Hed take great pleasure and joy talking to an eighth-grade student on the air about a homework assignment usually it involved a science question and Dr. Bill told the kid to call back after he got his grade and keep him (and us) updated. He answers questions about auto mechanics, molecular physics, and everything in between - often leaving listeners in awe. Nature is logical. He will truly be missed! It's been so for centuries, long before the developers moved in. They have already stated that they are going to load it up with amendments thereby administering a poisin pill to the bill. Both serve their purpose. Susan Wattenburg. . I will miss him. between the natural fires of a hundred years ago and the Lightning strikes cause natural fires in the wild. He advocated for nuclear energy, criticized the Sierra Club and argued that the failure to clear the high country of underbrush would lead to massive wildfires. natural fires periodically burned the brush, debris, and excessive numbers of Eventually, the entire forest becomes a fire break because it has Resident Support Assistant . . The problem is, they go way too far. His intelligence blew me away right away. 1 in the ratings in 11 states. http://www.envirotruth.org/sacbeeApril2001.cfm Salaries for environmental leaders have never been higher. Bill Wattenburg, a former nuclear weapons designer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory who hosted a popular late-night show on KGO radio for 39 years, has died of cancer at age 82. by Dr. Bill Wattenburg August 18, 1998 A major focus of the environmental movement and ecology studies is supposed to be the preservation of our natural resources. Bay Area News Group, by Paul Rogers Original Article. Although this article is a bit dated, Dr. Wattenburg, a very smart man, said it very well: Reprinted with permission by Dr. Bill Wattenburg. He appreciated my comments and treated my politely and fairly. environmentalists, are quite willing to watch these same forests go up in smoke! New York State and NYC can't even agree on deaths. Then there's the problem of too many people. "Make sure that you scroll down to part three of the link.There is a lot of money in environmentalism. [10] KGO's Web site showed his former time slot would be replaced with Spencer Hughes. only thinning excessive numbers of small trees and reducing the fuel and debris on the dangerous times and help managed controlled burns at proper times for the last forty WILLARD WATTENBURG OBITUARY Willard (Bill) Harvey Wattenburg Chico, California Willard (Bill) Harvey Wattenburg, Jr., passed away peacefully on August 2, 2018, surrounded by his family.. If done correctly, it can be very helpful in a lot of ways. The land grows as it does naturally, as it should be, not through mans idea of what it should or should not produce regarding the natural plants density per given area. every living thing in the forest. In 1985 he used heavy equipment to permanently remove mountaintops to access California's gold deposits at the Sunbelt Mining Company-controlled Calgom Mine near one of his residences in Plumas County, California. The articval fails to provide any evidence for it's allegations. limited in area by the surrounding fire breaks. That undergrowth are the next generation of forests as the older trees die if left alone. Notices of Public Sale I'm just saying that comments like 'Bush is owned by logging companies' are ridiculous. Bill Wattenburg is a Research Scientist with The Research Foundation, California State University Chico (Chico, CA 95929). The logged forest is the one most appealing to wildlife. The logged forest is the one most appealing to wildlife, and will survive a fire because it is not filled with brush and small trees that would provide a means for the fire to leap to the taller trees.For those not familiar with current forestry practices, modern logging uses newfangled equipment to take out exactly the trees desired, without doing the damage that old methods (lots of roads for trucks, dragging bundles of logs with bulldozers) cause.This is made possible by the new types of logging equipment now in common use. allowed to rage unchecked during the most dangerous fire season in decades. forests. As an author, Wattenburg published two books for the general public: one book, Best Jokes From Talk Radio, is a compilation of risque jokes heard on talk radio; his second book, How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress, is a fictionalized version of Wattenburg's exploits with young women in the 1970s. They border on (or exceed) radical. To protect our national forests and parks until they can be returned to fire not removing the big trees, just as nature once did with natural forest fires. These fires should be natural, not manmade. Actually, yes. From the first linked article that some chose not to read. plan. After all, this so called overgrowth is habitat for many creatures that would not have it if it was removed. nature provided the first spark? This guy attacks a fire just like it was trying to kill his kids. [This message has been edited by connecticutFIERO (edited 10-28-2003).]. He is a senior research scientist at the Research Foundation, California State University, Chico, and a scientific consultant for the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and many other institutions. I learned a lot of sciences and physics and yes his generally proud conservative American values. [14] The program aired Sunday nights from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Pacific Time. That is especially true in the debate over one of America's most majestic landscapes: its Western evergreen forests. an act of such incredibly low-grade stupidity that it must be covered up at all cost by Adequate fire breaks require The lumber companies are not in business to wipe out the forest's in this day and age. KGO-AM 810 NewsTalk (WILLARD HARVEY WATTENBURG) Jan 1, 1980. . The book has long been out of print. yes when the timber barrons clear cutthey are realy trying to prevent forest fires :rolleyes. did to Yellowstone in 1988 than would have been required to first construct Just an awesome man! Lightning alone will eventually set fires in all these forests. var vglnk = { key: '648e5b7ed9eabf8d014415b9e7a6c157' }; (function(d, t) { var s = d.createElement(t); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = '//cdn.viglink.com/api/vglnk.js'; var r = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; r.parentNode.insertBefore(s, r); }(document, 'script')); Dr. Bill Wattenburg has been railing on the environmentalist's out here on the left coast for some time. Also certain aminmals might find it difficult to servive in small growth forests. No lumber company will This is the only sensible and sane let forest fires century ago and unchecked forest fires of today can be disastrous for our Senators such as Barbara Boxer from California to stop the bill in the Senate because recent monstrous fires in Florida are another good example of what will The problem is, it is going too far to the other extreme - no logging or proper forest management. In contrast to the historic practice of gold panning in California, Wattenburg orchestrated[7] mountaintop removal mining to get at the gold beneath an entire mountain in Plumas County. Interior Department has spent more money in the last ten years to F**k everyone with more money than me? This compromise pleased no one. "[2], Born and raised in Greenville, California, in rural Plumas County, Wattenburg grew up working with his father in the logging business. None of these areas had excessive fuel due to a lack of a forest management program or some "wackos" litigation. A 1999 report by the U.S. General Accounting Office found that 39 million acres across the West are "at high risk of catastrophic fire." Wildfires have some benefits: EDIT: to clarify that the following is a quote from a web site, not a continuation of Erik's quote above. Just email or call (650) 328-7700 to place your legal advertisement. [4] After that, he was a consultant to various engineering and defense-oriented businesses. Wattenburgs show was No. Letting forest fires burn during high fire He was right about most things, including how the LIB (Let It Burn) These tree farms are not natural. As an engineer, Wattenburg discovered many of the original problems with the Bay Area Rapid Transit system, including such flaws as easily decipherable fare cards (which could have fare value fraudulently added to them), trains that would not show up on the computer screen, and other deficiencies. everything else in the forest. ecologists in high academic and government positions actively promote a policy This was a few days after parting ways with KGO-AM. He was on the fire himself four hours later." Wattenburg keeps two large bulldozers specially equipped for fire fighting at his ranch in northern California. Typical drive-by comment! He taught everyone who listened to him many things, and if you honestly wanted to learn something he was very patient and kind. Has Climate Change Made a 'New' Forest Fire? The []. The The real problem isn't being addressed - the human population explosion. The eviromentaly safe pratices they claim to use, are only done so due to regulation an pressure from enviromentalists. Most of the large fires and complexes burned actively in California. conditions now prevail because of decades of accumulated brush, debris, and thickets of U.S. That is proper forest management via nature. They are not, however beneficial to the humans living there. I don't know when this happened only that it was from a previous fire. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Longtime KGO radio host and scientist Bill Wattenburg dead at 82", "CHRONICLE PROFILE / Bill Wattenburg / Radio host keeps creative lines open / Inventor, best-selling author creates simple solutions to complex problems", "Bill Wattenburg's Background: BART Bay Area Rapid Transit System", "2. Even if they didn't, maybe we should stop growing Strawberries in Watsonville, Artichokes in Castroville, lettuce in Salinas as they aren't indiginous to the area. Family Law Summonses. This is insane, a deliberate waste of our most Then I realized that many people make decisions based on emotion. It's nature's way. Yep, The Shrub is doing everything he can to satisfy the timber lobby by opening up the little bit of virgin old-growth forest we have left to clearcut logging in the name of preventing forest fires. Another reason why some forests aren't healthy due to fire suppressioncertain species of trees *require* fire to get their seeds going. good scientists and experienced foresters who have seen the consequences Advertisements for his show often referred to him as "The Smartest Man in the World." [2] Early life [ edit] demanded by the so-called environmental groups such as the Sierra Club. William S. 1/31/23MV . Many other good scientists and experienced foresters Once they were let go or retired, KGO turned full blown liberal/progressive. This is what happened in Yellowstone in the rationalize what its National Park Service dogma of let fires burn amounts of precious top soil is then washed away from hillsides before new root structure They are diverting Man stopped most natural forest fires a hundred years ago. season (late fall or early spring) is the only way we can clean up and difference between a fire started by a man-made match and a fire ignited by a lightening called a religion because there is no science that says that a forest totally destroyed is That is not the case today, as described below. I loved listening to Bill. The cruel irony is that any camper who lets an uncontrolled campfire burn even a few The Sierra club along with it's spinoff organizations file lawsuits every time someone wants to clear brush or trees. Bill Wattenburg. A major focus of the environmental movement and ecology studies is supposed to be the Forest fires do promote forest renewal, but only when the fires do not equilibrium. Those who know the environment best -- the scientists who devote their careers to it -- say environmental groups often twist fact into fantasy to serve their agendas. Thank you Dr Wattenburg. burn, or setting fires during high fire season with the present incendiary What about his much publicized timber summit in Portland in 1994. They have acknowledged that their opposition to salvaging the dead trees has our most precious natural resources such as the Yellowstone forest will be senselessly saved both the Yellowstone and Florida forests. times more dead trees than normal in healthy forests. Obviously there are disadvantages as well. Thanks for the educaiton Dr. Bill, it didnt cost me a thing but time, time well spent! If it wasn't fires, it'd be some other reason, like preventing excessive shade or something. standing rotten in our forests and of no value as lumber. Informative, involved, interesting and the human closeness felt thru radio! Regarding the comment of logging being destructive to the environment is a really lame statement. On his show, Wattenburg answered questions about everything from car repairs to physics and often would help kids who called in with homework questions. Logging and forest fires, while both remove trees, have complete differet impact on the land. Nevertheless, officials in charge of our national parks and forests actually espouse Privacy Policy. For those not familiar with current forestry practices, modern logging uses newfangled equipment to take out exactly the trees desired, Yes, its called "get the oldest most profitable trees". To characterize lumber companies as willing participants in the destruction of the land is another lame statement. They are a natural occurrence and are somewhat beneficial to the environment. Here in Hayward, it's around $350,000. season today. He then returned to Berkeley for his doctorate in electrical engineering with professor Harry Huskey, completing it in three years, and worked at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and as a professor at Berkeley until 1970. This unnatural fuel This plan is called the They approve stopping a runaway campfire, but
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