This is the person who teaches the brain science in RSE. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It's recognized as pedagogical exaggeration. But I assume that's not quite right, and that sometimes quantum mechanics' name is taken in vain. Magician and skeptic James Randi, famous for debunking performers like Uri Geller, has offered his standard prize of $1 million cash money to Dr Emoto if he can get the same results when doing the water study this way. Amit Gotswami 5.Miceal Ledwith a clergyman with a rather dubious past (see is the one chosen by the film makers to be the theological spokesman. You may or may not believe that there's an external reality beyond what your brain creates; the topic will be a perennial and fertile source of discussion. Despite his caveats, he recommends that people see the film, stating: "I hope it develops into a cult movie in the UK as it has in the US. In the letter, the authors write: "the movie illustrates the uncertainty principle with a bouncing basketball being in several places at once. Everyone said that you have to see this movie! So I did. ?, with over 15 hours of material on three double-sided DVDs. According to an article in Fortean Times by David Hambling, the origins of this story likely involved the voyages of Captain James Cook, not Columbus, and an account related by Robert Hughes which said Cook's ships were "complex and unfamiliar as to defy the natives' understanding". One has already been recognized: If we do carefully prepare quantum systems, and keep them isolated, we can perform quantum magic technologically potentially on scales that we haven't been able to do before. I started out thinking that BLEEP 2 would be a ground-breaking update covering ideas and discoveries in quantum physics, brain neurology and consciousness studies introduced over a decade ago. I remember Hagelin wanting to discuss how quantum field theory could explain how TMers were able to levitate, something about how they did this by changing the position of the pole in the propagator. And wait-the human body is mostly water! The only problem with Andrew Newberg's statement is that it suggests our subconscious brains are doing really interesting stuff and we're somehow missing out; if only we could harness that other zillion gigabits or so we'd be masters of our destinies. Guess that could not have been done to easily in the Catholic church. There was some sort of plot involving a woman photographer (played by Marlee Matlin), who wanders around and has anxiety attacks. The Bleep in a Nutshell: 1. John Hagelin, PhD, describes a study he did in Washington in 1992. Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary. "[5] The same article quotes Bill Pfau, Advertising Manager of Inner Traditions, as saying "More and more ideas from the New Age community have become accepted into the mainstream. That's not the case. [4], Lacking the funding and resources of the typical Hollywood film, the filmmakers relied on "guerrilla marketing" first to get the film into theaters, and then to attract audiences. Quantum mechanics is crazy, but it's just crazy enough to make the world still be sensible at a macroscopic level, the level that we experience. Krauss worries that a lot of people can be fooled by appeals to the admittedly weird world of quantum physics a world in which particles are said to take every possible path from point A to point B, in which the position and velocity of particles are necessarily cloaked in uncertainty, in which the mere act of observation changes the thing being observed. The host of the show said this was done because it was negative The brain wasn't born yesterday. Moreover, assume that they want your money. But we behave like classical objects for a reason: We're big, we have lots of particles, they interact. "But that's two leaps beyond what scientists believe to be true.". You can renew your subscription or Answer (1 of 6): Although not being as well educated in the area as Professor Wacker, I think it's overly simplistic to suggest the subjects raised in the movie to be either factual or "almost completely mumbo-jumbo". The 2004 theatrical release was succeeded by a substantially changed, extended home media version in 2006. Thanks to Pylon Sentinel for pointing this out.A link to his Wikipedia page is here: Can the weirdness of quantum mechanics make you well, or make you wealthy? The question is, how far down the rabbit hole, do you wanna go? ?, with over 15 hours of material on three double-sided DVDs. In the documentary segments of the film, interviewees discuss the roots and meaning of Amanda's experiences. On August 1, 2006 What the Bleep! We [7], According to Publishers Weekly, the film was one of the sleeper hits of 2004, as "word-of-mouth and strategic marketing kept it in theaters for an entire year." Is that last line The fact that someone who spouts such utter nonsense can get a Ph.D. from Harvard and be one of the most widely cited authors on supersymmetric models is pretty remarkable some sort of strange attack on SUSY models? And any Cognitive Behavioural Therapist can help us to change the way we see things by changing our thought patterns. The whole thing is really moronic beyond belief. So when you hear about quantum mechanics and devices, you can say, "OK, that sounds reasonable." Evidently Albert claims he was taken advantage of, that his interview was heavily edited to misrepresent his views. Nasa found something. The idea that our own perceptions can't be trusted is not new, of course. yeago works Blog Archive Jesus, Buddha, Ken Wilber?? With Alejandro Jodorowsky, Horacio Salinas, Zamira Saunders, Juan Ferrara. This website uses cookies to I suggest to read him if you want to know how QM is perceived in the SF community. " " what the bleep do we know ( 2 ) Full HD 2 . mixed truisms with conjecture, interviews and dramatic "recreations" of the ideas being discussed, to form a kind of cohesive supposition on the link between mind and matter, biology and the Big Bang. Interspersed with Amanda's woes and the pseudoscience are random attacks on organized religion. Down The Rabbit Hole\". IE 11 is not supported. [12][13] Lisa Randall refers to the film as "the bane of scientists". Its true that Hagelin stopped doing physics in the mid-nineties to concentrate on his other nonsense, but I can vouch for the fact that as early as 1978-9 he was heavily involved in TM and thought it had a lot to do with QFT. A lot of the propaganda from them was hilarious, especially whenever candidates attempted to hold public speeches and performing demonstrations of yogic flying. does a reasonable job of presenting some of these quandaries, researchers say. [12], Richard Dawkins stated that "the authors seem undecided whether their theme is quantum theory or consciousness. A: Well, Roger Penrose has given lots of new-age crackpots ammunition by suggesting that at some fundamental scale, quantum mechanics might be relevant for consciousness. 3) Lots of people still hunger for a magical universe, and now hope that science can deliver it, after Nietsche's announcement of God's death. But that still doesn't mean that, at a global level, the weirdness of quantum mechanics is manifest. We must shake off the "ugly, superstitious, backwater concept of God" we learned as children, chides JZ Knight--uh, Ramtha. That sounds like magic. Your subscription to the film What The Bleep Do We Know It was an information that really left me speechless and I ordered his books at once 2 / 11. Last night I went to see a movie which was advertised as being about quantum physics, called What the Bleep Do We Know?. That's its claim anyway. But when you get hit with so much information that's been edited to within a frame of its life, things get a bit confusing. I guess it's a sign that quantum physics is entering the mainstream A: Well, yeah, the point is that there have been these new-age desires for lots of things to make the world better: crystals, energy vortices. 1. Use this form to email 'What the bleep are they on about?' ft. indoor riding arena once used for horse training which was refurbished and floored . Pingback: yeago works Blog Archive Jesus, Buddha, Ken Wilber?? Interspersed with the plot were interviews with various supposed scientists with something to say about quantum physics, consciousness, God, etc. Get ABC Sciences weekly newsletter Science Updates, The 'underground astronaut' in search of ancient bones, Voyager probes still signalling from the edge of the Solar System, Solar eclipses: Everything you need to know, Five ways your smartphone could help save lives, Chinese scientists use satellite to smash quantum entanglement record, Einstein's light bending theory directly observed in distant stars for first time, Third gravitational wave detection puts new spin on black holes. suggest that science allows you to capitalize on quantum possibilities, but theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss says it's just a load of bleep. [18] A BBC reviewer described it as "a documentary aimed at the totally gullible". Hobbs further disputed the film's use of the ten percent of the brain myth. One of the scientists who was in the film and had never appeared at the school is Dr David Albert Professor and Director of Philosophical Physics at Columbia university. Invariably only about half the people tested ever notice a woman in a gorilla suit walking across the middle of the screen during the game. It's there. [6], The Institute of Noetic Sciences, a New Age research organization that "explores phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models", has supported What the Bleep Do We Know!? Film / What the #$*! For starters you'd have to take a lot of samples from different parts of each ice specimen. "The theory can't predict with precision what will happen, but it knows everything that can happen and it will tell you the probability of all these things happening.". One possible answer: they go to an alternative universe where people are asking the same question: 'where'd they go?'" is a 2004 American pseudo-scientific film that posits a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness. It's more like a collision in the editing room between talking heads, an impenetrable human parable and a hallucinogenic animated cartoon. Science and engineering are important for our future, and anything that engages the public can only be a good thing." You are free to comment as you wish. As the Amanda plot zooms here and there, a host of dubious evidence is marshaled to convince us that life is all about mind over matter. We're not using either superconductivity or superfluidity yet on the scale that I think people thought we might. Blending New Age mysticism and quantum physics, What The Bleep Do We Know?! (commonly referred to by its spoken title What the Bleep Do We Know) is a 2004 pseudoscientific film that supports the idea that consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow related. You might think that meant there were 18% fewer violent crimes than in the previous year, but the decrease was actually relative to his predicted increase based on some fancy statistical footwork. It is just a movie. By continuing to browse the site Fred Alan Wolf, PhD in What the Bleep Do We Know? With researchers and theoretical scientists leading the way, it takes the reader through the looking glass of quantum physics into a universe that is more bizarre and alive than ever imagined. Quantum mechanics may play a role at some level in the way the brain works just as it may play a role in photosynthesis. The comments focus primarily on a single theme: "We create our own reality." is released on Friday. We use it to assign probabilities to possible measurement outcomes on the basis of actual measurement outcomes. So what better thing to have than something that gives you everything you want? "I think the point is that Feynman realized that people can be fooled, but nature can't.". ", Critics offered mixed reviews as seen on the film review website Rotten Tomatoes, where it scored a "Rotten" 34% score with an average score of 4.6/10, based on 77 reviews. Q: Some scientists, such as Sir Roger Penrose, have talked about neurons as quantum systems. That's one of the very strange properties of quantum mechanics. What the Bleep Do We Know!? Certainly, our attitudes and brain chemistry affect how we see the world and get through life. 2) "What the Bleep Do We Know" has sure got a lot of people talking and thinking. Q: You do see that in some science . Well, people are able to undergo various transformations. How had the discussion from WTB (What the BLEEP) moved and evolved? "Contrary to ordinary beliefs, quantum physics is very predictive," Dr. de Gouva continues. This movie agrees with the scientists as far as the existence of the so called empty space is concerned. Pingback: Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Hidden Dimensions, Pingback: Rachels Musings Rabbit Holes and Other Oddities, Pingback: Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Philosophy of Science on, Pingback: For "The Baby Goes Out With The Bathwater" Crowd - SLUniverse Forums. This is the first coronavirus vaccine approved by the FDA, and is expected to open the door to more vaccine mandates. The movie contains interviews from such leaders in their fields as: Candace. But when you hear about quantum mechanics and consciousness, you should assume the author is a crackpot unless proven otherwise. Isnt Langs viewpoint in line with the sort of criticism that string theory receives at this web site? Her experiences are offered by the filmmakers to illustrate the film's scientifically-unsupported thesis about quantum physics and consciousness. And while I dont think supersymmetric GUTs are anywhere near as promising as many people seem to think, they are a much saner idea than many that dominate research these days (take the Landscape, please). kazakore (kazakore) January 14, 2010, 6:30pm #10 If we don't understand classical consciousness, how can we understand quantum consciousness? "What the Bleep Do We Know," a pseudoscientific docudrama that purports to link quantum mechanics and consciousness, would be a riot if people didn't take it so seriously. In 1958 nasa started mapping the ocean and exploring it. Q. Marlee Matlin, Barry Newman, Elaine Hendrix. you refer to the offspring of hep-ph/9803315. [an error occurred while processing this directive]. All those things can be attributed to quantum mechanics first of all, because it's so poorly understood by the public, and especially because it's so verifiably weird. Gripping stuff, but nothing to do with our daily lives. 1. The film was also discussed in a letter published in Physics Today that challenges how physics is taught, saying teaching fails to "expose the mysteries physics has encountered [and] reveal the limits of our understanding". This has led to accusations, both formal and informal, directed towards the film's proponents, of spamming online message boards and forums with many thinly veiled promotional posts. Q: But isn't everything really connected? You can't just hope for the best. . Occasionally recalling a physics lesson, an acid trip, and a lost afternoon at a New Age bookstore, What The BLEEP Do We Know?! Quantum physics tells us that reality isn't fixed subatomic particles only come into existence when they are observed and 2. We don't know which way it's going to go. and What the #$*! Andrew B Newberg, (MD, Radiologist), in What the Bleep Do We Know? Water beamed messages of love or gratitude formed itself into lovely snowflake-like crystals; water exposed to the words "You make me sick" looks like the surface of a toxic waste pond. Publishers Weekly What the Bleep Do We Know!? Both are indeed mysterious, and their genuine mystery needs none of the hype with which this film relentlessly and noisily belabours us", concluding that the film is "tosh". This will be revisited if any. Q: Obviously, quantum mechanics has lots of real-life applications, including in your television set and your microwave oven. So what constitutes quantum quackery? In a corrupt, greed-fueled world, a powerful alchemist leads a Christ-like character and seven materialistic figures to the Holy Mountain,. [3], Work was split between Toronto-based Mr. X Inc., Lost Boys Studios in Vancouver, and Atomic Visual Effects in Cape Town, South Africa. ?, never before seen DVD programming features, 20 minutes of new animation, new interviews, along with 5 hours of uncut interviews and a filmmakers Q&A, the Quantum Edition contains over 15 hours of material on 6 DVD sides. And a lot of people talk about quantum consciousness that even if the everyday world we see is not a system that can be changed, our consciousness about the world can be changed. The film has been described as an example of quantum mysticism, and has been criticized for both misrepresenting science and containing pseudoscience. Having watched this travesty of a movie, any real scientist worth his quarks might be gun-shy about joining the debate. Never mind that the movie didnt even have a plot. (2005)", "Cult Science Dressing Up Mysticism as Quantum Physics", "The New Age Spiritualist and the Old School Scholars",!%3F&oldid=1139210194, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, That the universe is best seen as constructed from thoughts and ideas rather than from. This is an explanation to help understand what might be going on, but it is not part of the theory because it is not falsifiable: it cannot be tested in such a way that, if it were false, it would fail the test (without falsifying the whole of quantum mechanics, and therefore all the other interpretations too). Amanda is a photographer, who seems to be highly skilled but not very successful professionally. !" is a radical departure from convention. And it certainly doesn't depend on an observer to make this happen. Do We Know!?) No, that wasnt intended specifically as an attack on supersymmetric models; the fact that Hagelin worked on them isnt an argument for or against them. But it's quite a leap to say the brain doesn't know the difference between vision and memory. What the Bleep Do We Know was directed and produced by Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente and William Arntz, all of whom were students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. Author, speaker, and award-winning Writer/Director/Producer Mark Vicente was part of the creative team behind the sleeper hit "What The Bleep Do We Know?!". Hagelin might be crazy, but some of those papers are co-written by John Ellis and other respectable people. As a series of scientists and scientist types take a wayward stab at explaining quantum theory -- it seems to involve being in two places at once -- "What the Bleep," which opens nationwide today . If it were manifest, you could run at a wall a lot of times, and every now and then you'd spontaneously appear on the other side of the wall. The sub-atomic particles that make up the atoms that make up the rock are there too. We're always being told we don't use our brain to its full capacity. You can be accurate in one or the other, but not in both. Dr Candice Pert You can begin to be skeptical that the speaker is somehow trying to use quantum mechanics to argue fundamentally that you can change the world by thinking about it. By clicking 'Send to a friend' you agree ABC Online is not responsible for the content contained in your email message. But when the ramblings about quantum physics start merging with fridge magnet philosophy, it's time for a little reality checking. Some movies are so bad, they're funny. It was really hard to sit through. What the Bleep Do We Know!? A classic experiment on visual processing involves asking people to watch a video of 6 people passing a basketball, and press a button every time a particular team has possession. It's certainly not. John Haglin This message will appear once per week Real news, real hope. From my perspective, once you had identtified Smolins position( I gave this in previous post[Posted by sol at September 25, 2004 04:18 PM] ), then you would know he holds Einsteins, in relation to the Solvay meetings, and strings have modified what Bohr and Schrodinger were doing in developing QM. In fact, "you are God in the making," which explains why Shirley MacLaine is a Ramtha fan.
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