As'enappar - Ezra 4:10 (h620) - AS-uh-nap'uhr] * [ Asenath - As'enath - Genesis 41:45 (h621) - AS-uh-nath(')] * [ Asgard* - - g00 12/8 27 - AS-gahrd, AZ-gahrd] * [ Asher - Ash'er - Genesis 30:13 (h836) - ASH-uhr] * [ Asherah] * [ (grove, holy tree, pillars in some Bibles) - ("sacred pole" in NW) - Deuteronomy 16:21 DRB (h842) - ASH-uh-ruh, uh-SHIHR-uh, uh-SHEER-uh] * [ Ashkelon - Ash'kelon - Judges 14:19 (h831) - ASH-kuh-lon] * [ Ashkenaz - Ash'kenaz - Genesis 10:3 (h813) - ASH-kuh-naz, ASH-keh-naz, not -nahz] * [ Ashkenazi* - - sh 216 - ahsh'kuh-NAH-zee, ash'kuh-NAZ-ee] * [ Ashpenaz - Ash'penaz - Daniel 1:3 (h828) - ASH-puh-naz, ASH-peh-naz] * [ Ashtoreth - Ash'toreth - Judges 2:13 (h6252) - ASH-tuh-reth, -reth'] * [ Ashurbanipal] * [ (aka Asenappar) - ("Asenappar" in NW) - Ezra 4:8 (10) CEV - ash'uhr-BAN-uh-puhl, ah'suhr-BAH-nuh-pahl', ah'shuhr-] * [ Ashurnasirpal* - - w88 2/15 25 - ash'uhr-NAS-uhr-puhl] * [ Asia - Asia - 1 Peter 1:1 (g773) - AY-zhuh] * [ Asshur - As'shur - Genesis 10:22 (h804) - ASH-uhr, AS-shur'] * [ Assos (modern Behramky) - As'sos - Acts 20:13 (g789) - AS-ohs] * [ assuage] * [ (asswage, ease, relieve, spare, sparing in some Bibles) - ("hold back" in NW) - Job 16:5 KJ (h2820) - uh-SWAYJ, also uh-SWAYZH or uh-SWAHZH] * [ Assyria; Assyrian - Assyr'ia; Assyr'ian - Genesis 2:14 (h804); Isaiah 10:5 (h804) - uh-SIHR-ee-uh, -SEER-; uh-SIHR-ee-uhn, -SEER-] * [ Astyages* - - dp 149; it "Cyrus" - as-TI -uh-jeez] * [ asunder - asunder - Hebrews 11:37 (g599) - uh-SUHN-duhr] * [ atheist*; atheism* - - w94 12/1 6 - AY-thee-ist; AY-thee-ih'zuhm] * [ Athena* - - ip-2 52 - uh-THEE-nuh] * [ Athaliah - Athali'ah - 2 Kings 8:26 (h6271) - ath'uh-LI -uh] * [ Athanasian* - - g94 9/8 11 - ath'uh-NAY-zhuhn, -shuhn] * [ Athanasius* - - w01 4/15 19 - ath'uh-NAY-zh(ee-)uhs, -sh(ee-)uhs] * [ Atlas*] * [ (Mountains; Greek Titan) - - - AT-luhs] * [ atone; atonement] * [ (expiation, forgive, [be] merciful, pardoned, peace in some Bibles) - ("make atonement" in NW); atonement - Numbers 8:12 LITV, Yg (h3722); Deuteronomy 32:43 (h3722) - uh-TOHN; uh-TOHN-muhnt] * [ Attalia] * [ (modern Antalya) - Attali'a - Acts 14:25 (g825) - at'uh-LI -uh, at'tuh-LI -uh] * [ audacious - audacious - Job 41:10 (h393) - aw-DAY-shuhs] * [ Augustine* - - Exodus 20:17 ftn. OH-mer] * [ omnificent* - - - om-NIF-uh-suhnt] * [ omnipotence - ("power" in NW) - Matthew 26:64 We (g1411) - om-NIP-uh-tuhns, ahm-NIH-puh-tuhn(t)s] * [ omnipotent - ("Almighty" in NW and many other Bibles) - Revelation 19:6 KJ (g3841) - om-NIP-uh-tuhnt, ahm-NIH-puh-tuhnt] * [ omnipresence* - - - ahm'nih-PREHZ-uhn(t)s] * [ omnipresent* - - w93 10/1 13 - om'nuh-PREH-zuhnt, ahm'nih-PREHZ-uhnt] * [ omniscience* - - w86 5/15 4 - om-NISH-uhns, ahm-NIH-shuhn(t)s] * [ omniscient* - - g00 8/22 11 - om-NISH-uhnt, ahm-NIH-shuhnt] * [ Omri - Om'ri - 1 Kings 16:16 (h6018) - OM-ri , not OM-ree] * [ Onan - O'nan - Genesis 38:4 (h209) - OH-nuhn, OH-nan] * [ Onesimus - Ones'imus - Colossians 4:9 (g3682) - oh-NES-uh-muhs] * [ Onesiphorus - Onesiph'orus - 2 Timothy 1:16 (g3683) - on'uh-SIF-uh-ruhs] * [ Onias* - - w98 11/15 22 - oh-NI -uhs] * [ onomastica* - - - on'uh-MAS-tuh-kuh] * [ Onomasticon*] * [ (by Eusebius) - - it "Eglaim" - on'uh-MAS-tuh-kon] * [ onomatopoeia* - - Genesis 17:19 ftn. Having been providentially guided thither, here Paul and his companion Silas preached the gospel and formed the first church in Europe. ky'rios) - Romans 10:9 ftn. soon-ED-ree-on (listen)] * [ Sanskrit*] * [ (also Sanscrit) - - g82 11/22 22 - SAN-skrit('), SAN(T)-skruht] * [ Sapphira - Sapphi'ra - Acts 5:1 (g4551) - suh-FI -ruh] * [ sapphire - sapphire - Job 28:16 (h5601); Revelation 21:19 (g4552) - SAF-i r'] * [ Saqqara*] * [ (also Sakkara) - - it "Architecture (Early Post-Flood Construction)" - su-KAHR-uh (listen)] * [ Sarah - Sarah, it Sar'ah - Genesis 17:15 (h8283) - SER-uh, SAR-uh, SER-ah, (also SAY-ruh)] * [ Sarai - Sar'ai - Genesis 11:29 (h8297) - SAIR-i, SER-i, (also SAR-ay-i)] * [ sarcophagus*] * [ (pl. Either way, please contact your web host immediately. We were staying some days in this city. Once you build mouth muscularity and feel comfortable in saying these sounds, you will not fall back to your previous Bible pronunciation unconsciously. sphinxes or sphinges) - - it "Memphis" - SFING(K)S (listen), pl. Look for the .htaccess file in the list of files. Keep up. SEE-mih-] * [ Seneca* - - w95 10/1 32 - SEN-ih-kuh] * [ Sennacherib - Sennach'erib - 2 King 18:13 (h5576) - suh-NAK-uh-rib, -ruhb] * [ Sepharad - Sephar'ad - Obadiah 20 (h5614) - suh-FAR-ad, suh-FAHR-ad (some sources SEF-uh-rad, suh-FAY-rad)] * [ Sephardi* - - - suh-FAHR-dee] * [ Sephardic* - - sh 216 - suh-FAHR-dik, not shuh-] * [ Sephardim* - - it "Ashkenaz" - suh-FAHR-duhm] * [ Sepharvaim - Sepharva'im - Isaiah 36:19 (h5617) - sef'uhr-VAY-im, sef-ahr-VAY-im] * [ Sepharvites - Se'pharvites - 2 Kings 17:31 (h5617) - SEE-fahr-vi ts, SEF-uhr-vi ts] * [ Sepphoris* - - it "Nazareth" - SEF-uh-ris] * [ Septuagint* - - it "Versions" - SEP-too-uh-jint', -tyoo-, SEP-choo-jint'] * [ sepulcher or sepulchre] * [ (burying[-]place, grave, monument, resting place, tomb in some Bibles) - ("burial place" in Genesis 23:6 NW; "tomb" in Acts 2:29 NW) - Genesis 23:6 KJ (h6913); Acts 2:29 KJ (g3418) - SEP-uhl-kuhr] * [ Seraiah - Serai'ah - Jeremiah 51:61 (h8304) - see-RI -uh, seh-RI -uh, suh-RI -uh] * [ seraph] * [ (pl. yawm' kee-POOR, Ashk. mih-DRO-shim] * [ Migdol] * [ (tower in some Bibles) - Mig'dol - Ezekiel 29:10 (h4024) - MIG-dol] * [ miktam] * [ (also michtam)] * [ (michtam, Secret Treasure, writing in some Bibles) - mik'tam - Psalm 16 superscription (h4387) - MIK-tam] * [ Milcah - Mil'cah - Genesis 11:29 (h4435) - MIL-kuh, MIL-kah] * [ milch - ("giving suck" in NW) - Genesis 32:15 AS, DRB, KJ (h3243) - MILCH, MILK, MILKS] * [ Milcom - Mil'com - 1 Kings 11:5 (h4445) - MIL-kuhm, MIL-kom] * [ Miletus - Mile'tus - Acts 20:15 (g3399) - mi -LEE-tuhs] * [ millenarianism* - - w99 12/1 6 - mil'uh-NAIR-ee-uhn-iz'uhm] * [ Millennial*] * [ (Reign of Christ) - - it "Kingdom of God" - muh-LEN-ee-uhl] * [ millennialism* - - w99 12/1 6 - muh-LEN-ee-uhl-iz'-uhm] * [ millennium*] * [ (also Millennium) - - w99 12/1 7 - muh-LEN-ee-uhm] * [ mina] * [ (coin, money, pound in some Bibles) - mi'na - Luke 19:16 (g3414) - MI -nuh] * [ Minerva* - - g97 11/8 27 - muh-NUHR-vuh] * [ Minuscule* ("cursive" manuscript) - - si 310 - MIN-uh-skyool, mih-NUHS-kyool] * [ Miriam - Mir'iam - Exodus 15:20 (h4813) - MIR-ee-uhm] * [ mischievous - - Psalm 21:11 KJ (h4209); Psalm 38:12 AS, Da, KJ (h1942); Ecclesiastes 10:13 AS, DRB, KJ (h7451)) - MIS-chuh-vuhs, MISH-; (nonstandard spelling and pronunciation: mischievious : mis-CHEE-vee-uhs, mish-)] * [ Mishnah*] * [ (also Mishna) - - sh 221 - MISH-nuh] * [ Mishael - Mish'ael - Daniel 1:6 (h4332) - MISH-ay-uhl, MISH-ay-el] * [ Mithra*] * [ (also Mithras) - - g88 12/8 18 - MITH-ruh; MITH-ras] * [ Mithraic* - - w94 12/15 5 - mith-RAY-ik] * [ Mithraism* - - w79 12/15 3 - MITH-ruh-iz'uhm] * [ mitre] * [ (diadem, turban in some Bibles) - ("turban" in NW) - Ezekiel 21:26 AS, Da, Yg (h4701) - MI -tuhr] * [ Mitylene - Mityle'ne - Acts 20:14 (g3412) - mit'uh-LEE-nee, mit'uh-LEE-nuh] * [ Mizpah] * [ (Mizpeh in some Bibles) - Miz'pah - Judges 11:11 (h4709) - MIZ-puh, MIZ-pah] * [ Mizar] * [ (little [hill] in DRB) - ("little" [mountain] in NW) - Psalm 42:6 AS, KJ, Yg (h4706) - MI -zahr] * [ Mizpeh] * [ (see also Mizpah) - Miz'peh - 1 Samuel 22:3 (h4708) - MIZ-puh] * [ Mizraim - Miz'raim - Genesis 10:6 (h4714) - MIZ-ree-uhm, MIZ-ray-im, Heb. (See [483]LYDIA.) appointment with Dr. Brown There is also a phonetic guide to use to see the proper pronunciation of Macedonia . Definition and meaning can be found here: https://www.google.com/search?q=defin. Its original name was Crenides (Greek: , Krenides "Fountains") after its establishment. If you want to know how to pronounce Bible names correctly, be sure to check out our Bible Pronunciation Guide. If you go to your temporary url (http://ip/~username/) and get this error, there maybe a problem with the rule set stored in an .htaccess file.
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