But me and a friend saw Brother Murphy and a nun take some little bodies and shove them into the flames. The incinerated included the living, specifically the newborn babies of schoolgirls who became pregnant from staffers.Fellow Kamloops survivor Eddy Jules corroborates, When I was in Senior B, the girls would get pregnant, but theyd never have their kids, you know It was scary, youd hear the incinerator door being opened and hear the big clang and wed know theyd be getting rid of the evidence. Of course, climate change has always been happening, long before the industrial revolution. resources intensified. Harriett Nahanee, died of induced pneumonia in Surrey Remand prison, February 24, 2007; Genocide survivor. Commencing on the third anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic of Kanata, the Grand Jury is formed as an alternative to the Canadian governments farcical cover-up called the Missing Womens Inquiry. At the end of each term, theyd hand out the red tags and if you had one you had to report to the clinic. Survivor Sam Adolph was sterilized in 1959 at the age of fourteen, as he describes: They called us the red tag boys. 1. I believe william coombes. 2. The pseudo Inquiry is actually halting genuine efforts to reveal the crimes and who is responsible for them, and is silencing eyewitnesses who dispute theofficialaccounts of the disappearances. We pay for war with our taxes, we benefit from war materially, and we even draw our pension and retirement funds from the profits of the arms industry as does every major church and religion on the planet, starting with the Vatican Incorporated. (2 Corinthians 6:17)For background listen to last weeks program Sovereignty and Re-Formation at this link:https://bbsradio.com/podcast/sovereignty-and-re-formation-october-22-2017See alsowww.murderbydecree.comandwww.itccs.org. We are especially directing this call to President Vladimir Putin, his government and the people of Russia, and all countries outside the western bloc. Kevin Annett - Genocide of Canadian aboriginals at 25 million; 50,000 children now missing; Key witness William Coombes assassinated by Crown and Vatican agents Rev. Public opponent of state-funded, drug dealing native politicians in Manitoba. 5. Scientists Have Been Baffled By Mysterious Questions For Decades, The Recent "UFO" Craze In Mainstream News & How It Detracts From A Very Real, Very Mysterious Phenomenon, The Ethics of AI: Deepfake Porn & ChatGPT, Cochrane Review: Masks Aren't Backed By Science. (16)Since its enactment in 1929,Crimen Sollicitationashas encouraged and caused the systematic murder of children in Canada, America, Ireland, Croatia, across Europe and around the world to continue unchecked. Breathe slowly into the area for 60 seconds. There is only one war that we can affect and perhaps even stop, and that is the war at home, in ourselves and in our own communities. This report is written with the blood of countless aboriginal children, and of those who have died to bring the truth of their fate to light. In September 1964 when I was 12 years old, I was an inmate at the Kamloops school and we were visited by the Queen of England and Prince Phillip. But the continued position of the Canadian government and its native band council agents, as well as the guilty churches and the media, is that most of the deaths of residential school children were due to natural causes. No 1123 marmora road, glasgow, D04 89GR; Phone: (801) 2345-6789 / (801) 2345-9876; portland homeless 2020 An RCMP report in June 1933 concerning the recapture of runaway Kamloops school children refers to the helpful and willing cooperation of the Siwash (Indians) and their Chiefs. Closer to home, Combes described At the school they had a furnace going twenty-four seven, but it was totally out of bounds. Leading that opposition are the succeeding generations of the Maquinna clan, the hereditary Ahousaht war-chiefs who must battle not only smallpox-bearing missionaries, gunships and loggers but their own fellow chiefs who seek to accommodateto and accept the white invaders. Accordingly, like a similar Catholic facility at Mission, B.C., and at the Anglican school in Alert Bay and the United Church school in Port Alberni, the average death rate at Kamloops was among the highest of these schools, remaining well above 50% for much of its duration. Kevins latest book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b12fPkhmtUM&feature=youtu.be, Tis the Season to be Bad Ass: An Update from Kevin (Dont Tread on Me) Annett, Remember, Grieve, and Change: A Tribute to the Fallen and Those to Come An All Peoples Remembrance Day Program, The Oldest Lie and the Greatest Crime: Ending the Reign of the False Church, https://bbsradio.com/podcast/oldest-lie-and-greatest-crime-october-29-2017, https://bbsradio.com/sites/default/files/audio_dirs/herewestand/Here_We_Stand_2017-10-29.mp3, https://bbsradio.com/podcast/sovereignty-and-re-formation-october-22-2017, Scathing report exposes century-old, ongoing genocide by Canada, Great Britain and the Vatican; Calls for sanctions, arrests and war crimes trials, http://itccs.org/2014/07/24/sheriffs-move-to-arrest-convicted-church-leaders-bergoglio-pachon-and-welby-vatican-crown-plan-counter-attack/. Threatened with death by United Church minister Gary Paterson and a Vancouver police sergeant less than two weeks before he was killed. 3. See this site. These six aboriginal activists were all survivors of the murderous, church-run Indian residential schools and active members of the campaign to expose and prosecute these crimes by the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. See alsowww.itccs.organdwww.murderbydecree.com. 8. Between 2006 and 2012, seven key eyewitnesses and prominent indigenous activists of the ITCCS network in Vancouver and Winnipeg were murdered at the hands of this Directive: Harriett Nahanee, JohnnyBingoDawson, Ricky Lavallee, Harry Wilson, William Combes, Edna Phillips and Chief Louis Daniels. Brown is quoted in the documentary film. The present experimental COVID-19 vaccine, along with the SARS vaccine and numerous other untested serums, were routinely tried out first on native people. William Combes, died of lethal injection, St. Pauls Catholic hospital, Vancouver, February 26, 2011; Genocide survivor. She went falling down the stairs and just lay there. With this in hand, media outlets will have to evolve. There is, for example, a clear and direct link between the Thailand and China-based organ and human trafficking industry and the disappearance of aboriginal women in B.C. On this All Peoples Remembrance Day, dont miss our final program of the season. Quis nostrud exercitation . Kevin Annett - Genocide of Canadian aboriginals at 25 million; 50,000 children now missing; Key witness William Coombes assassinated by Crown and Vatican agents Last edited: Jul 12, 2021. Silenced. The government of Canada, its churches, and their sponsors in London and Rome have been tried and convicted of the Indian residential school genocide in common law court proceedings held during 2012 and 2013. This practice was described by government inspector Dr. Peter Bryce in his 1909 visit to the Kamloops school and a half century later by Kamloops survivor William Combes, referring to the year 1965: Many of us children who werent cooperative were put in with the children who were sick or dead with the tuberculosis. There is a clear moral and legal obligation of sovereign nations to restrain and punish proven criminal regimes like Canada, the British Crown and the Vatican. Crimes against Humanity, from Canada to Rome: A recent, exclusive interview with Kevin Annett (June 26, 2018), Proof: The Medical Murder of Willam Combes, eyewitness to crimes by Queen Elizabeth Windsor, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice. This book describes the genocide of the Ahousaht indigenous people by the United Church and its business and government partners. Sadly, this collusion by tribal chiefs included helping to conceal the deaths of children and dispose of their remains in secret graves. 2 This reference tool is intended for research use. (1) This plan was set in motion and maintained by the Crown of England and its Privy Council Office and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, along with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the judiciary and private corporations. He is a renowned Canadian whistle blower and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee who has led the global campaign to expose and prosecute crimes against humanity by church and state. Acontractual agreement dated November 25, 1910 between the government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian and Methodist churches (the latter two were the predecessors to the United Church of Canada) established the jointly funded and administered Indian residential schools in which over half of the children died. In short, there is no avenue for relief or justice for survivors of this genocide within Canada or in the agencies of the United Nations, which have turned their back on the reality of this ongoing crime by Christian and Corporate Canada. Like for instance, one or all of our seven recently-published books on such matrix-shattering themes as Genocide, home grown war crimes, common law training and how to be a whistle blower and win? The TRC indemnified the churches and allowed them to whitewash their archives, censored out of its records any names, references to deaths or actions of a criminal nature, and prevented any lawsuits to arise from testimonies. Criminal charges and arrests must be made, and the childrens remains must be given a proper and traditional burial. Canadians and indigenous people are obligated by law and morality to enforce the verdict of that court and of history upon the Canadian state, its churches, and their agents. (7), The cabinet Directive in question was issued for implementation by the federal government toEDivision of the RCMP in Vancouver in the first week of June, 1998, just prior to the convening of the IHRAAM Tribunal on June 12, 1998. William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. The expulsion of all remaining traditional native tribes from their west coast lands assumed greater urgency as the twentieth century closed and the world demand for hydro-electricity, timber, minerals and other British Columbia (B.C.) William Coombes & The Kamloops Kidnapping of 1964 - YouTube NEW, June 2018. It is indeed time for all of us to Come out from their evil and be separated. Thechiefsof these councils have played a key role in eradicating any lingering indigenous identity or authority and control over traditional lands and resources. Genocide survivor. One of the primary methods of achieving an apparently required death rate quota of between one third and one half of the students was the routine practice of exposing healthy children to those sick and dying of tuberculosis and then never treating them. 41 and following in. While the general aim of this genocide was the elimination of all non-Christian native peoples, itsassociated purpose was the extirpation of traditional indigenous kinship networks and the matriarchal clan mother system of authority that ensured indigenous control of lands and resources. We therefore call upon nations to do so, using their full police, military and legal machinery. Before the mandatory brain-deadness of the Christmas season descends on everyone, here are some important reminders to keep tucked away: Posted in9th circle,Action: What to Do,Canada,Catholic Church,Charges Laid,Child Trafficking,Chuch of England,Church of Rome,common law,common law court of justice,covenanters,Crown of England,Genocide,Genocide in Canada,Historical Background,ITCCS,Johnny Bingo Dawson,Kevin Annett,Legal Background,Mass Graves in Canada,Ninth Circle,Papal Deception,police state,Pope Benedict,Pope Francis the First,Press TV,Prime Minister Harper,Public International Court of Justice,Public Summonses,queen Elizabeth,radio free kanata,Republic of Kanata,Rev. Do Not commit a Crime by funding Criminal Churches! Despite the phasing out of Indian residential schools after 1972, this genocidal plan intensified at the hands of different branches of the Canadian government and agencies like Catholic-run adoption and foster care agencies. A particular focus of these grisly experiments at the Kamloops school was the testing of experimental vaccines on native children. The so-calledNinth Circle, a Catholic sacrificial cult formed in the 17thcentury by the Jesuits and still in operation under the directives of the highest level of the Vatican, functioned in the Canadian residential schools from their inception. 10 1964 Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were seen taking ten native children . The Chretien terror plan authorized the use ofblack opsmethods of illegal monitoring, smears, disruptions and violence against Annett and these targeted groups, including the elimination of individuals who held knowledge or evidence of genocidal acts by Canadian church and state employees. The present disinterring of these children by agents of the criminally-convicted Crown must stop. Kamloops school Principals managed this aboriginal slave trade and personally profited from it, with the knowledge and collusion of Indian Agents and their bosses in Ottawa. One of these terms was the imposition of the conditions of Crimen Sollicitationas on all Anglican clergy, officials and members. John was named as such by three former members of his Tribal Council, two of whom (Frank Martin and Helen Michel) gave their testimonies at the IHRAAM Tribunal into residential school crimes in Vancouver in June, 1998. Sixteen separate Kamloops survivors have described how as children as young as four years old they were lined up like at a slave auction and bought for sex and worse by local residents and RCMP, church and government visiting dignitaries. A Memorandum on Genocidal Crimes at the Catholic Church-run Kamloops Indian Residential School, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk4g5l7FcFc&list=PLYEnChrKOgm7aRDzbo6yfswzCEdMl2P8e&index=1, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyxPFPQjNfg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swGEK8duSiU&t=932s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY4h3hDjOYM, http://www.salem-news.com/articles/march262019/canada-biggest-cover-up-sw.php, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYEnChrKOgm7aRDzbo6yfswzCEdMl2P8e. www.createspace.com/6784355(List price: $10). 7. Select this result to view Linda F Coombs's phone number, address, and more. William Coombes (d. 18 April 1822), of Douai College, Grand-Vicar of the Western District.Young Coombes went to Douai at the age of twelve, was ordained in 1791, and during the French Revolution escaped (October, 1793) from Dourlens to England. In WWII, Mr . But the unconquerable spirit of a few souls on either side of the racial divide struggles to prevail against overwhelming odds and big money. But he fixed me so I could never have a kid.. 14. He is describing the removal of childrens bodies to the furnace, which was always on \u0026 out-of-bounds for the kids.Then Coombes very briefly describes the visit by the queen of england elizabeth to his Kamloops Indian residential school in 1964 during her first state visit to Canada.A number of children were taken on a \"picnic\" with the royal couple \u0026 10 of them were never seen again.Kevin Annett, perhaps the most hated man on the internet, discovered \u0026 began exposing the crimes of the Indian residential schools system as a clergyman in the early 90's. By 1995, when the incipient ITCCS campaign to expose residential school crimes began making headlines in the Canadian media, stories of these disappearances of native families were also proliferating. NEW, June 2018. Kevin andAndrew describe the ongoing campaign to spiritually and politically disestablish the criminally convicted Churches of Rome, England and Canada. As proof of this is the burial and obfuscation by the Inquiry of a key fact: namely, that the west coast disappearances are the result of specific racial and political targeting and are not random killings. Some of Kevin's books can be ordered here: Kevin's award-winning documentary filmUnrepentantcan be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swGEK8duSiU&t=932s . Kamloops Indian Residential School Survivor On The Queen's Alleged Connection To Missing Children William Coombes was resident at Kamloops Indian residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia, in 1964, when the school was visited by the Queen and Prince Philip. I dont know who the doctor was, he was from somewhere else and we never saw him again. William Davis Coombes, of Boiling Spring Lakes, passed away on his 98th birthday, November 20, 2019. An indispensable weapon for those fighting wrongdoing: Truth Tellers Shield: A Manual for Whistle Blowers, The third book in a series by Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Kevin Annett, To order:www.createspace.com/6534773(List price: $10), I found the Manual an immensely helpful guide for navigating pitfalls and attacks from powerful adversaries. Lots of kids died that way., 10. Ricky Lavallee,eyewitness to killings at Catholic residential schools in Manitoba. Among its recommendations, the ITCCS report calls on the global community to enact economic and political sanctions against Canada, Great Britain and the Vatican, dispatch international peace keepers and forensic investigation teams to Canada, and aid in the prosecution of these regimes for crimes against humanity. It did so in order to mask the continuance of that crime, especially among west coast native nations. William was the sole survivor of a group of three aboriginal boys who claim to have witnessed the abduction of ten children during a royal visit to the Kamloops residential school in mid October, 1964, when both the Queen and Prince Philip were in Canada. We would be opposing war with our actions, not our words. I remember . The practice of camouflaging the residential school genocide is an old one in Canada, established first by Church and State and continuing today. This is Section II of three. 13. By what means do they and their compliant government and corporate allies conceal their crimes and exonerate themselves? All of them died of foul play at the hands of the Vancouver police, hospital staff, church agents or other unknown parties. This Holocaust-denying claim, which is routinely quoted by the media, contradicts the governments own published records from 1909, 1934, 1948 and 1969 that an average 40% to 60% of children died in the schools, or between 60,000 and 100,000 children between 1889 and 1996. As a controlled stage show run by the very powers responsible for making native women go missing, the Inquiry is moribund, having released no report of any of its supposed findings in the over two years of its shadowy existence. Important Announcement on Operation Atonement AND Now Available! As long as such institutionalized criminality against children is allowed to legally operate, no country can claim to be protecting its own citizenry or its own lawful sovereignty. It did so through its own controlled, in-house committee: an elaborate deception and obstruction of justice misnamed theTruth and Reconciliation Commission(TRC). (Anthropology), University of British Columbia (UBC), 1983; M.A. (11) Accordingly, the TRC was followed closely by a second cover-up effort by the present Liberal government of Canada known as theNational Missing Women Inquiry. We must also acknowledge the seven aboriginal members of the ITCCS who have died at the hands of the police and others in the course of publicly surfacing this enormous crime and confronting the churches responsible: Chief Louis Daniels, Edna Philips, Harriett Nahanee, Harry Wilson, Johnny Bingo Dawson, William Combes and Ricky Lavallee. The four characters were survivors of the murderous Indian residential schools of Canada and lived in the poverty-stricken downtown east side of Vancouver.
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