(01:01:25) And they were also publicly talking about supply of nuclear weapons. Nobody is trying to enter private lives of people, and were not going to do this. Some people want to live until the end of their life in an arrested palace with arrested account somewhere abroad. They were doing it for a reason. In Western academies and training centers they were training nationalists units and supplying weapons. Its futile. The NATO specialist helped in directing unmanned aircraft to attack these facilities. Id like to propose to create special measures which will liberate economic actions in this field. Thanks to our strong balance, we do not have to ask for money abroad. These are the principles that underlie US and NATO military doctrines that require total domination. In 2021, growth was 11.7% and now 14%. (11:20) The family of every member of the special military operation needs to be surrounded with care and attention and we need to respond to their needs very, very quickly. The second is that we are going to focus on development of our technological potential of our economy. You yourselves determined your future. We need to actively use these instruments so that family budget has got more disposable income and so that families can focus on essential challenges. And these other currencies that are dominant today will continue losing its status. They are trying to destabilize our society from inside, but their attempts were not justified and were not successful. More cheating and naked deception again. So their cumulative striking potential, their statement, effectively, is the application to enter this agreement. 3.7. This complete renunciation of what it means to be human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom are coming to resemble a religion in reverse pure Satanism. I dont know how to call it. The ideological basis for this was Russophobia. (01:38:36) Among volunteers who are on the frontline, there are members of State Duma and regional parliaments, representatives of various power levels, representatives of municipalities, all parliamentary parties, all of them participating in creating the support for the frontline. Try Rev and save time transcribing, captioning, and subtitling. (35:08) (01:04:52) New scientific breakthroughs, also win, and all of that are contributions to our common success. Vladimir Putin warns of 'global conflict' as he issues nuclear threat Vladimir Putin has warned of a World War 3 "global conflict" as he issued a nuclear threat during his major speech today. According to the results of last year, banking sector received a profit, not as significant as in the previous years, but very significant. And after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they have been constantly trying to reiterate their global dominance. We should not allow a situation where a building becomes dilapidated. People are supporting their military and they cannot be just standing aside. Dear friends, Id like to thank everyone, all people of Russia for decisiveness and for their heroic attitude. This was in the context of mutual trust. Michigan businessman Perry Johnson was met with silence when he said he didn't trust Russian President Vladimir Putin during a speech on Thursday. None of the simple citizens of the country was sorry about those who lost massive bank accounts in the west, nobody was sorry about those who lost palaces and yachts in the west. I want to make special note of the fact that there is every reason to believe that the Western elites are not going to look for constructive ways out of the global food and energy crisis that they and they alone are to blame for, as a result of their long-term policy, dating back long before our special military operation in Ukraine, in Donbass. (01:02:47) But one thing is very clear to everyone. Why? And this was a bloody coup, anti-state, anti-constitution coup. This is their humanistic approach. For the great historical Russia, for future generations, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. (01:10:41) Below is the full text of Vladimir Putins speech, published by the Kremlins official website: Citizens of Russia, citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk peoples Id like to emphasize that US and NATO are directly stating that their objective is to strategically defeat Russia. We will definitely rebuild the destroyed cities and towns, the residential buildings, schools, hospitals, theatres and museums. And we had no doubt that by February 2022, everything was prepared for a punitive action in Donbas, where Kyiv regime provided artillery and aviation and other weapons to attack Donbas back in 2014. New Delhi: Russian President Vladimir Putin made a lengthy televised speech from the Kremlin Monday and said there is no independent judiciary in Ukraine. They have already moved on to the radical denial of moral, religious, and family values. The Peoples Republic of Donbas appealed to Russia for help. As it turns out, however, such a bright prospect does not excite everyone other than complete political masochists and admirers of other unconventional forms of international relations. Dear colleagues, as I mentioned, the west has begun not just the military and information, but also an economic aggression, but they have not achieved success in either of these areas and they wont achieve success there. Everything I am saying is important. We bow down to you. And the volunteers are helping civilians to go to cover and provide water and clothing to civilians who live in the military actionaries. This year we will be doing this in Donetsk and Lugansk and Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. Do we want to drum into their heads the ideas that certain other genders exist along with women and men and to offer them gender reassignment surgery? As for tax systems for Russian families, starting from last year, families with two or more children are freed from tax on sale of property. Now, as of sea, we will create the new highway to Crimea and connect it to the rest of Russia. MOSCOW, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday presided over a ceremony at the Kremlin to annex four Ukrainian regions partly occupied by his forces. After all, we know that when they are displeased, they introduce sanctions against their allies as well against this or that bank or company. Make your content more accessible to people with disabilities. And this is a sad reality, but its a fact. At the end of 2022, the GDP is reduced. It looks like theyre not stupid. This transition to the new system should not be sharp, it has to be a steady transition. And the theft, I cant name it any other way, theft of our currency reserves and also attacks on our infrastructure. The elites of the West are not hiding their goals. We will work on the details of this program and we will immediately start building this housing, especially in the cities which are our military and engineering centers. And thanks to joint work of our government, of the Bank of Russia, of the subjects of the Russian Federation of Working People, we were able to ensure stability of economic situation. It also does not cancel the right of nations to self-determination enshrined in Article one of the UN Charter. And we need to stimulate small family run businesses. In addition to this, we also provided 50 billion rubles which are aimed at improving public transportation in the subjects of the Russian Federation using latest technology. They are ready not only to declare their interests but also to protect them. And the rent in this housing would be significantly lower than the market rent and the difference will be covered by the state. I would like to also talk about support for families. The results of the Second World War, as well as the sacrifices made by our people on the altar of the victory of Nazism are sacred, but this does not contradict the high values of human rights and freedoms based on the realities that have developed during all post-war decades. All they care about is their own benefit. Below is a full English-language transcript of Vladimir Putin's May 9 speech at a military parade in Moscows Red Square marking the anniversary of the defeat of Nazi (01:16:44) We have this information. And now the NATO countries are offering an ultimatum and theyre saying that, Russia, you have to comply, including this agreement on control of strategic weapons. With a collective statement, NATO has actually attempted to become a member of this agreement, of strategic weapons control. The Ukraine is now like a training ground for them. We have achieved visible results here. They are talking about Minsk Agreements and Normandy Agreement to be just a show, a spectacle. We need to introduce some significant changes, take into account change in demand in all areas of our life. Russia will respond to any challenges because we are all a single country. One of Vladimir Putin's top propagandists has claimed that the UK is 'now the main evil', as Russia continues to spin its barbaric war in Ukraine.. I would like to address their parents, wives and children, to tell them what our people are fighting for, what kind of enemy we are up against, and who is pushing the world into new wars and crises and deriving blood-stained benefits from this tragedy. The frontline is going through the millions of hearts of Russian citizens. In this relation, I would like to emphasize that local elections in autumn this year, and also president election in 2024, will be conducted according to the law, following constitutional procedures. They brazenly divide the world into their vassals the so-called civilised countries and all the rest, who, according to the designs of todays Western racists, should be added to the list of barbarians and savages. They have no intention of solving the problems of injustice and inequality. They provoked a growth of prices in their own countries, closures of factories, collapse of energy sector. Today, we are fighting so that it would never occur to anyone that Russia, our people, our language, or our culture can be erased from history. They see in multipolarity an opportunity to strengthen their sovereignty, which means gaining genuine freedom, historical prospects, and the right to their own independent, creative and distinctive forms of development, to a harmonious process. And theyre creating that image of enemy within their own countries in order to divert attention from corruption scandals within their own countries. And when Russia, I would like to emphasize, when Russia sincerely tried to find a peaceful solution, they were playing with lives of people and they were playing a dirty game. In a speech describing his aims for the second year of his invasion of Ukraine, the Russian president said Ukraine was in talks with the West about weapons before Russia invaded. Instead of bringing democracy they suppressed and exploited, and instead of giving freedom they enslaved and oppressed. We were very open and we were sincerely open for a dialogue with the West, and we were insisting on Europe and the rest of the world to have an equal system of defense and ecosystem of security. The current neocolonial model is ultimately doomed; this much is obvious. And theyre trying to delete this from the memory of people. They are exporting grain from Ukraine now. Theres a dialogue with the central bank. Lets answer some very simple questions for ourselves. Is it Game Over for the Rothschild/Rockefeller Empire? They want to turn a local conflict into a phase of global conflict. Western elites are even shifting repentance for their own historical crimes on everyone else, demanding that the citizens of their countries and other peoples confess to things they have nothing to do with at all, for example, the period of colonial conquests. We already built 850 of those, so we need to build another 400 and we need to ensure that we stick to this program. And you should not try lie to everyone. The assurances from the Western leaders to ensure peace in Donbas turned out to be a lie. Elites are going crazy and this cannot be cured it seems.
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