If nematodes are a problem in the area, it is strongly recommended that nematode-free or hot water treated (described under nematodes) propagating material be used. Photos viewed on this web-site were taken at our business location or have authorization to use. However, because of its susceptibility to wind damage and Panama disease, it should only be planted in wind protected areas and land not previously infested with this disease. 'Valery,' a common type in Central America, is considered the same as 'Robusta' by some taxonomists. All the above-ground parts of a banana plant grow from a structure usually called a "corm".Plants are normally tall and fairly sturdy with a treelike appearance, but what appears to be a trunk is actually a "false stem" or pseudostem.Bananas grow in a wide variety of soils, as long as the soil is at least 60 centimetres (2.0 ft) deep . Allowing numerous pseudostems to grow from a single mat may lead to small bunches of low quality fruit and encourage disease development. The fruit that develops from the blossoms is the same length as a standard Cavendish banana, about seven to nine inches. In well drained, deep, fertile soils, roots may extend 5 ft (1.5 m) deep and 16 ft (4.9 m) laterally. They can live under full sun, provided that they are given enough water to stay hydrated. One more cold hardy banana is black Thai (Musa balbisiana). New growth usually emerges from the underground rhizome when warmer temperatures return. Bananas require large amounts of water and are very sensitive to drought. Nematodes: The Bane of the Florida Vegetable Gardener. Reviewed December 2019. for the currently supported version of this publication. The oldest and tallest one should be flowering and/or fruiting. It becomes more delicious and healthy when boiled and baked. Banana leaves bring tropical beauty to table settings, perfect for lining plates and platters. Banana borer or weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus). The ideal soil type for growing banana trees in Florida is a sandy loam soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Plantains are hybrid bananas that are thicker skinned, higher in starch, not very sweet and always cooked before eating. With that said, here are 10 types of bananas that you can find in Florida. Bananas are monocarpic they flower once, then die. tree varieties that will thrive in their landscapes giving any area a tropical effect. Lack of water at any time may cause a reduction in fruit number and size and ultimate crop yield. However, bananas may be picked at different times for different purposes. They are a hybrid product from a cross between these three cultivars; Musa acuminata x balnisiana, Prata-ana, and the SH-3142. These bananas are edible and easy to grow. In China, the flower, stem, leaves, and rhizomes of Japanese Fiber bananas are used as medicinal herbs. Some ornamental varieties can be grown in pots as a house plant. At 6-7' average height, this banana is one of the shortest of the Cavendish bananas. The two groups of plantains, French and Horn, produce fewer fruit per plant than sweet bananas. Unlike other varieties, they can survive in poor soil, under full sun, or even partial shade. These bananas can be recognized by their green foliage and green fruits that turn yellow when they mature. Originating from Lima, Honduras, this hybrid cultivar grows between 10 and 12 feet tall. In the event that healthy propagating material is not available, the sucker is cut off and its rhizome is pared of all damaged roots and dark tissue, or is cut into pieces containing only white, healthy tissue and a few buds. Caution, placing banana plants near windows may be hazardous because of potential toppling during strong winds. above ground. As the disease progresses infected areas coalesce forming large areas of dead leaf tissue. For more information, please contact your local UF/IFAS Extension agent. Bananas in South Florida should also be watched for signs of nematode damage or symptoms of fusarium wilt and sigatoka disease. Suckers should have many healthy roots, without symptoms, such as nodulations and internal lesions, of nematode or borer damage. Bananas grow in clusters and hang from the plant, ready to be collected. Many banana trees can be grown in partial sun, but for best production, fruiting varieties should be sited in full sun. Types of Banana Plant There are many banana plant varieties, but these are some of the most common. Florida is home to many species of trees, including native trees that consist of oak, cypress, maple, basswood, ash, and mahogany trees. The fruit can be eaten fresh or cooked and makes excellent fried green and smashed bananas. With that said, here are 10 types of bananas that you can find in Florida. Race 1 and 2 are present in Florida. Bananas are heavy feeders and that could probably be why the banana fruit is so satiating as well. Remove the rest of the stem in a few . To improve plant survival consider planting fruit trees on a 2 to 3 ft (0.60.9 m) high by 4 to 10 ft (1.23.1 m) diameter mound of native soil. The leaves and stem on a healthy ice cream banana tree are lime green, and the blossoms that the banana grows out of are red. The fruits of honey bananas are categorized as schizocarpic fruits, which refers to the way the fruits break and expose the pulp when they mature. Dwarf or small stature banana plants may be planted 20 ft or more from other plants but may be planted as close as 8 ft from other dwarf or small stature banana plants. The fruits are slightly acidic with an apple-like taste. Bananas are a very useful plant. Altitude: Depending upon the local climate, bananas may be grown from sea level to 6,562 ft (2,000 m). I like to cook Salmon in a Banana leaf over the gas grill for special holidays. In the edible cultivars, the rapidly growing ovaries develop parthenocarpically (without pollination) into clusters of fruits, called "hands." However, banana plants do tolerate light shade. Banana cultivars are complex diploid, triploid, and tetraploid hybrids among M. acuminata and M. balbisiana. Mulching banana mats in the home landscape helps retain soil moisture, reduces weed problems adjacent to the tree trunk, and improves the soil near the surface. This plant will replace the main stem in the next growing season. Choices include everything from trees producing large to very small fruits, large trees growing to 30 feet tall and dwarfs growing around 5 feet tall, to . Nino (or baby) bananas are short and stubby, about three inches long, and have thin green skins that turn bright yellow, with some black spots, when fully ripe. Use a cotton or natural fiber string that will degrade slowly. From time of planting, it takes a banana tree roughly eighteen months to produce its first stalk of bananas. They have large, green leaves that can grow up to 3 feet wide. Sword suckerssmall pseudostems (1248 inches tall) with narrow leaves. Panama disease is of worldwide importance and is caused by the soil borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. 'Dwarf Cavendish' produces large bunches of medium-sized fruit. Injured plants are susceptible to invasion by pathogens and toppling. Large sword suckers and maidenheads are the preferred planting material. Fertilizer program for banana plants in the home landscape. For young plants, use 65-75% strength fertilizer, as they don't need quite as much. But the time between planting and fruiting varies depending on the climate, soil type, and species. It does not like frost. These bananas have various stages of ripening, from green to yellow with brown spots. Most banana cultivars are hybrids of Musa acuminata and M. balbisiana. Introduction Bananas are vigorously growing, monocotyledonous herbaceous plants. The flowers of this tree are yellow and they bloom in clusters. Cavendish Banana Tree The Cavendish Banana Tree tastes sweet and produces the banana variety that is most commonly found in supermarkets. In some cases, Lady Finger banana plants can grow up to 23 feet tall, provided that they receive ample nutrients, water, and sunlight. This is especially important during prolonged dry weather conditions. Scientific name: Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana, Common names for banana: Englishbanana, plantain; Spanishbanano, platano, guineo, cambur, Common names for plantain: Englishplantain, horse banana; Spanishplatano. Plantains are hybrid bananas in which the male flowering axis is either degenerated, lacking, or possesses only relicts of male flowers. Many areas in Miami-Dade County have a very shallow soil and several inches below the soil surface is a hard calcareous bedrock. Remove a 3 to 10 ft (0.93.1 m) diameter ring of grass sod. After it has been growing for six to eight months, leave one sucker (small shoot at the base of the stem). However, small scale commercial production does occur in southern Florida and producers supply local and regional markets. In the home landscape situation, soil infested with Panama disease will limit the varieties that may be successfully grown. Banana plants may also be used in the home landscape for ornamental purposes. Banana trees need well-draining, fertile, moist soil in an area protected from cold snaps and wind. Once the first frost hits, the hardy banana will die back to the ground. All rights reserved. Plantains also have vitamin A and are an excellent source of starch. This type of soil gives the banana tree the best chance for growth and productivity. The largest leaves are cut off, leaving only the youngest or none at all. Before the banana tree fruits, prune it so there is only one main stem. Generally, not all the bananas on a stalk ripen simultaneously allowing consumption of the fruit over an extended period of time. Jonathan H. Crane, professor and tropical fruit crops specialist, UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center; and Carlos F. Balerdi, professor and multi-county tropical fruit crops Extension agent (retired), UF/IFAS Extension Miami-Dade County; UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL 32611. Florida gardeners living in Central and South Florida will find a vast variety of banana (Musa spp.) One of these benefits is bananas. This document is HS10 (originally published as FC-10), one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, UF/IFAS Extension. These first 3 photos should end the debate about the Namwa & Ice Cream being the same banana. Fruit Crops (MG, North and Central Florida ed. The other is Panama disease, which has already wiped out what was once the most popular type of banana eaten, called Gros Michel. Wind: Wind is a common constraint in subtropical production areas. Since an adequate soil moisture is essential for good production, particularly during the dry months of the year, provision should be made for irrigation. Many areas in Florida are within 7 ft (2.1 m) or so of the water table and experience occasional flooding after heavy rainfall events. The banana plant is the largest herbaceous flowering plant. The time from shooting to fruit harvest depends upon temperature, cultivar, soil moisture, and cultural practices and ranges from 80 to 180 days. These immature fruits seem to grow up-side-down. They are a good source of calcium, potassium, vitamin E, and carotenoids. Florida is considered a climatically marginal area for commercial banana production due to our subtropical climate and occasional freezes. . Drought and flooding: Temperature and soil moisture are the most important factors in banana production. These all grow from a spreading, underground rhizome. Pink velvet bananas generally grow between 5 and 8 feet tall, with foliage branching between 3 and 5 feet. It is a dessert-type banana with a pleasant, sub-acid flavor when fully ripe and is common in the Caribbean. Arctic-Images via Getty Images Cutting unwanted suckers or peepers off at ground level and then gouging out as much as possible of what remains with a metal digging bar or piece of rebar will kill the underground bud. Consequently, it is essential to provide the best of care during this period. The cultivar 'Dwarf Cavendish' (Musa acuminata) is widely available and can be grown throughout Florida. The ice cream banana tree is long and skinny. DEP plays several roles in protecting the trees that characterize our state and provide environmental benefits. From an ornamental standpoint, several banana varieties are favored for their ability to withstand colder temperatures. Bananas are tolerant of a wide soil pH range and there are Bananas for EVERY size garden. Crate & Basket is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Pink velvet bananas are native to Southeast Asia, particularly to the eastern Himalayas; Assam, India; and Australia. On mature plants symptoms include progressive yellowing and eventual death from older to younger leaves, so that only the youngest emerging leaf may remain; brown and black discoloration and slimy appearance of the water conducting vascular system (it may give off a bad odor as well); and death of the plant. Banana Plant Thai Black Musa Tree 4-24 tall. cubense) that affect banana plants: race 1, 2, and 4. The females' legs are yellow or brown with black furry tufts. If you wish to add topsoil or compost to the native soil, mix it with the soil excavated from making the hole in no more than a 50-50 ratio. It grows 5 to 8 feet tall and produces 4-inch fruits after three to five years. Growing banana plants in partial shade is not recommended because not enough sun may lengthen the time it takes before the banana plant produces fruit. Goldfinger bananas are a special variety of banana that was developed in Honduras. Rajapuri bananas can be recognized by their small- to medium-sized fruits that measure between 5 and 6 inches. There are a couple of exceptions to these last two banana rules in the Thousand Fingers variety and possibly others. Select the warmest area of the landscape that does not flood (or remain wet) after typical summer rainfall events. The groups differ in whether the male parts of the inflorescence are persistent or absent. Apart from that bananas thrive well with an adequate feed of nitrogen and phosphorus. Ripe bananas are sweet and delicious to eat out of hand, while plantains have a high starch content and are less sweet. Propagating Banana Trees Long ago, farmers and hobbyists bred the seeds right out of most good eating banana varieties. 4. MANGO'S AVOCADO'S The advantage of this system is that plants are uniform and free of nematodes and most diseases. Popular cultivars for eating include 'Lady Finger', 'Apple', and 'Ice Cream'. Their fruits are green but turn yellow when they mature. This corm branches out with underground rhizomes and fibrous roots. Plantains are resistant to the fungus. Known for their gorgeous colors, these very sweet ladyfinger bananas ripen from dark burgundy to orange and yellow-green. Also known as the Musa Thai Black or black-stemmed bananas, this variety can be recognized by their large but narrow leaves and glossy green pseudostem or trunk that would turn brownish-black or dark purplish when mature. Young plants should be started with 1/2 lb (0.23 kg) of a 6-2-12 or similar formula (3-1-6 ratio) with 2-3% magnesium applied every 2 months, and increasing gradually to 5.0 lb to 6.0 lb (2.32.7 kg) at flowering and fruiting time, 10 to 18 months later. You then add water and boil the pulp. Dessert Bananas 1. They look great paired with gingers or other tropical ornamentals. Florida is close to the tropics, and the abundance of water there creates a humid, semi-tropical climate. 'Sucrier' (AA), 'Bluggoe' (ABB), and 'Silk' (AAB) are of intermediate susceptibility, while 'Mysore' is only slightly susceptible. The process of banana flowering is called shooting. The second one should be one-half to one-third the size of the first. Panama disease is a fungal disease that attacks the banana roots and colonizes the conducting tissue of the pseud- ostem, causing the plant to collapse. Hanging the fruit in a shady, cool place to ripen seems to allow development of better flavor than if allowed to ripen on the plant. The characteristic that distinguishes the best known clones is the height of the pseudostem. Bananas are believed to have been introduced to Africa in prehistoric times. Almost all modern cultivated varieties of edible bananas and plantains are hybrids and polyploids of two wild, seeded banana species, Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana.Cultivated bananas are almost always seedless (parthenocarpic) and hence sterile, so they are propagated vegetatively (). Once it's time to harvest, cut off the fruiting stalks when the bananas are plump and green. This porridge is said to be high in iron. Planting distance for banana plants varies with the ultimate size of the variety. These plants may lose their leaves during cold winters, but will usually put out new growth in the spring. Symptoms of the disease do not appear on young suckers. Banana shrub is known scientifically as Michelia figo and is a member of the magnolia family. Stagnant water kills plants quickly. The Cold Hardy Banana Tree or 'Basjoo' is an ornamental banana tree with a tropical look, but it won't produce fruit. 'Hua moa' (AAB) also called 'Hawaiano' is susceptible to Panama disease and has poor cold tolerance. Chill damage may occur in temps below 60 degrees and may be irreversible below 32 degrees. Grand 'Naine' Banana Tree The most common 'Lady Finger' in south Florida is an AAB, also called 'Pome,' 'Brazilian,' and 'Prata'. Whole plant: The banana is a fast-growing plant consisting of one or more pseudostems (upright, trunk-like structures) formed by tightly packed concentric layers of leaf sheaths, an underground rhizome, and a fibrous root system. What this means, though, is that bananas can only be cultivated by clonal reproduction. Dig a hole 3 to 4 times the diameter and 3 times a deep as the container the banana plant has come in. However, many cultivars perform satisfactorily on the sandy, loamy, muck, and calcareous marl and rocky soils found in south Florida. This could possibly extend the bananas growth range a bit farther north. This is because of the ease and stability of production and the highly nutritious nature of the fruit. Recent evidence suggests bananas were introduced into the New World (Ecuador) by southeast Asians around 200 BCE, and more recently by Portuguese and Spanish explorers in the early 16th century. Meanwhile, shoots called suckers emerge from the parent plant to form a new plant. Bananas are a good source of nutrients, especially potassium (Table 5). They shouldnt be grown in an open space or under constant exposure to full sun. It is one of the largest spiders in Florida, with a body length of about 1.5 inches (4 cm) and a leg span of up to 5 inches (13 cm). Making a large hole loosens the soil adjacent to the new tree making it easy for the roots to expand into the adjacent soil. Bananas are relatively easy to grow, especially compared to mango, avocado or other fruit trees. While these leaves lead to the appearance of a trunk, this structure is actually called a pseudostem. The old leaves can be used for fiber to make floor mats, baskets, hut roofing, cordage, woven jewelry, paper and even cloth. Most bananas have a sweet flavor when ripe; exceptions to this are cooking bananas and plantains. Sword suckers should be removed from vigorous clumps with a spade when they are 45 ft (1.21.5 m) tall. New plants grow from the base and a single tree will soon become a clump. This is where I organize my thoughts and Im happy if it helps someone else along the way! Using a high-phosphorous fertilizer like an 8-10-8 is ideal. For instance, the Japanese will use the fiber from these plants to produce textiles known as kijoka-bashofu. Rajapuri bananas originated in India and have been introduced into the United States as specialty cultivars. This plant is a hybrid between Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana. Plantains are cooked before use and may be baked, fried, or grilled. Silk Banana (Musa acuminata x balbisiana (AAB Group)), 5. The green areas turn yellow as the fruit ripens. Removing the male bud at the end of the flowering stalk which has no fruit and hangs below the last hand of bananas will speed fruit development if done immediately after the female flowers have set fruit. Twelve species of palm trees are native to Florida. Cavendish Bananas These bananas are the most common variety, easily available in supermarkets in the United States. Yellow sigatoka is caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella musicola and black sigatoka by M. fijiensis. It is only recommended for home landscape planting in Panama disease-free sites with disease-free planting material. There are numerous common cultivars named 'Apple'. Fehi banana has orange to red skin, with orange or yellow flesh. The plant is medium-sized and susceptible to Sigatoka and Panama disease. Standing in rows, vigorous banana plants tower over a mixture of kalo (taro), 'awa (kava), and wauke (paper mulberry). Silk bananas generally grow between 10 and 13 feet tall. They are easily recognized by their thin skins and cigar-like shape. One disadvantage to the 'Dwarf Cavendish' is its susceptibility to Black Sigatoka disease. Young plants should be fertilized with one-half pound of 6-2-12 fertilizer every two months, and increasing gradually to five pounds at flowering and fruiting time. The banana borer lays eggs at the base of the pseudostem and the larvae bore into the pseudostems and rhizome causing extensive damage. Although their fruits cant be consumed, these plants are useful in many other ways. Musa coccinea comes from tropical China and Vietnam. Reviewed December 2019. The bananas themselves are also pink and have a velvet-like skin. If theres a hurricane, theyll come back. The fruits from this variety generally measure between 4 and 5 inches long. They can also be recognized by their yellowish- to purplish-green pseudostems, yellow flowers, pink bracts, and large, oblong-shaped leaves. Its underground rhizome (corm), has fibrous roots underneath. Dwarf Cavendish banana trees are named for their 8 to 10-foot height. She enjoys many hobbies but nature, gardening, art and food are her favorites. There are two species of banana, Musa acuminata and M. balbisiana, and most banana cultivars are hybrids of these . But not all bananas are created equal. Plantains and unripened bananas can be cooked like potatoes boiled, poached, stewed, or smashed and fried into a common Central American food called tostones which tastes very much like french fries. The time from planting a small banana sucker and harvest ranges from 9 to 20 months depending upon temperatures, cultivar, and cultural practices. Plantains have similar nutritive value as fresh eating bananas plus Vitamin A, and are an excellent source of carbohydrates (starch). They're slightly sweet and have a creamy texture. 15 Scarlet Banana. As a single working mom, that isnt always easy. In areas where the water table is high and/or frequent soil saturation or very brief flooding occurs, planting on beds is recommended. They produce inedible yellow-green fruits that measure between 2 and 4 inches long. by Yvonne Florian Control of the pest includes use of clean (non-infested) planting material and sanitation (removal and/or grinding up old pseudostems). Black sigatoka begins as minute reddish-brown flecks on the lower leaf surface but as the infection progresses dark flecks may be seen on the upper leaf surface as well. After the mound is made, dig a hole 3 to 4 times the diameter and 3 times a deep as the container the banana plant has come in. A good practice consists of having only one pseudostem flowering and fruiting, one pseudostem about half grown, and one small sucker or peeper per mat. Fungicides are available for control but may not be necessary for banana plants in the home landscape. Growing in multi-layered crop plantings alongside the bananas, the plants recreate a landscape of Hawai'i's ancestors where heavy bunches of fruit cascade from above in a multitudinous display of colors, shapes, and sizes. These popular, cool-tolerant plants produce blue/green fruit with pure white, sweet, creamy flesh that tastes like vanilla ice cream. I like to leave the dried banana leaves on the pseudostem from November till end of March for some protection from the cold. Commercial growers propagate bananas by tissue culture, the process of cloning tissues of quality plants in a lab. Consider the banana. They are also resistant to major banana diseases such as Panama and Sigatoka diseases. Banana plants need fertile conditions and an abundance of soil moisture for best growth and production. As a matter of fact, in their native land of India, these compact perennials are also primarily grown as ornamental plants in many home gardens. Their fruits have an apple-like taste. One pseudostem may have over 40 leaves during its lifetime. Shop Online from our wide selection of Musa Banana Tree Plants, Plantain Plants and many more tropical and subtropical plants and fruit trees. Homeowners may want to harvest fruit 7 to 14 days prior to ripening on the plant. They come in different colors, sizes, and firmness but are recognized by their curved, elongated shape, starchy flesh, and rind. temperatures, and which are resistant to Panama disease and pests. It is also called 'Silk,' 'Manzana,' and 'Manzano'. Caution, do not apply systemic herbicides to the trunk area of banana plants as this may cause them to decline or die. Staking the plant with a wooden or bamboo stake is optional. Leaves are on a petiole which is wrapped around the pseudostem in layers forming a leaf sheath with older leaves on the outside. However, bananas are grown commercially in a number of subtropical areas such as Australia, Morocco, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, the Canary Islands, and south Florida. Don Chafin recommends these varieties for flavor and ease in growing. Japanese fiber bananas are grown as ornamental plants in many countries including Japan, the United Kingdom, southern Canada, and the United States. They prefer a pH between 5.5 and 6.5, which is on the acidic side. I like to leave the dried banana leaves on the pseudostem from November till end of March for some protection from the cold. They are usually seedless and come from two species: the Musa Acuminata and the Musa Balbisiana. The flowers appear spirally along the axis of the inflorescence in groups of 10 to 20, covered by purplish-to-greenish fleshy bracts which shed as flowering development progresses. 'FHIA-21' is resistant to Back Sigotoka disease. They are available in young unripe green to fully ripe, smooth yellow to riper dark yellow with brown spots. There are banana varieties which grow no bigger than 2 feet and some which are over 30 feet tall. The plant can grow very rapidly and may grow 2 feet a week during warm weather. It has poor cold tolerance and is susceptible to Panama disease and Sigatoka. Black sigatoka and yellow sigatoka are of worldwide importance; in general, where the two diseases are found, Black sigatoka dominates as the most severe disease causing fungus. Relatives of banana within the Order Zingiberales: Numerous ornamental plants including traveler's tree, bird-of-paradise, heliconia, and ginger. Banana Plant Care Fertilizer. Banana cultivars with Musa balbisiana genes tend to be more drought tolerant than cultivars of Musa acuminata. Since its first cultivation, this variety has been shipped and exported to many countries worldwide, including Southeast Asia, West Africa, Australia, Madagascar, and the Canary Islands. In those areas susceptible to wet or flooded soil conditions, sufficiently high beds or mounds should be constructed and proper engineering (sloping) of the land for water drainage should be done. Winters well indoors. 'FHIA-17' is a dessert banana resistant to Panama disease and tolerant to Sigatoka. The banana is not a tree, but an herb, with a trunk-like pseudostem, made of tightly overlapping leaves. Im Margaret. Its widely available year-round, is reasonably priced and makes a nutritious snack. In a tropical climate, you can grow plants that love the hot weather and the exposure to full sun. Roots of mature banana plants (mats) spread 6 to 10 ft beyond the mat and use of some feed and weed materials of the lawn adjacent to a mat is not recommended and may reduce fruiting and or fruit quality. Bananas are extremely susceptible to damage by flooding, continuously wet soils, and soil with inadequate drainage. Black Sigatoka is more of a problem in large commercial plantings than for isolated clumps of bananas in the home landscape. Subscribe to UF/IFAS Extension Indian River County Blog. Plants grown in the sun will have a shorter, tighter form and the leaves will be more yellowish green. Remove the plant from the container and place it in the hole so that the top of the soil media in the container is level with or slightly above the surrounding soil level. The use of lawn sprinkler systems on a timer may result in over watering and cause banana plants to decline. Honey bananas are a unique and wild variety that is native to western New Guinea. These bananas are dwarf plants that grow between 3 and 10 feet tall. . For more information, please contact your local UF/IFAS Extension agent. This full-size Indian variety has sweet, yellow-orange flesh. Salinity: Banana plants do not grow or fruit well in saline soils. These banana plants generally grow between 3 and 8 feet tall and take a longer time to mature. Banana trees have a trunk called the pseudostem, which rises from a corm under ground. Mona Lisa bananas thrive in moist, well-drained soil and under full sun. The process from planting to harvestable fruit is between 15-18 months. Growing a healthy dwarf Cavendish tree requires a sunny spot, moist soil, well-balanced fertilizer, and a growing zone between 9 and 11. However, new growth usually sprouts from the underground rhizome with the return of warm weather. Although most banana cultivars produce seedless fruit, some are fertile and can set seed.
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