Answer: No. The third party who has been granted discretion must not be aware of material nonpublic information when exercising that discretion. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. [September 30, 2008]. note 1. The exercise of the option is a separate investment decision from the purchase of the option. If the company files the Form 15 on the next business day, is it required to file the Form 10-Q? [Mar. To implement the sales, the plan provides that on the last day of each month the person will place a limit order with a broker, valid until the last day of the next month, to sell 10,000 shares at or above $20 per share. As a result, the Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(B)(3) defense would be unavailable. Answer: The registrants first Form 10-K should be filed with respect to its fiscal year ended December 31, 2007. Where several Exchange Act reports are being amended at the same time, the amendments should not be made in a single filing. Answer: No. Issuers must apply a determination methodology on a consistent basis. The Commission publishes orders and related press releases concerning current fee rates on the Commission's web site at [September 30, 2008]. Question: Is it necessary for a majority of the board of directors of the registrant to sign an amendment to a Form 10-K? When two reporting companies consolidate, each of the predecessor companies should file a Form 15 in connection with the succession. Question: During a month when the written trading plan described in Question 120.11 is in effect, the person calls the broker to place an order to sell an additional 15,000 shares at the market. Thereafter, the issuer should make all other Exchange Act filings as appropriate. The person must make this specification or delegation in good faith before becoming aware of material nonpublic information. [December 8, 2016]. [Mar. Question: Is an employee benefit plan with a Section 15(d) reporting obligation that files Forms 11-K, or that has its filing obligation satisfied by compliance with Exchange Act Rule 15d-21, required to file any other current or periodic reports under the Exchange Act? Exchange Act Rules 13a-15 and 15d-15 require certain officers to evaluate the effectiveness of the filer's disclosure controls and procedures, and Item 307 of Regulation S-K requires the filer to disclose the officers' conclusions regarding the effectiveness of those disclosure controls and procedures. [September 30, 2008]. Question: Must the vote on say-on-frequency, as required by Rule 14a-21(b), be in the form of a "resolution"? 25, 2009], 230.01 If two accelerated filers or large accelerated filers merge and become subsidiaries of a newly formed holding company, that newly formed holding company will be deemed an accelerated or large accelerated filer, respectively. In such cases, a transition report would not be required. The question is whether the prospectus forming part of the registration statement should disclose the applicability of Rule 15g-9, the penny stock cold-calling rule, in the event of a price decline in the aftermarket. Answer: Rule 12b-25 provides that an annual or quarterly report shall be deemed timely filed if a Form 12b-25 making certain specified representations is filed no later than one business day after the due date of the annual or quarterly report, and the report itself is filed no later than fifteen or five calendar days, respectively, after the due date. [June 4, 2010]. Is the exercise of the option covered by a Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(B)(1) defense despite the fact that the amount, price and date are not specified by the same method? What effect does this have on the availability of a Rule 10b5-1(c) defense? [September 30, 2008]. 240.12b-2 Definitions. Rule 12d2-2(d)(5) specifies that the issuers duty to file any reports under Section 13(a) solely because of registration pursuant to Section 12(b) will be suspended upon the effective date of the delisting. 25, 2009]. Moreover, if a person established a new contract, instruction or plan after terminating a prior plan, then all the surrounding facts and circumstances, including the period of time between the cancellation of the old plan and the creation of the new plan, would be relevant to a determination whether the person had established the contract, instruction or plan in good faith and not as part of a plan or scheme to evade the prohibitions of Rule 10b5-1(c). Question: A condition for meeting the definitions of accelerated filer and large accelerated filer in Rule 12b-2 is that the issuer must have been subject to the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act for a period of at least twelve calendar months as of the end of its fiscal year. [May 29, 2009]. Alternatively, an issuer may apply on a consistent basis any other reasonable methodology in assessing the location and amount of its assets for purposes of this determination. Some of these C&DIs were first published in prior Division publications and have been revised in some cases. Relevant considerations may include: who is responsible for engaging the external auditor and for pre-approving audit and non-audit services? Often times those agreements contain commercially sensitive terms that could result in competitive harm if revealed to the public. [Mar. Rule 12g5-1(a)(3) provides a special counting method for securities held in a custodial capacity for a single trust, estate or account. Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(C) requires, as a condition to the exemption, that the purchase or sale be pursuant to the contract, instruction, or plan. First, the person could have exercised discretion not to pay the loan, resulting in default and the transfer of the securities. The company appointed a new CEO prior to the filing. Answer: The following are examples of advisory vote descriptions that would be consistent with Rule 14a-21s requirement for shareholders to be given an advisory vote to approve the compensation paid to a companys named executive officers, as disclosed pursuant to Item 402 of Regulation S-K. If the company determines that it does not have a valid Section 10(a) prospectus, it should cease making any offers or sales under the registration statement that includes that prospectus. Amendments should be filed separately for each Exchange Act report to be amended. Is the Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(B)(3) defense available to the person when the bank sells the stock? [September 30, 2008], 270.01 An issuer goes effective with a Securities Act registration statement after its fiscal year end without including audited financial statements as of such year end in the registration statement. 25, 2009]. Title 17 was last amended 1/27/2023. S7-12-22), supra. Does the contract nevertheless need to be written to establish a defense under Rule 10b5-1(c)? 240.12b-3 Title of securities. The issuer is not otherwise required to file Exchange Act reports under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act after the effective date of the delisting. [Mar. 9002 (Jan. 30, 2009). [September 30, 2008]. Question: Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act provides an automatic suspension of the periodic reporting obligation as to any fiscal year (except for the fiscal year in which the registration statement became effective) if an issuer has fewer than 300 security holders of record at the beginning of such fiscal year. (1) the term ''Commission'' means the Securities and Exchange Commission; and (2) the term ''Federal securities laws'' has the meaning given the term securities laws by section 3(a)(47) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. At the time of the filing of the periodic report, another officer is performing the functions of a principal executive officer. Two months later, the option writer receives an exercise notice, requiring her to sell the shares to the counterparty at the exercise price. In this example, the person has retained discretion over the timing of the option exercise. Answer: (a) The written trading plan defense is not available for the market order to sell the 15,000 additional shares. Rule 12d2-2(d)(5) specifies that the issuers duty to file any reports under Section 13(a) solely because of registration pursuant to Section 12(b) is suspended only when the Form 25 is effective for the delisting. 7881 (Aug. 15, 2000) at fn. Answer: Because the certification relates to the entire Form 10-K or 10-Q, the amendment should include the entire report, not just the signature page. 240.12b-5 Determination of affiliates of banks. Controls and procedures with respect to interactive data fall within the scope of "disclosure controls and procedures." In 240.0-1 to 240.24b-3, the numbers to the right of the decimal point correspond with the respective rule numbers of the rules and regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. [September 30, 2008]. [September 30, 2008]. Reliance on this affirmative defense does not prevent the person from setting some of the terms of the purchases or sales at the creation of the contract, instruction or plan so that no one has subsequent discretion as to those terms. Other individuals without permanent resident status may also be residents of the U.S. for purposes of these provisions. Pursuant to Rule 12b-25, there are no additional extensions of time beyond the 15 calendar days for annual reports and the 5 calendar days for quarterly reports. [Mar. The proxy statement still must be filed independently to comply with Rule 14a-6. Question: Where the registrant is a limited partnership that does not have an audit committee, who should be considered the persons performing the equivalent function as referenced in paragraph 5 of the certifications required by Rules 13a-14(a) and 15d-14(a)? Answer: No. [September 30, 2008], 251.01 Following a tender offer, a company has sufficiently few shareholders to be eligible to file a Form 15 pursuant to Rules 12g-4 and 12h-3. Answer: The analysis depends on the manner in which the adjustment is effected: (a) First, the written plan could provide for adjustment of the amount of securities to be sold each month based on a written formula specified in the plan within the meaning of Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(B)(2). A company registers securities under Section 12 by filing an Exchange Act registration statement such as on Form 10, Form 20-F or Form 8-A. Answer: As set forth in paragraph (a) of Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14, where an issuer does not have a principal executive officer or a principal financial officer, the person or persons performing similar functions at the time of filing of the report must execute the required certification. Question: On its proxy card and voting instruction form, how should a company describe the advisory vote to approve executive compensation that is required by Exchange Act Rule 14a-21? L. 106-102, Nov. 12, 1999, 113 Stat. Oftentimes, if there is ultimately a corporation serving as the general partner of a limited partner in the chain of ownership, the corporations audit committee or full board is likely performing the equivalent functions of an audit committee for the registrant. Answer: No. Answer: No. Rule 12g-4 does not suspend an obligation to file a Form 10-K or Form 10-Q when either form was due before the Form 15 was filed. [December 8, 2016]. Answer: The COVID-19 Order is conditioned on a registrant having furnished a Form 8-K or Form 6-K by the later of March 16, 2020 or the original due date of the report. DUBLIN, March 01, 2023--In accordance with Rule 2.12 of the Irish Takeover Panel Act, 1997, Takeover Rules, 2022 (the "Irish Takeover Rules"), Horizon confirms that, as of the close of business on . [September 30, 2008], 253.02 Rule 12h-3(c)-(d) operates to relieve a holding company of the Section 15(d) reporting obligation which would normally arise from the registration statement filed for the reorganization of a non-reporting company into a one-subsidiary holding company where the equity holders receive the same proportional interests in the holding company and the holding company emerges from the reorganization with more than 300 shareholders. Question 120.14, which provides that delegation of discretion to a broker to reduce the number of shares to be sold under a trading plan to comply with the Rule 144(e) volume limitations, was distinguished because the reductions in Question 120.14 reflect limitations imposed by law rather than an exercise of discretion by the seller. [March 31, 2020]. Question: Can Rule 12b-25 be used to extend the due date for timely filing of information incorporated by reference from definitive proxy materials into Item III of Form 10-K? [March 31, 2020]. Within the guidelines specified by Rule 12b-23, an issuer may incorporate by reference into its own Exchange Act documents any information contained in the filed documents of another issuer. [September 30, 2008]. Therefore, unless a registrant that filed a Form 12b-25 also furnished a Form 8-K or Form 6-K by March 16, 2020 or the original due date of the report, it would not be able to rely on the COVID-19 Order. N.B. Also, she may have had the discretion to substitute collateral or provide additional collateral or cash to prevent foreclosure and sale of the stock. [Mar. If those functions are divided between both boards, the issuer may aggregate the members of both boards for purposes of calculating the majority. 7b-3. Question: For purposes of applying the primary trading market definition under Rule 12h-6(f)(5), may an issuer consider all securities trading markets in countries that are part of the European Union as a single foreign jurisdiction? 25, 2009]. Answer: If an employee acts in good faith and is not aware of material nonpublic information at the time she provides written or oral instructions as to payroll deduction purchases, a defense would be available for those purchases under Rule 10b5-1(c). Within the meaning of Rule 144(a)(2), the person and the trust will be a single person. By contrast, under Rule 15d-6, if an issuer has fewer than 300 security holders of record at the beginning of the fiscal year, a Form 15 should be filed to notify the Commission of such suspension, but the suspension is granted by statute and is not contingent on filing the Form 15. Answer: Rule 12b-25(d) provides that, during the extension period, a company will not be eligible to use any registration statement form under the Securities Act the use of which is predicated on timely filed reports until the subject report is actually filed. The staff interprets the term use contained in the rule to mean that a company would not be eligible to file a new registration statement on Form S-3 until the subject report is filed within the extension period. [Apr. The adoption of the plan itself may not be the same as placement of a sell order. Form 11-K provides that the due date for an ERISA plans Form 11-K is 180 days after fiscal year end. [September 30, 2008]. The broker executing plan repurchases would review company filings to determine the amount of any such repurchases that had been disclosed. The first sale of securities under the plan will take place on March 1 in reliance on Rule 144. Question: Can a company suspend its reporting obligations under Section 15(d) with respect to the fiscal year within which such registration statement became effective? Therefore, as a successor to the foreign issuer's reporting obligations, the Delaware corporation must immediately begin filing Exchange Act reports on domestic issuer forms. Answer: Yes. Poison pill rights issuable under stockholder rights plans are not the type of rights contemplated by Rule 12a-5, which provides a temporary exemption from registration for substituted or additional securities to allow when-issued trading. Question: In determining whether more than 50 percent of the assets of an issuer are located outside the United States under the definition of foreign private issuer in Securities Act Rule 405 and Exchange Act Rule 3b-4(c), can an issuer use the geographic segment information determined in the preparation of its financial statements? Material may be filed by delivery to the Commission, through the mails or otherwise. 25, 2009]. In such situations, the Commission assigns an Exchange Act file number for the successor holding company when the Form 8-K is filed. Question: If the certifications required by Rules 13a-14(a) and 15d-14(a) are not included as exhibits to a Form 10-K or 10-Q, and an amendment will be filed to include the certifications as exhibits, must the entire periodic report be re-filed or can the amendment include only the signature page? The Rule 13a-1 annual report would be due at the same time as any other such annual report. Question: Can an issuer that submits Exchange Act reports on a voluntary basis satisfy the definitions of accelerated filer or large accelerated filer in Rule 12b-2? [September 30, 2008], 250.02 The successor to a Section 12(g) registrant that underwent a re-incorporation merger to change its state of incorporation reported the merger in the next Form 10-Q that would have been required of the Section 12(g) registrant, and thereafter continued to file Exchange Act reports in reliance upon Rule 12g-3. 25, 2009]. Answer: The first report due will be a Form 10-K for the previous fiscal year (fiscal year 2009). 26985 (June 28, 1989), 54 FR 28799. 25, 2009]. (b) Alternatively, the written plan could provide for adjustment of the amount of securities to be sold each month based on a delegation of discretion to the broker. [September 30, 2008]. Who signs the certification? Filers that are unable to submit or post Interactive Data Files when required must comply with the hardship exemption requirements of either Rule 201 (temporary hardship exemption) or Rule 202 (continuing hardship exemption) of Regulation S-T. The Commission originally proposed a version of the rule that would have looked through to the beneficial owners of the street-name securities, but adopted the rule in a form that does not produce this result. Under Rule 15d-6, if an issuer has fewer than 300 security holders of record at the beginning of the fiscal year, a Form 15 should be filed to notify the Commission of such suspension, but the suspension is granted by statute and is not contingent on filing the Form 15. [September 30, 2008], 254.01 If an issuer of a guaranteed security has a different class of securities that is registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Act, the issuer cannot rely on Rule 12h-5 for reporting relief until it deregisters the other class of securities. Once the Form 25 is effective the company may file a Form 15 which will immediately suspend its Exchange Act reporting obligations. With two legislative days remaining until Crossover Day, legislators and lobbyists spent all . Question: Does canceling one or more plan transactions affect the availability of the Rule 10b5-1(c) defense for future plan transactions? [September 30, 2008]. [Aug. 11, 2010]. Question: In determining whether the majority of the directors are United States citizens or residents under the definition of foreign private issuer in Securities Act Rule 405 and Exchange Act Rule 3b-4(c), how should the determination be made when the issuer has two boards of directors? It is uncertain as to its ability to file the required report within the applicable Rule 12b-25(b)(2)(ii) period. If a report is due on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the issuer can timely file a Form 12b-25 on the second business day following the due date and timely file the report fifteen calendar days (annual report) or five calendar days (quarterly report) after the first business day following the due date. Question: What is the due date of a Form 12b-25 when the due date of the periodic report falls on a Saturday, Sunday or federal holiday? 25, 2009]. A U.S.-domiciled company can never be a foreign issuer or foreign private issuer, no matter how few U.S. shareholders it may have or where its assets, business, officers or directors are located. 240.0-12 Commission procedures for filing applications for orders for exemptive relief under Section 36 of the Exchange Act. [September 30, 2008]. Question: If Company A files proxy materials for the transfer of substantially all of its assets to its wholly-owned subsidiary, Company B, in exchange for shares of Company B stock, will Company A have to pay the filing fee contemplated by Rule 0-11 or Exchange Act Section 14(g)? Consequently, sales pursuant to the altered limit order would not be pursuant to the existing plan. The purpose of the disclosure in these circumstances is to alert dealers required to deliver a prospectus in the 90 days after the effective date of their additional responsibilities under Rule 15g-9 if the trading price falls below $5. The public offering price is $5 a share. Similarly, a company that must file a registration statement on Form 10 to register a class of securities under Section 12(g) must include financial statements for its previous fiscal year. Question: May an issuer incorporate by reference into its own Exchange Act documents information contained in the filed documents of another issuer? 111 and Question 120.16. Question: Is Rule 12b-25(b) available to a parent with respect to a subsidiary whose financial statements are to be filed by amendment to the parents Form 10-K under Rule 3-09 of Regulation S-X?
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