The men were in charge of hunting, war, and diplomacy, while the women were in charge of property, farming, and family. Since the Egyptian culture is somewhat unknown to the American population, this pa. This includes personalizing content and advertising. The Cherokee men and women had equal power in their society. Their manner of delimiting time was similar, as was their custom of having a most holy place, and their designation of prophets and high-priests. Although the presence of many of the virtuous Native American values is very meager today, this one still exists as a miniscule glimmer across our lives. Again, we are confronted by the fact that modern academia has an almost superstitious attachment to the false dogma that nobody could have discovered America before Columbus.That these language groups were acting in such close concert with each other that they left a trilingual inscription in approximately 800- 900 B.C. The same goes for the gender roles in the Egyptian valley the Men always have higher power over the women but it wasn't as strongly enforced as the Yellow river civilization. 30% Native American DNA is middle-eastern in decent . Tara MacIsaac is an Epoch Times reporter based in Toronto. The same symbol for America! With no beasts of burden, their luxury goods were portable by humans feathers, jade, gold, and shells. 33 If the Egyptian text on the stele was a copy from an earlier Egyptian original dating as early as 1400 B.C., we are well within the period of time when the Bible states that Egypt joined itself to the Israelite/Phoenician alliance (the tenth century B.C. Maui is similar to the Egyptian words for guide or navigator. Maui was said to have brought all civilized arts and crafts. Native American Words Let us now examine evidence that North America was both widely explored and colonized by people speaking Phoenician/Hebrew, Egyptian, and ancient Libyan. This might soothe them afterwards to wholly to reject it as a needless duty, especially if any of the eastern heathens accompanied them in their travels in quest of freedom.. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. American Indian languages 1040-1085 (Kindle Edition); Boring, Oregon; CPA Books). Several books have been written about the possible origins of the Cherokee with a few researchers being convinced they are of Hebrew or at least mixed origin. May 20, 2020 at 11:00 am. (ICTMN Staff , Thus, we feel that while culture may vary slightly across tribes through their rituals and ceremonies, cultural values and identities were more related and applied throughout the general Native American heritage, rather than being tribe. This tribe was very prominent in what is now called the U.S, but over time has been split up or run out of their land because of social or political encounters with the new settlers from Europe. The tribe had been fighting to repatriate 10,700-year-old remains found in Nevada's Spirit Cave and had resisted destructive genetic testing. But anthropological geneticist Deborah Bolnick of the University of Connecticut in Storrs notes the Anzick-related ancestry group may have been broader than the Clovis people, and doubts that the culture was a driver. Merchants and artisans were below peasants in Chinese social order. - and went through a lot of changes over their 3000+ year history. Navajos and Apaches primarily hunted and gathered in the area. Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as . What's new on our site today! Only men were chiefs in the Apache tribe. . The Water Beetle made the land from mud, while the Buzzard made the mountains and valleys. The Navajos are a native American tribe located in the Southwest region. They cannot die with our generation. I replied while wondering if I would ever sit down long enough to write. Lastly, their architectural advancements made their society great as it created a way of spiritual life for all people. As a result, says Jennifer Raff, an anthropological geneticist at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, "The [genetic] models that we've been using to explain the peopling of the Americas have always been oversimplified.". Some linguistic parallels have also been drawn between the Native American languages and Egyptian and Hebrew. So far, we have only scratched the surface of the subject of ancient civilizations being present in North America. Native American tribes all have their own unique views of just how the world and civilization came to be. All told, the data decisively dispel suggestions, based on the distinctive skull shape of a few ancient remains, that early populations had a different ancestry from today's Native Americans. Because such documents are extremely rare, those interested in the Native American past also draw information from traditional arts, folk literature, folklore, archaeology, and other sources. The Relevance of Native America to Black History. Scientists took 166 bone samples from 151 mummies, dating from approximately 1400 B.C. While the similarities are so striking between the Cherokee and the Hebrew, there are other tribes in the Southeast who also shared some Hebraic similarities in their traditional ways like the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee Creek, and Haliwa- Saponi. The Anasazi, Algonquian, and Iroquois North America once had somewhere between 140 and 160 different Native American tribes (American History). INDIA AND EGYPT. . There is also strong evidence from other Scripture that during this time, Solomon was establishing and building a strong diplomatic relationship with the nation of Egypt. According to Carolyn J. Marr "At Chemawa, a cemetery contains headstones of 189 students who died at the school, and these represent only the ones whose bodies were not returned home for burial" that the school was harsh and treated the . Egypt is known for the pyramids. Or as I like to call it,a phoenix! google_ad_format = "728x15_0ads_al_s"; In fact, this makes African and Native American religions similar. Dont yet have access? Everything in Israel is black vs yellow. If you have never become one of Gods children, why not be born again today? 2023 American Association for the Advancement of Science. The two studies also provide an unprecedented view of how ancient Americans moved across the continent beginning about 13,000 years ago. Do anyone check the document census records, probate court records to confirm the slavery? This is quite a valuable plant, with the Chinese Qing Dynasty funding its rise to power from being an exclusive trader for ginseng. 45 For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arzareth. Aliens and Economic Collapse and WWIII, Oh My! Despite having an unusual skull, DNA suggests that ancient people like Brazils Luzia were related to Native Americans. It separates the great and hardworking from the weak and lazy (ex: Unoka). Heres proof that there are so many similarities similarities you may have never known: When you first look at modern Egypt today, what do you see? They are absolutely indigenous to this continent," Raff says. Two independent studies, published in Cell and online in Science, find that ancient populations expanded rapidly across the Americas about 13,000 years ago. These three credentials have given him a unique perspective on Native American history as it relates to these ancient cultures, and how DNA testing can support the theoretical link. Also known as "The Cradle of Civilization." Tanoa was the father of all fair-haired children and came from a land called Atia, he wrote. lnteresting examples of masks with accessories such as sun disks as ritual regalia can be illustrated from the Hopi tradition. The Levant region is east of the Mediterranean Sea and includes Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine. They would take on feminine jobs like cooking, caring for the children, and making sure that their husband is satisfied. Peter Pan (1953) displayed just about every racial reduction of Native Americans, . While the Central Band of Cherokee website has posted a summary of Yatess research, some online comments indicate that some Cherokee have been reluctant to stand behind such claims or to involve themselves in the controversy. Similar Values of Native Amercians and Puritans Essay. The Apostle Paul, in discussing how Christians are the true descendants of Abraham, wrote these words: Galatians 3:7-Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. With few exceptions, the North American native cultures were much more widely dispersed than the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan societies, and did not have their population size or organized social structures. Previous question: When did American Indians arrive in the Americas? They also emphasize that the story continued in the thousands of years since, revealing previously undocumented, large-scale movements between North and South America. 3. Among the points of similarity between the Jews and Indians, Adair emphasized the division into tribes, notions of a theocracy, of ablutions and uncleanness, cities of refuge and similarities in. If you want proof youll have to spend a few months in the archives looking over everything from old ads to newspapers to letters to current period books to notices just to verify that what this author said is true. Throughout the years, there has been speculation that the Native American peoples are the descendants of the Hebrews. The DNA from a 24,000-year-old corpse in Siberia was analyzed. Reich's group sees a new genetic signal entering the central Andes about 4200 years ago, carried by people who are most closely related to ancient inhabitants of the Channel Islands, off Southern California. The Maya were native people of Mexico and Central America, while the Aztec covered most of northern Mesoamerica between c.1345 and 1521 CE, whereas Inca flourished in ancient Peru between c.1400 and 1533 CE and extended across western South America. Extracting genome data is a new frontier for Egyptologists, however. Further, during the Assyrian invasion of 722 B.C. Although it is true that American Indians had little influence on modern technology and they have their own history and beliefs, their adaptation in modern US society has not flourished as much. But the set of differences makes each myth almost unique. Required fields are marked *. Native American culture has huge influence on society today. Native Americans were beaten, tortured and even killed so other Native Americans would change cultures. The Word of YAH tells us in Deuteronomy 28 that the Children of Israel would be broughtagainto Egypt IN SHIPS, and would be enslaved therefor 400 years. Chavvah is the Hebrew word commonly translated as Eve and means Lifegiver. The Cherokee word for earth is Yahkane which means Yahs footstool. New Moon assemblies with the new year beginning at the first sighting of the New Moon during the Spring Equinox. Let us also keep in mind that the builders of the dolmens were unrelated to each other. After up to 8000 years in Beringiaa slightly shorter stop than some researchers have suggested ( Science, 28 February 2014, p. 961)they spread in a single wave into the Americas and then split into northern and southern branches about 13,000 years ago (see map, below). One the Negro are Native American whose numbers, genocide, slavery and oppression is under-reported in history textbooks you refer to. "They also carried an ark into battle, kept a seventh day of rest, had cities of refuge, and don't eat pork," maintains Riverwind. So close was the relationship between Solomon and Hiram that Hiram (king of Tyre) ceded many Phoenician cities to Solomon as a gift (2 Chronicles 8:2). On the other hand ,the right-handed twin whos considered that he has a straight mind and always tell the truth ended up lying to his brother . 42 that they might there keep their statutes, which they had not kept in their own land. In Kussman's article she points out that all the similarities between the stories have not been considered much because for the early settlers in Canada, the idea that a Native creation story could be anything like a Christian one was unthinkable. While some share similarities in their stories, others have a very different story to tell of how this world came to be. Both teams say they could be seeing the same signal, but "without comparing the data, it's really hard to tell," says archaeogeneticist Cosimo Posth of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany, the first author of the Cell paper. The Egyptian pyramids were monuments containing the tombs of Pharaohs, or Kings and Queens . Egypt vs. Mesoamerica 10 similarities between both Ancient civilizations Often Ancient Egypt is compared with Mesopotamia. And Potter notes that, "We have a huge, gaping hole in the central and eastern North American [sampling] record. They also varied greatly, however, in their ways of life, languages, politics, religious views and the ways in which they cared for their people. Owls and mountain lions were presented with the ability to see in the dark, while cedars, spruces, and pines were allowed to keep their hairs in the winter. Egyptians and Mayans live in different countries but have many similarities and differences. In the Judeo-Christian myth, God created the Earth first then he created water, the sun, and the plants and animals. He gave an example of a similar custom: Correspondent to the Mosaic law of womens purification after travel, the Indian women absent themselves from their husbands and all public company, for a considerable time., He explained the absence of circumcision among Native Americans thus: The Israelites were but forty years in the wilderness, and would not have renewed the painful act of circumcision, only that Joshua inforced it; and by the necessary fatigues and difficulties, to which as already hinted, the primitive Americans must be exposed at their first arrival in this vast and extensive wilderness, it is likely they forbore circumcision, upon the divine principle extended to their supposed predecessors in the wilderness, of not accepting sacrifice at the expense of mercy. The elders (only men) were the oldest and most experienced people in the village, therefore making them the most respected. Most mainstream historians would find the suggestion foolish and maybe it is because we all know there is such a thing as universal thinking. The Mesopotamian Civilization and Egyptian Civilization, both at their prime around the same time had many similarities as well as many differences. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. The Cherokee and Yokyut tribes are no different in that they have great resemblance, yet the tales are told through different contexts. AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER. American Indian cultures Where elsedo you see this Sphinx and Pyramid together like thisin America? Both cultures have a supreme being. Two separate studies published Tuesday found a genetic connection between Brazilian Amazonians and indigenous Australians, New Guineans, and other Australasians. Yates wrote: The only other place on earth where X is found at an elevated level apart from other American Indian groups like the Ojibwe is among the Druze in the Hills of Galilee in northern Israel and Lebanon.. "How did it get there? We become a son of Abraham when we are baptized into Christ as believers who repent of sin: Galatians 3:26-29-For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. We read throughout the Scriptures of the close relationship between the Hebrews and the peoples of Tyre and Sidon at different times. For the Egyptians, it is Amun, or Amun-Ra, which means . 43 And they entered by the narrow passages of the river Euphrates. In discussing the legend found among many tribes that the Native Americans are the descendants of the Hebrews, he writes: PipeCarrier looked at me intently across the fire and said with a commanding voice, You need to write these stories down so they dont get lost. 30 These are the language groups of the tripartite alliance which the Bible reveals began in the reign of Solomon! He wrote in his book The History of the American Indians: It is a very difficult thing to divest ourselves, not to say, other persons, of prejudices and favourite opinions, and I expect to be censured by some for opposing commonly received sentiments, or for meddling with a dispute agitated among the learned ever since the first discovery of America.. These pyramids are located in eastern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador and they vary in style and design. Left- handed twin who s considered that he has a crooked mind ended up telling the truth . Canaanites were people who lived in what we now call Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan during the late Bronze Age, about 3500 years ago. Reich's team found an even closer relationship between Anzick and 9300- to 10,900-year-old samples from Chile, Brazil, and Belize. A Pyramidwitha statue of Ramesses the Greatright in front! From the most exact observations I could make in the long time I traded among the Indian Americans, I was forced to believe them lineally descended from the Israelites, either while they were a maritime power, or soon after the general captivity, the latter however is the most probable, Adair wrote. Have you heard of anything like that? PipeCarrier nodded his head in agreement.I recalled having researched many different perspectives and arguments for the theory of the Cherokee being of Israelite descent. Eske Willerslev, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Copenhagen who led the Science team, worked closely with the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe in Nevada to gain access to some of the new samples. Some populations stayed isolated in Beringia, and Willerslev sequenced one new example of such an "Ancient Beringian," 9000-year-old remains from Alaska's Seward peninsula. DNA studies confirm a mixture of "anomalous" East Mediterranean mitochondrial lineages such as Egyptian T, Greek U and Phoenician X with "standard" American Indian haplogroups A, B, C and D in the Cherokee and certain other Eastern Woodlands Indians. The Cherokees white demigod Maui may have his roots in a Libyan leader of a fleet dispatched by the pharaoh Ptolemy III before 230 B.C., Yates explained. I enjoy reading and learning. The signal doesn't appear in any other of the team's samples, "somehow leaping over all of North America in a single bound," says co-author and archaeologist David Meltzer of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Your tax-deductible contribution plays a critical role in sustaining this effort. DNA gleaned from a roughly 14,000-year-old fragment of a human tooth suggests that people inhabiting a surprisingly large swath of Asia were the ancestors . Cherokee name for the Holy Spirit: Loak- Ishthoollo- Aba, the great, beneficent, supreme, Holy Spirit of fire The Cherokee God is a triune that is One being named: El- o- HeyM In Cherokee, Au- Do- NiV- Du is the word for Lord. There is some similarity with the word Adonai, used by Hebrew- speakers. They were considered as civilised by white settlers because they had started using a significant number of the traditions grabbed from the colonists. Predictive Programming in Cartoons! With slaves brought ON SHIPS!!! And this Pyramid just so happens to lieon the Mississippi . At some point, those that journeyed south of the ice sheets split into two groups"Southern Native Americans" and "Northern Native Americans" (also sometimes called Ancestral A and B lineages), who went on to populate the continents. Other historians believe such similarities are ultimately derived from ancient Egypt, probably via the "Egyptianized" kingdom of Meroe in the Sudan (591 B.C.- A.D. 320), and are perhaps linked to the diffusion of iron technology from the same source. Egypt is located around the Nile River. "Another similarity is the lack of comparative or superlative degrees. Hundreds Of Thousands Of Errors InThe Bible Manuscripts. The Maya were polytheistic, but they did not have any particular God, while the Aztec worship . That's a largely familiar picture of themigration, albeit with much more precisedating. If it had been discovered in Europe, it would surely have been recognized for what it was: a trilingual archeological stele of ancient cultures. In this article, we will notice some incredible evidences which show that this may indeed be the case. The Cherokee word for wife is Havah or Avah. The data include 64 newly sequenced ancient DNA samples from Alaska to Patagonia, spanning more than 10,000 years of genetic history. Native American Leisure and Sports Dances and Ceremonies centered around war, agriculture, death, rebirth, and hunting (potlaches) Lacrosse played in large, army-like groups Pok-a-tok could cause severe injury Archery Dice developed later into many different types of gambling Foot Races Pole Hurling Children's Games spinning tops, dolls Darts Los Lunas Decalouge stone dates back to 107BCE is a 60ton limestone with Deut 27:2,3 ten commandments pliased in PaleoPhoenician surrounded by several other artifacts including a Sirius/Orion star map. The Maya organized themselves into small city-states instead of one big empire. In more recent years, similar observations by Dr. Donald Panther-Yates have even met with what Yates described as hate mail from indigenous studies professors.