I could only imagine what might have happened, and my thoughts were pretty dark, I must say. Sleep quality is next level this with colloidal silver ,Dmae and your set. Navapashanam is used to bless the distilled water and is made from many herbs & minerals from an immortal Siddha from South India. I bought this after reading several rave reviews about how great everyone felt after taking this. They are sworn to secrecy, upon pain of death, and usually have no idea that the highest military officials in the nation even the Joint Chiefs of Staff may be completely unaware of their activities. Right before his health collapsed, three black SUVs followed him and abducted his dog Raven. Emery was made directly aware of the presence of gigantic ET motherships under the Antarctic ice from his own time working in various black-ops programs. b. the mental capacity to comprehend the information and form reasonable judgments on the consequences, The power of our mass consciousness to affect his healing process cannot be undermined. Ive had a clot to the lung which left me with sleep apnea. Support small. This is the most powerful Ormus I have tried! [UPDATE NEXT DAY, 12/29: Emery had a miraculous improvement after our call for mass meditation and prayer and does not need to be in the hospital. [Free Ebook!]. There was a problem completing your request. He is rewriting entire branches of science and leading a new narrative of human history, one that includes races of highly advanced beings that we share earth and space with. If we can step away from the immediate shock, horror and crisis of this, we can be grateful that he got his dog back, relatively unscathed. After traveling to Area 51 and S-4, the CIA agent said that he saw several garage type doors with flying saucers in them. Why? WHY DID WE POST SOMETHING ON OCTOBER 22ND? Once we entered into that community, there could be all sorts of rewards, including hyper-advanced technology they would teach us how to build. (verified owner) June 5, 2020. This decision was difficult for me as I dedicated five and a half years of my lifes work to create meaningful content to share with our community. IMPORTANT NOTE Atomic Ormus is not the same for everyone. He thought he had pneumonia. Ormus & Navapashanam Energized Distilled Water. Lead Intern, Oct 2018 - May 2020. It violates all G-ds commands that sustain humans as an independent race of His own . Your service title . Emery appears to be one of potentially thousands of covert military employees who autopsied bodies that were being given to us as payment. The Oxygen Saturation level was at 91, and had come up a point from 90, which is extremely dangerous. Way untraceable ! Well, the key is to continue conducting an ongoing investigation and keep researching over and over in as many different sources as possible: David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Emery Smith, Captain Randy Cramer, Andrew Basiago, Dr. Steven Green, Whitley Strieber, David Adair, etc, etc. Some people online assumed that I had no power in any situations that were not to my liking, and again this was a major untruth that was not rooted in fact. These various incidents, including the leaking of the letter circulated online, were very effective in destroying the good faith and the relationships that Gaia and I had built, for over five years. Tompkins actually died. Only a half-hour after this intel was posted, Emery suffered a head-on collision while driving his SUV in Topanga, California. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. Emery Smith, the insider formerly known as "Paul", comes forward to reveal his work inside secret biological facilities deep under the New Mexico desert. By utilizing ancient teachings and healing modalities, we aid in the removal of pain and limitation on a cellular and DNA level. As it says on the Gaia site at https://www.gaia.com/gaia-updates, Less than 3% of our members watch primarily any single series.. His health was also very bad, with what he believed was pneumonia. I deal with the Firestone Clinic at St Jospehs Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Os chineses esto tentando desescalar a situao . If they were watching his finances through covert means publicized by Edward Snowden, then they knew he had gotten very close to absolute zero. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room. I was reading about the third eye and then I came across someone recommending this supplement. Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. This is my first time purchasing Ormus. I encouraged Emery Smith to come forward as a guest on Cosmic Disclosure despite threats he had received. Yet, Christ paved a new and distinct way for humans to be saved through this fall. Here is a wider shot of Emery on the hospital bed, showing more of the equipment in the room: This was the first shot he sent me, where it became very clear how sick he was: I asked him to take a photo of his wristband, and here it is: I also said it was important to get documentation on his symptoms and treatment. View the profiles of people named Emory Smith. Our night struggles are created with artificial frequencies. It comes from putting go, A: This is my first time purchasing Ormus. Paul had a brick wall to his side, leaving him with nowhere else to turn and no escape. I am using this blog post to make sure you are aware of some things. Not very convincing. Even the Tom DeLonge soft disclosure we covered in the previous article included the idea that some deeper force was working to prevent this information from ever being distributed. I had heard of its potency, but was still pleasantly surprised by the positive affects it gave me, and how quickly it brought me back into balance. It is safe now to donate. If you so choose, you can visualize him surrounded with white, healing light. It can come back around on them in very unexpected ways. It is very difficult to imagine how far we might already have gone with the full cooperation and technology of multiple ET races, all kept in secret. Last night, I felt the low frequency routine starting over, and played high frequency music (Craig Pruesss Sacred Chants of Devi album YouTube/SoundCloud length: 1:06:58) and the negative frequencies dissipated and vanished instantly.~Inelia BenzEntire article Night Disturbances ? at https://ascension101.com. Another issue concerns Emery Smith and other insiders I interviewed for Gaia. So far I have noticed on my first day is, happiness, clear minded, energetic. From there, he went on to surgical tech training at Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, Texas, and then on to England AFB in the 23rd Tactical Fighter Wing, located in Alexandria Louisiana, where he worked as a surgical technologist and surgical first assist. The Golden thread that weaves his work together is the science of Ascension - a solar-system-wide transformation that elevates earth and humanity to a higher phase of spiritual advancement. Application of Ormus produces improvement in growth & size. That wont benefit you on your search for the truth of things. He even set up a GoFundMe page to take donations for this lie. The Partial Disclosure could involve UFOs and / or ancient ruins in Antarctica. You know something we should all pray for is called DECLASSIFICATION while TRUMP is in office cuz it will lead to all sorts of REVELATION! These are purposeful constructed to avoid the coming Judgement bringing by Christ Jesus. In the morning especially at work I noticed such a positive drive in energy performance that I felt cutting coffee was much easier. I tried taking it before years ago, it made me have some lucid dreams, but overall not impressed enough to keep taking it. This allows your energy to shift and open new doors of possibilities to flow in. I want you to give them a personal message. I dont care what kind of classified material you got. A surprising number of insiders have surfaced to shed light on this amazing story but for most people it still seems hard to accept. With our collective help, we can stop them from trying to whitewash the truth. I had been telegraphing for three days via electronic communication that I was writing the big one i.e. we are going to go over and take the base over. So far I have noticed on my first day is, happiness, clear minded, energetic. Whoever did this may have hoped that the added shock of having his dog stolen could further weaken his health and cause him to actually die. Jesus said, My Father works until now. while he walked on this planet. This may very well have been a move that saved his life, even though it brought the impact even closer to his side of the car. While I had and have nothing to do with the alleged GEM, let me be clear that the GEM posts were loaded with mean-spirited and false accusations. Thank you Emery for sharing your valuable information and risking your life for us. Thanks for posting this. If the cabal actually killed everyone that was close to him then Im sure its a very sad topic for him and its understandable, but it is not a natural human reaction to INSTANTLY tear up every time you hear something that upsets you greatly. Always seek theadviceof your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding amedicalcondition. I was very reluctant to publicize this at the time. Atomic Ormus is energetically programmed with the powerful intentions of healing the body, repairing damaged DNA, and expanding consciousness by our Resident Alchemist and Certified Reiki Master. It started working right away for me but I notice the more I took it regularly it enhanced so many things. Anu Alchemy Ormus is collected in Navapashanam water by a loving community during the full moon, solstice,equinox and eclipse times. xoxoxo. Blood was found on the window and the drivers side door. We were also extremely thorough. I recommended documenting any tissue damage to the dog, photos of the Facebook post with the name scrubbed, et cetera. this is only 2.6 degrees below the temperature where permanent brain damage or death can result 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit. UPDATE, SAME DAY, 12/29, 1:51 PM: PAYPAL UN-FROZE THE ACCOUNT! Many people have reported that they like the result they observe by giving Ormus to their pets. I knew we were running a very dangerous game here. Could it be that the Cabal has put nanites in vaccines? A: Just half an hour after we released Part Two, one of our top insiders we have been calling Paul was nearly killed in a head-on collision. Cosmic Disclosure Technologies of the Secret Base S1:E2 I encouraged Emery Smith to come forward as a guest on Cosmic Disclosure despite threats he had received. Agree with this post. They pulled off about 50 Meters away and took my dog and accelerated away! I AM NOT even in FEAR about this and Im the one living here!!!! If Emery was larping, i.e. Greetings from me !!! All of them will be exposed for all their willful and wicked deeds. Take this article as free therapy -- and a great wording of exactly the same things I'd want to teach you! Right before his health collapsed, three black SUVs followed him and abducted his dog Raven. Your presumptions are incorrect and inaccurate but you are, of course, entitled to your opinion. The staff was just horrible to me and I had no friends. They will not succeed to obtain the eternal power of Life.
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